CHARLOTTE T. ISERBYT died on Feb 8, 2022. Author of the The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Too bad we didn’t heed her warning.
For those not too dumbed down to read, its worth reading. Excerpts below
“The wagers of this war are using very sophisticated and effective tools:
• Hegelian Dialectic (common ground, consensus and compromise)
• Gradualism (two steps forward; one step backward)
• Semantic deception (redefining terms to get agreement without understanding).
The Hegelian Dialectic is a process formulated by the German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) and used by Karl Marx in codifying revolutionary Communism as dialectical materialism.
This process can be illustrated as:
The “Thesis” represents either an established practice or point of view which is pitted against the “Antithesis”—usually a crisis of opposition fabricated or created by change agents—causing the “Thesis” to compromise itself, incorporating some part of the “Antithesis” to produce the “Synthesis”—sometimes called consensus.
This is the primary tool in the bag of tricks used by change agents who are trained to direct this process all over the country; much like the in-service training I received.
A good example of this concept was voiced by T.H. Bell when he was U.S. Secretary of Education [under President Reagan]: “[We] need to create a crisis to get consensus in order to bring about change.” (The reader might be reminded that it was under T.H. Bell’s direction that the U.S. Department of Education implemented the changes “suggested” by A Nation at Risk—the alarm that was sounded in the early 1980s to announce the “crisis” in education.)
Since we have been, as a nation, so relentlessly exposed to this Hegelian dialectical process (which is essential to the smooth operation of the “system”) under the guise of “reaching consensus” in our involvement in parent-teacher organizations, on school boards, in legislatures, and even in goal setting in community service organizations and groups—including our churches—I want to explain clearly how it works in a practical application.
A good example with which most of us can identify involves property taxes for local schools. Let us consider an example from Michigan
The internationalist change agents must abolish local control (the “Thesis”) in order to restructure our schools from academics to global workforce training (the “Synthesis”). Funding of education with the property tax allows local control, but it also enables the change agents and teachers’ unions to create higher and higher school budgets paid for with higher taxes, thus infuriating homeowners.
Eventually, property owners accept the change agents’ radical proposal (the “Anti- thesis”) to reduce their property taxes by transferring education funding from the local property tax to the state income tax. Thus, the change agents accomplish their ultimate goal; the transfer of funding of education from the local level to the state level.
When this transfer occurs it increases state/federal control and funding, leading to the federal/internationalist goal of implementing global workforce training through the schools (the “Synthesis”).
Regarding the power of “gradualism,” remember the story of the frog and how he didn’t save himself because he didn’t realize what was happening to him? He was thrown into cold water which, in turn, was gradually heated up until finally it reached the boiling point and he was dead.
This is how “gradualism” works through a series of “created crises” which utilize Hegel’s dialectical process, leading us to more radical change than we would ever otherwise accept.
In the instance of “semantic deception”—do you remember your kindly principal telling you that the new decision-making program would help your child make better decisions? What good parent wouldn’t want his or her child to learn how to make “good” decisions? Did you know that the decision-making program is the same controversial values clarification program recently rejected by your school board and against which you may have given repeated testimony? As I’ve said before, the wagers of this intellectual social war have employed very effective weapons to implement their changes.
This war has, in fact, become the war to end all wars. If citizens on this planet can be brainwashed or robotized, using dumbed-down Pavlovian/Skinnerian education, to accept what those in control want, there will be no more wars.
If there are no rights or wrongs, there will be no one wanting to “right” a “wrong.”Robots have no conscience. The only permissible conscience will be the United Nations or a global conscience. Whether an action is good or bad will be decided by a “Global Government’s Global Conscience,” as recommended by Dr. Brock Chisholm, executive secretary of the World Health Organization, Interim Commission, in 1947—and later in 1996 by former United States Secretary of State Madeline Albright. (See quotes in entry under 1947.)
You may protest, “But, no one has died in this war.” Is that the only criteria we have with which to measure whether war is war? Didn’t Aristotle say it well when he said, “Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dead”? To withhold the tools of education can kill a person’s spirit just as surely as a bullet his body.
The tragedy is that many Americans have died in other wars to protect the freedoms being taken away in this one. This war which produces the death of intellect and freedom is not waged by a foreign enemy but by the silent enemy in the ivory towers, in our own government, and in tax-exempt foundations—the enemy whose every move I have tried to document in this book, usually in his/her/its own words.
Ronald Havelock’s change agent in-service training prepared me for what I would find in the U.S. Department of Education when I worked there from 1981–1982. The use of taxpayers’ hard-earned money to fund Havelock’s “Change Agent Manual” was only one out of hundreds of expensive U.S. Department of Education grants each year going everywhere, even overseas, to further the cause of internationalist “dumbing down” education (behavior modification) so necessary for the present introduction of global workforce training. I was relieved of my duties after leaking an important technology grant (computer-assisted instruction proposal) to the press.
Much of this book contains quotes from government documents detailing the real purposes of American education:
• to use the schools to change America from a free, individual nation to a socialist, global “state,” just one of many socialist states which will be subservient to the United Nations Charter, not the United States Constitution
• to brainwash our children, starting at birth, to reject individualism in favor of collectivism
• to reject high academic standards in favor of OBE/ISO 1400/90007 egalitarianism
• to reject truth and absolutes in favor of tolerance, situational ethics and consensus
• to reject American values in favor of internationalist values (globalism)
• to reject freedom to choose one’s career in favor of the totalitarian K–12 school-to-work/OBE process, aptly named “limited learning for lifelong labor,”coordinated through United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
Only when all children in public, private and home schools are robotized—and believe as one—will World Government be acceptable to citizens and able to be implemented without firing a shot.
The attractive-sounding “choice” proposals will enable the globalist elite to achieve their goal: the robotization (brainwashing) of all Americans in order to gain their acceptance of lifelong education and workforce training—part of the world management system to achieve a new global feudalism.”