Chabad Lubavitch
Chabad Lubavitch
This is a work in progress. A place to drop my research notes so I wont be distributing it by email
Under their leader Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, (1902-1994) the movement established a network of nearly [5,400 ] institutions that provide religious, social and ideological support to Jews in over 1,000 cities, spanning [110 ] countries including all US states
Numbers range from 200,000 regular members, to 1 million attendees, but there are not any real reliable sources.
Wikipedia says 90-95,000 members. Even using the higher number of 200,000 its only about 1% of the Jewish population (supposedly around 15 million) and 6% if using the number of attendees. In terms of numbers, not very big.
Some call it Evangelical Judaism as they send out “Missionaries” around the World to bring mostly secular Jews back to the Temple, mostly setting up in big cities around the world where well off Jewish business travelers and Jewish residents (local and expats) are present in large numbers. So one might hypothesize that although small in number its members might be more affluence than average.
I first learned of them in connection with Trump and his daughter and Jared Kushner. Then I found some of Trumps business associates and lawyer were members, and they were all connected with some Russian Oligarchs, who were themselves connected to Putin Putins “Rabbi “. Later I learned about Noahide Laws and that somehow Congress issued a proclamation signed by Bush that said the US was founded based on the principle of Noahide Laws which is nowhere to be found in the bible.
Not being very religious myself and wary of being pulled into a rabbit hole I found it all quite interesting, but unfortunately there isn’t a lot written about it so I left it alone.
The War in Ukraine got me interested again because Ukraine is part of what was known as Khazaria, a Jewish Empire that was defeated by Russia 1000 years ago. We shall talk more about that later
While this is speculation on my part, I suspect that one of several factions of the Globalist Movement might be a faction promoting Global Zionism with non-Jews united under a Universal Religion called Noachidism and perhaps an idea for a New Israel in New Khazaria where a War is being fought without much purpose that I can see except culling the area of Slavs (the new Palestinians).
When you think about it if Global Warming continues (naturally, not by mans CO2) then Ukraine and Russia will one day be a New Garden of Eden and Israel might become a rather uncomfortable place to live.
This faction might be in opposition to the Green Globalism promoting SDG and Net Carbon Zero and a Universal Religion worshipping Gaia according to the Rockefellers Earth Charter
In any event it strikes me that Chabad Houses setting up around the World might function for the same purpose Freemason Lodges during the American and French Revolutions, where most of the people who attend are just simple folks up to no agenda but it provided a safe house for certain elite members to meet and facilitate the execution of their secret agenda
Okay, so thats my opener. I understand this isn’t everyones cup of tea so don’t let the door hit you on the way out as you flee the ravings of an obvious maniac. Obligatory denial, I am not an Anti-You Know What and have had many friendly Jewish acquaintances my life in Boston before my exile to Greater China. Yeah, yeah, thats what they all say
Below are some research notes from various sources, some are solid, a couple are questionable but plausible. You decide
Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson was the seventh of their leaders. He identified his primary targets as nonreligious Jews with minimal Jewish education, and by the late twentieth century his sights were set on nothing less than the “the very existence of Jewry,” the capturing of the hearts and minds of the entire Jewish people (including those secular Jews living in the modern state of Israel) and of those non-Jews willing to abide by the Seven Noahide Commandments.
Lubavitchers are unlike other Hasidim, who remain far more anchored to the geographic and cultural boundaries of their community, fated to be born, live, and die within its “four cubits” and insulated by its customs and restrictions.
While other Hasidim have tried to preserve themselves and their own version of Judaism by ghettoizing themselves, choosing Yiddish as their primary language, dressing in ways that make them seem attached to another time and place, and sheltering their young deep within their community boundaries, Lubavitchers have eschewed these limitations.
By the time of Rabbi Menachem Mendel’s death in 1994, there were thousands of shluchim (missionary families, emissaries) scattered across the globe, in places as exotic as Katmandu, Nepal—where on Passover they organized one of the largest seders in the world for the many Jewish trekkers passing through—and as mundane as Long Island, New York, where religiously wayward Jews are aplenty. Indeed, it is increasingly difficult to find any place in the world where there are many Jews and no shaliach (missionaries)
Throughout the United States and Canada, especially on all major university campuses where Jews in any number are found—in short, wherever Jews are located—sooner or later a ChaBaD Lubavitcher emissary is at work.
