We have all heard the Biden’s and Gates proposal to artificially cool the atmosphere by dusting the stratosphere to combat minuscule natural warming , aka Catastrophic Man Made Warming (allegedly from CO2 ).
I start with the premise that our ELITES know this is BS because it is their BS to Reengineer and Reset Society.
I also point out that until recently there were worries that we were heading into a prolonged Solar Minimum that would cool the Earth and put the Climate Change Hysteria on Hold.
So I must ask, could their proposals to Cool the Earth by Stratospheric Dusting have been projection, disguising their intentions to Warm the Earth and Reinvigorate their Climate Terrorism?
But how would they go about doing that?. Somehow they would have to inject massive amounts of water into the Stratosphere and give us a plausible explanation as to how it got there.
Light bulb goes on.
How about detonating a nuclear device into the largest tropical submarine volcano we could find, one that is not too deep (as enough water wont reach the stratosphere) or too shallow (not enough would be water ejected).
Gee, I wonder who might have the capabilities and motive to do that? Our ELITE controlled Military?
After all, our Military is all in on the Climate Change Scam with their partner NASA which gives us much of our Climate Data.
Now I have no evidence they did such a thing, but its something to think about .
Remember this? Owning the Weather ln 2025.
An Air force Document from the 1990’s titles Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025 attests to that.
And how many know the Military is all in on Climate Change being a National Security Concern going back to George W Bush (HW sign the Climate Change Convention in Rio in 1992)
In 2003, Andrew Marshall commissioned a report for the Pentagon predicting that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies.
The co-chair and “Yoda” of the Highlands Forum has been Andy Marshall, who headed up one of the Pentagon’s most powerful agencies, the Office of Net Assessment (ONA), which conducts highly classified research on future planning for defense policy across the US military and intelligence community. Appointed to the position by Nixon, Marshall remained in office until his retirement on January 2, 2015.
So here is how Tonga may temporarily affect Climate buying time for the Agenda 2030 Mission to be Completed
The simulations show that the SWV anomalies lead to strong and persistent warming of Northern Hemisphere landmasses in boreal winter, and austral winter cooling over Australia. Thus, SWV forcing from volcanic eruptions like the one from Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai can have surface impacts on a decadal timescale. We also emphasize that the surface response to SWV anomalies is more complex than simple warming due to greenhouse forcing and is influenced by factors such as regional circulation patterns and cloud feedbacks.
Of course, there are known unknowns and unknown unknowns, so God only knows what might have been unleashed here. I guess we will just have to wait and see
Maybe this will be the excuse they need to seed the Stratosphere so we will be Cooled into an Ice Age. That should help the Depopulation Agenda
Many of you have heard the theory HAARP has been used for weather modification and triggering earthquakes. I have been somewhat skeptical because of its small power output. But according to William Engdahls HAARP has been replaced my multiple ionospheric heaters and the largest of which is 1 gigawatt (billion watts), although there may be others whose size we don’t know because they are classified.
By 2015 the US military and government agencies such as NOAA had moved well beyond the capacities of HAARP. They oversaw construction of far more powerful phased array ionospheric radar heat arrays around the world. This included a more powerful HIPAS – a 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks. It also included Arecibo Observatory, formerly known as the Arecibo Ionosphere Observatory – 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico; Mu Radar – 1 megawatt facility in Japan. And the mother of all atmospheric heating radar arrays, EISCAT – a 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway. HAARP is only a mere 3.6 megawatt facility.
Many other phased array ionospheric heater sites are either classified secret or give little information. It is believed one such is at Vandenberg Air Force base in Southern California. Another in Millstone Hill, Massachusetts, another in Taiwan and in the Marshall Islands.
Despite a recent close approach Taipei has had 4 years without a single Typhoon (longest gap in over 40 years) and frequently as Typhoon is approaching I notice a number of contrails by flights in NW to SE Direction. Taiwan has went from being a rather wet place to being relatively dry (until recently) as a result of the lack of Typhoons.
I am guessing these contrails can absorb the radio waves that otherwise would pass into the ionosphere and cause heating in the atmosphere that is calibrated to influence the track of the typhoon
This of course is just speculation on my part, maybe the lack of Typhoons is just good luck and a coincidence
So are the ELITE using the Military to execute OPERATION CLIMATE CHANGE-NET ZERO. Has the Military Industrial Everything Complex gotten even bigger?. No idea.
Keep in mind when I talk about Military I am not talking about the regular troops. I am talking about the top leadership which is appointed and promoted by ELITE Puppets we call presidents and confirmed by other geriatric ELITE Puppets and some younger ones in the Senate.
Those others who do know anything are bound by National Secrecy Laws, and we have no Whistleblower protection in this country.
🤔🤔🤔. Dunno! …But possible!
Their operations temporary cool and then it turns to heating per Dane's last video. Dry it out, light it up and then the buzzards fly in. How many wouldn't believe that they already placed bets, dibs and profit models on these disasters? All planned out carefully just like the last three years.