Indeed, at their 2009 gathering, Lubavitchers claimed that the number of shluchim had doubled since 1994. The collapse of the Soviet Union and its Eastern bloc satellite states in 1989 had made these formerly communist countries virgin territory for shluchim. The fall of communism allowed a return to the Lubavitchers’ place of origin, where they had first begun their work until being forced to go underground during the early days of communism.
After 1989, in what many Lubavitchers saw as a sign of the coming redemption and a consequence of their rebbe’s power to bring it about, they began spreading all over the former Eastern bloc in search of Jews to redeem and remake.
One shaliach—Berel Lazar, son of shluchim in Italy and a former clandestine Lubavitcher activist in the Soviet Union—found his way into the good graces of then Russian president Vladimir Putin, becoming his “favorite rabbi” and eventually chief rabbi of Russia.
Others were establishing themselves elsewhere throughout the old Soviet empire. In what many Lubavitchers saw as the hand of God in history, shluchim descended on Dnepropetrovsk (formerly Yekaterinoslav), Ukraine , where their revered rebbe had moved as a seven-year-old when his father, Levi Yitzchak, was appointed the Hasidic community rabbi of the city.
In Israel, where Zionism, nationalism, socialism, and secularism have competed to redefine the modern Jew, shluchim offer yet another model of what a Jew should be. They have entered into the competition over Jewish identity.
Historically, ChaBaD had been the purveyor of a powerful anti-Zionist ideology, which (as we show) played a part in its initial relationship with the new Jewish state. But that would change. At Kfar Chabad, a village between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem founded in 1949, Lubavitchers established a stronghold and from there sent shluchim to establish ChaBaD schools throughout Israel.
In the 1930s, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad, and the son of the Rashab, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, moved the center of the movement from Russia to Poland. As discovered by Bryan Mark Rigg, author of Rescued from the Reich, following Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939, with the intercession of the US Department of State and with the lobbying of many Jewish leaders, including Justice Louis Brandeis of the Supreme Court, the United States government used its diplomatic relations to convince the Nazis to rescue Schneersohn.
The effort also received the support of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the head of the Abwehr, who although a high-ranking Nazi official, often helped Jews.
Canaris recruited Major Ernst Bloch, a decorated German army officer of Jewish descent, who was put in command of a group of Mischlinge (“mixed-breeds”) officers, assigned to locate Schneersohn and escort him safely to freedom. They eventually rescued over a dozen Chabad Jews from the Rebbe’s family or who were associated with him.
Schneersohn was finally granted diplomatic immunity and given safe passage to go via Berlin to Riga, Latvia and then on to New York City, where he arrived on 19 March 1940.
During the last decade of Schneersohn’s life, from 1940 to 1950, he settled in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn in New York City. Working with the government and the contacts Schneersohn had with the US State Department, Chabad was able to save his son-in-law and the next Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902 –1994) from Vichy France in 1941 before the borders were closed down.
Schneerson transformed the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, which almost came to an end with the Holocaust, into one of the most influential movements in world Jewry, with an international network of thousands of educational and social centers, known as Chabad Houses.
Chabad’s goal, explains Sue Fishkoff, author of The Rebbe’s Army, is to reach every Jew in the world. Chabad seeks out the support of the rich, famous and powerful, including celebrities like Bob Dylan, Jon Voight, Whoopi Goldberg and Al Gore.
Schneerson’s grave attracts thousands of Jews and non-Jews for prayer. Schneerson spoke of the position of the United States as a world superpower, and would praise its foundational values of “‘E pluribus unum’—from many one”, and “In God we trust.”
Schneerson was visited by presidents, prime ministers, governors, senators, congressmen and mayors. Notable among them are John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Jacob Javits, Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani, David Dinkins and Joe Lieberman.
Schneerson has been praised widely for a public persona and organization that emphasized “deep compassion and insight,” worked to bring many secular Jews “back” into the fold, created numerous schools around the world, and had offered, in the words of the Jewish Virtual Library, “social-service programs and humanitarian aid to all people, regardless of religious affiliation or background.”
There are approximately 3,600 Chabad institutions in over 1,000 cities in 70 countries, and 200,000 adherents. Up to a million people attend Chabad services at least once a year. Numerous campuses have such centers and the Chabad website states that hundreds of thousands of children attend Chabad summer camps.
According to the Times, Schneerson “presided over a religious empire that reached from the back streets of Brooklyn to the main streets of Israel and by 1990 was taking in an estimated $100 million a year in contributions.
In the U.S., the Times reports, Schneerson’s “‘mitzvah tanks’ – converted campers that are rolling recruiting stations whose purpose is to draw Jews to the Lubavitch way – roamed streets from midtown Manhattan to Crown Heights. And the Lubavitchers’ Brooklyn-based publishing house claimed to be the world’s largest distributor of Jewish books.”
While Chabad sometimes openly teaches that “the soul of the Jew is different than the soul of the non-Jew,” Schneerson’s specific teachings on this subject are largely unknown.
Let us look at Schneerson’s words, as quoted by two respected Jewish professors, Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, in their book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (text available online here. This book, praised by Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, and many others is essential reading for anyone who truly wishes to understand modern day Israel-Palestine. (Brackets in the quotes below are in the translations by Shahak and Mezvinsky.)
Some of Schneerson’s rarely reported teachings:
“The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person stems from the common expression: “Let us differentiate.” Thus, we do not have a case of profound change in which a person is merely on a superior level. Rather, we have a case of “let us differentiate” between totally different species.”
“This is what needs to be said about the body: the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world … The difference in the inner quality between Jews and non-Jews is “so great that the bodies should be considered as completely different species.”
“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”
“As has been explained, an embryo is called a human being, because it has both body and soul. Thus, the difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish embryo can be understood.”
“…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”
“The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim.”
“The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”
Most people don’t know about this aspect of Schneerson’s teaching because, according to Shahak and Mezvinsky, such teachings are intentionally minimized, mistranslated, or
hidden entirely.
For example, the quotes above were translated by the authors from a book of Schneerson’s recorded messages to followers that was published in Israel in 1965. Despite Schneerson’s global importance and the fact that his world headquarters is in the U.S., there has never been an English translation of this volume.
In 1992, some in the Chabad sect recognized Menahem Mendel Schneerson as Moshiach - the messenger of God on Earth.
In 1994, Schneerson was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his “outstanding and lasting contributions toward improvements in world education, morality, and acts of charity.” President Bill Clinton spoke these words at the ceremony:
The late Rebbe’s eminence as a moral leader for our country was recognized by every president since Richard Nixon. For over two decades, the Rabbi’s movement now has some 2000 institutions; educational, social, medical, all across the globe. We (the United States Government) recognize the profound role that Rabbi Schneerson had in the expansion of those institutions.
Schneerson took great interest in the affairs of the state of Israel, where he was a major political force, both in the Knesset and among the electorate. Although he never visited Israel, many of Israel’s top leadership made it a point to visit him. Prime Minister Menachem Begin came to visit him before going to Washington to meet President Carter. Ariel Sharon had a close relationship with Schneerson, and Shahak and Mezvinsky report, in their book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, “Ariel Sharon was the Rebbe’s favorite Israeli senior politician. Sharon in turn praised the Rebbe publicly and delivered a moving speech about him in the Knesset after the Rebbe’s death.”
Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu also visited and sought Schneerson’s advice. Benjamin Netanyahu said that while serving as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations in 1984, Schneerson told him: “you will be serving in a house of darkness, but remember, that even in the darkest place; the light of a single candle can be seen far and wide…” Netanyahu later retold this episode in a speech at the General Assembly, on September 23, 2011.
Natan Sharansky, the Chairman of the Jewish Agency said that Chabad Lubavitch was an essential connector to Soviet Jewry during the Cold War. Shimon Peres has stated that it’s to Schneerson’s credit that “Judaism in the Soviet Union has been preserved.”
Noahide Law and US Presidents
Shortly after President Jimmy Carter's inauguration in 1977 he honored the Rebbe by declaring 1977 to be the "Year of Education." At the conclusion of that year the United States of America celebrated the first Education Day U.S.A. on the Rebbe's birthday, according to the date on the Jewish calendar.
A joint resolution, signed by the Congress and the President, stated:
…the Congress recognizes a need for the Nation to set aside on the calendar a day devoted to the importance of education to the lives of its citizens and to the general well-being of the Nation; and the Lubavitch Movement, which conducts educational activities at more than sixty centers in twenty-eight States as well as around the world, is especially committed to the advancement of education and has proposed the establishment of an "Education Day, U.S.A."; and world Jewry marked in 1977 the seventy-fifth birthday of the revered and renowned Jewish leader, the head of the worldwide Lubavitch Movement., Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson…
When President Ronald Reagan entered office in 1981, he continued the tradition. On April 4, 1982, Reagan’s first Education Day USA proclamation read:
One shining example for people of all faiths of what education ought to be is that provided by the Lubavitch movement, headed by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a worldwide spiritual leader who will celebrate his 80th birthday on April 4, 1982. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's work stands as a reminder that knowledge is an unworthy goal unless it is accompanied by moral and spiritual wisdom and understanding. He has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the Seven Noahide Laws, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith. May he go from strength to strength.
1991/92 US declaration by Congress (signed by Bush) that the Seven Noahide Laws (not the 10 biblical Mosaic laws) are the ethical values and principles upon which our great Nation, the United States of America, was founded
Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;
Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;
Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;
Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world;
Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;
Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, `the rebbe', this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of `education and giving', the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and
Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state:
Approved March 20, 1991.
Signed By George H. W. Bush
PUBLIC LAW 102-268
Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation, the United States of America, was founded;
Whereas President Greorge W. Bush, distinguished leader of our great Nation, stated “Ethical values are the foundation for civilized society. A society that fails to recognize or adhere to them cannot endure.”;
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the comerstone of society since the dawn of civilization when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
Approved April 13, 1992.
Signed by George H. W. Bush
Annual proclamation by every President since Jimmy Carter in 1978 calling the Chabads Chief Rebbes (believed to be the Messiah) Birthday as a holiday called Education day (he had taught that all gentiles are to follow Noahide laws as Mosaic laws apply to non gentiles who have superior souls).
Noahidism (/ˈnoʊə.haɪd.ɪsm/) or Noachidism (/ˈnoʊə.xaɪd.ɪsm/) is a monotheistic branch of Judaism based on the Seven Laws of Noah,and their traditional interpretations within Rabbinic Judaism
According to the Jewish law, non-Jews (Gentiles) are not obligated to convert to Judaism, but they are required to observe the Seven Laws of Noah to be assured of a place in the World to Come (Olam Ha-Ba), the final reward of the righteous.
The divinely ordained penalty for violating any of these Noahide Laws is discussed in the Talmud, but in practical terms it is subject to the working legal system which is established by the society at large.
Those who subscribe to the observance of the Noahic Covenant are referred to as B'nei Noach (Hebrew: בנינח, "Children of Noah") or Noahides (/ˈnoʊ.ə.haɪdɪs/).
Supporting organizations have been established around the world over the past decades by chabad Lubavinitch
Historically, the Hebrew term B'nei
Noach has applied to all non-Jews as descendants of Noah.However, nowadays it's primarily used to refer specifically to those non-Jews who observe the Seven Laws of Noah.
The Noahides are a theological phenomenon of very recent vintage. It’s a form of Zionist mission, which seeks to create a world religion whose believers adore the Jewish people and the State of Israel – without belonging to either.
The believers are required to accept the supremacy of Judaism but are not accepted into the Jewish people and are even barred from upholding such commandments as Sabbath observance. Anyone who wishes to be a Noahide is called upon mainly to recognize the Jewish people and its state.
Nova Religio, a journal devoted to emergent and alternative religions, published an article by Rachel Z. Feldman, assistant professor of religious studies at Franklin and Marshall College, in Pennsylvania, titled “The Children of Noah: Has Messianic Zionism Created a New World Religion?”
The first Noahide gathering, which took place in Texas in 1990, was attended by Rabbi Meir Kahane. After Kahane’s assassination, that same year, the Temple Institute, which advocates the building of the Third Temple on Jerusalem, on the site of the first two, started to promote the Noahide project.
Humanity Day in 2015, “The Seven Mitzvot of the Children of Noah are matters of both faith and morality, which according to our sages obligate all of the non-Jewish peoples of the world. These commandments serve as a basis for establishing a civilized society.”
According to a Noahide source in 2018, there are over 20,000 offical Noahides, and the country with the greatest number is the Philippines.
Feldman quotes one members of the community, who explained to her, “You are very lucky because you are white, and white people are rulers of the earth. But you are also a Jew. You are very gifted because you have blood from the Chosen people, from Abraham and Isaac.” In his sermons, Villegas explains why his community is forbidden to uphold Jewish commandments, and dwells on the essence of the difference between Noahides and Jews. Jews, he says, possess an inner sanctity that draws them close to a divine level: “The Jew has five levels of soul while the Noahide only has three levels and remains on an animalistic level, and this is written in the Kabbalah.”
Noahides are incapable of reaching the level of the Jews, but they can learn how to improve themselves by way of the seven commandments.
The final goal of Rabbi Cherki and the Noahide World Center, we are told, is a modest one: seven billion believers.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say
Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, encouraged his followers on many occasions to preach the Seven Laws of Noah, devoting some of his addresses to the subtleties of this code. Since the 1990s, Orthodox rabbis from Israel, most notably those affiliated to Chabad-Lubavitch and religious Zionist organizations, including The Temple Institute, have set up a modern Noahide movement.
These Noahide organizations, led by religious Zionist and Orthodox rabbis, are aimed at non-Jews to proselytize among them and commit them to follow the Noahide laws. However, the religious Zionist and Orthodox rabbis that guide the modern Noahide movement are often affiliated with the Third Temple movement. and expound a racistand supremacist ideology which includes the belief that the Jewish people are God's chosen people and are racially superior to non-Jews.
They mentor Noahides because they believe that the Messianic era will begin with the rebuilding of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to re-institute the Jewish priesthood along with the practice of ritual sacrifices, and the establishment of a Jewish theocracy in Israel, supported by communities of Noahides.
There are two different conceptions of Noahidism in Orthodox Judaism:
The B'nei Noah movement, whose members observe the Seven Laws of Noah or Laws only and hold that the remaining commandments do not apply to them. This is the view of Chabad-Lubavitch and a few other movements. This means that Noahides may not observe the Sabbath, study the Torah (except for the seven Noahide laws), etc.
The B'nei Noah movement, whose members hold that they can adhere completely to Judaism to learn from the Jews and together promote the World to Come (Olam Ha-Ba) but without becoming a part of the Jewish people (i.e. without converting to Judaism). After B'nei Noah accept the obligatory seven commandments, they can, if they so desire, carry out the rest of the Jewish commandments, including studying the Torah, observing the Sabbath, celebrating Jewish holidays, etc. This view is held, for example, by Yoel Schwartz and Oury Amos Cherki.
David Novak, professor of Jewish theology and ethics at the University of Toronto, has denounced the modern Noahide movement by stating that "If Jews are telling Gentiles what to do, it's a form of imperialism"
The idea of a state religion setting up another subservient religion that is similar to but inferior to theirs for a conquered people is not new. Some historians believe Judiasm was a creation of the Persian leader Cyrus and modeled after their religion of Zoroastrianism . It was created for the people of Canon /Israel after they conquered the Babylonians and returned the exiled people of Israel back with a new religion.
They hypothesis also goes on that Judaism was a proselytizing religion (seeking converts ) before Christianity and only became an exclusive religion that one is born into after the Christian era.
For those interested you can read more here
In the view of the institute’s rabbis, the gentiles’ upholding of the Seven Laws is an important stage in the messianic process at the height of which the temple will be built and Israel will become a theocracy that will gain the gentiles’ support.
This is the world order being promoted by the Noahide Project, which has the support of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate and of the Israeli government.
The Noahide theological project was closely related to Netanyahu’s foreign policy approach, which is based on religious support for Israel. As he worded the theological message he offered on Humanity Day in 2015,
“The Seven Mitzvot of the Children of Noah are matters of both faith and morality, which according to our sages obligate all of the non-Jewish peoples of the world. These commandments serve as a basis for establishing a civilized society.”
The Italian rabbi Elijah Benamozegh, author of Israel and Humanity (1914), is one of the most famous representatives of “mission theory”: “The constitution of a universal religion is the ultimate goal of Judaism,” he writes.
” Universal religion therefore implies “the recognition that humanity must accept the truth of the doctrine of Israel.” This universal religion will not be Judaism proper, but an inferior form, founded on the laws God gave to Noah and not on the more demanding ones given to Moses. The universal religion of the Gentiles will be Noachism. “
2018-the Israeli news service Haaretz published an article about a Noahide missionary organization in Israel called the “Noahide World Center” The article states that the center has the official support of the Israeli government, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, and Prime Minister Netanyahu. According to the article, Noahidism is subordinate to Judaism and some Rabbis are promoting the idea that the Noahides must accept that the Jews are not only spiritually superior but also racially superior to non-Jews, they must also recognize Zionism and the state of Israel.
2019 The newly reestablished Sanhedrin invited Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to be the honorary president of the Organization of 70 Nations established on the 70th anniversary of the nation of Israel
“God established the borders of the world based on the 70 children of Israel who went down to Egypt and the 70 nations that came out from Noah.
The 70 nations are actually all 200+ nations outside of Israel
“Each nation shall be solely responsible for maintaining a fitting and proper justice system as per the Seven Noahide Laws incumbent upon all of mankind.”
Well, fortunately , as mentioned, in 1992 Bush signed a congressional declaration that declared our country was founded on the principles of 7 Noahide laws listed in the Talmud that are for gentiles. Any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as one of "the righteous among the gentiles.
They also plan on minting a commemorative coin engraved with the image of Nikki Haley in recognition of all she has done for Israel.
[The following should be treated with some skepticism as I cant verify it but its of interest given what is going on in Ukraine and Chabad and old Khazaria are connected to Ukraine]
Rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk Shmuel Kaminecki stated on this occasion: "We have been living together with the Ukrainians for 1000 years. Ukraine is also our country, "he said, adding that today they have a common enemy (" Amman ") - the Russian people and Vladimir Putin, who interfered in Chabad-Ljubovich's plans to form New Khazaria, or, as Deputy Mayor Filatov said, New Zion in Ukraine. . Namely, the loss of Crimea hit hard according to the plans of Khazar-Jews in Ukraine (both Igor Kolomoisky and the Chabad community in New York), so that a new wound was caused by the separation of Donbass from Ukraine, more precisely the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics.
That is why the builders of New Khazaria in Ukraine fell with great hatred on Russia, the Russian people and President Vladimir Putin (when they call him "the new Aman").
Namely, Nova Khazaria located its center in Dnipropetrovsk (the city was renamed Dnipro after the Maidan, and in tsarist Russia it was called Ekaterinoslav) and, apparently, Ukraine should become a donor "for the city on the hill" - New Jerusalem. In other words, the Chabad-Ljubovic organization intends to move from New York to Ukraine, declaring the Dnieper the capital of New Khazaria.
Thus, the members of Chabad-Ljubovic are disturbing the vision of the course of Jewish history, because a third temple with a throne for the king of Jerusalem is to be built in Jerusalem, whose arrival is awaited by all the Jews of the world. However, the Chabad-Ljubovic community has its own vision of history and future.
Menachem-Mendel Schneerson, the last rabbi of Chabad-Ljubovich (died in 1994 in New York), was recognized as the messiah and a temple was built for him in Dnepropetrovsk, where he should be resurrected on his throne.
It is the center of Chabad "Menorah" - the largest such complex in Europe. This means that the members of Chabad - Ljubovich are no longer waiting for the arrival of the messiah in Israel, but are creating their Israel - a city on a hill (Zion) on Ukrainian soil, creating Khazaria, a new historical homeland.
Shalom Corps is a shared initiative run by the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, Mosaic United and the Jewish Agency for Israel.
The organization is a global volunteer movement dedicated to meaningful service and social responsibility, as an expression of Jewish values and love of humanity.
Rooted in Tikkun Olam — repairing the world — this initiative activates Jewish youth around a shared sense of responsibility and desire to make the world a better place. Missions are held within local communities worldwide in response to various humanitarian crises. Last year, local missions were conducted in communities across the globe — from Belarus to Guatemala to Toronto.
Shalom Corps, then, champions the notion that our Jewish uniqueness and our position as citizens within a globalized world ought not conflict with the other. It understands that our Jewish vitality is intrinsically linked with the well-being and prosperity of our entire world. Ultimately, by embracing this mindset, we will be able to fulfill our common destiny as a united Jewish people.
Just as Lew’s torch lit up Mount Herzl, we too can light up our shared world.
As she said, “If a lot of individuals get together, they can make a big change. Tikkun Olam (to repair the World) — to make great change in our world — this is the new Zionism.”
Jews have the opportunity to vote for delegates to the Global Zionist Caucus, which some call the “parliament of the Jewish people” and others call “that thing my rabbi tells me to vote for.”
Delegates to the GZC meet to spend nearly $1 billion in other people’s money and decide the agenda for a range of historic but opaque Jewish groups, like the Israel Agency for Jews, the Jews’ Agency for Israelis, the World Jewish Agency, the Congress of Jewish Agencies, and Temple Ain Kmo Bamba in Skokie, Illinois.
In addition to slates representing the major Jewish denominations, like Conservative Judaism’s MERCAZ USA, and storied Zionist movements, like Herut USA, there are a host of smaller, interesting slates
[consider the source in the following and treat with skepticism]
“Global Zionism” is apparently behind the jihadist terrorist organizations - at least according to a senior Egyptian cleric.
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar and president of al-Azhar University, which is considered a prestigious Sunni Islam title, made the comments in a statement that aired on Egypt’s Channel 1 on September 8.
All the [fundamentalist terrorist groups] are the new products of imperialism, in the service of global Zionism in its new version, and its plot to destroy the [Middle] East and tear region apart,” claimed Al-Tayyeb.
“Our evidence for this is the Western American hesitancy and foot-dragging in confronting these terrorist organizations, as compared with the Western onslaught on the Iraqi state in 2003, for example, and the disbanding of the Iraqi army in record time and under fabricated reasons and false pretexts, as well as the providing of justifications that lead one to believe that the people there [the West] interpret security, peace, and human rights to be nothing other than their own peace and security, and human rights exclusively for the whites,” he continued.
“Europe and America have decided to heed the Saudi-Egyptian warning, although the Western move issued from the womb of personal motives and necessities, and not, sadly, from the womb of human principles and universal values,” concluded Al-Tayyeb.
Just last week, a similar comment related to the “Islamic State” (IS) group was made by an Iranian lawmaker.
The lawmaker claimed that the United Stated, Israel and Saudi Arabia have jointly created IS.
“The [IS] terrorist group is the joint product of the U.S., the Zionist regime [of Israel] and Saudi Arabia in the region and there is no doubt about that…,” claimed the spokesman for Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, Seyyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini.
Washington’s claim to be fighting the IS is not real and is a lie as the U.S. has never taken serious and practical measures to combat the terrorist group, Hosseini added.
Putin enlisted Oligarchs Leviev and Abramovich to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia in 1999 under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar, known as “Putin’s rabbi.”
Lazar, an American citizen and a native of Milan, Italy, was quickly granted Russian citizenship and appointed chief rabbi of the new federation. Lazar appears frequently at Putin’s side at public events.
At the 2006 International Conference of Shluchim, attended by Alan Dershowitz, Lazar told a story supposedly related to him by Putin, that when Putin was a young child he grew up in a very poor family. His next-door neighbours were Hasidic Jews who were extremely kind to him, and because of his profound respect for the Jewish people, thirty years later, as deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, he granted the official permission for the creation of the first Jewish school in the city.
As reported by Julia Ioffe in the New Republic, Putin’s “closest childhood friends (now, coincidentally, billionaires on the U.S. Treasury sanctions list) are Jews. So was his judo coach and replacement father, Anatoly Rachlin. After Rachlin’s funeral, Putin took a dramatic and solitary walk through his hometown. He has been good to the Russian Jewish community.”
Lazar said Putin “paid great attention to the needs of our community and related to us with a deep respect.”
Chabad members are a small fraction of Russia’s small Jewish community. Adolf Shayevech, a prominent figure in the Jewish community since the late Soviet period, was considered chief rabbi until 2000, and still claims the title.
The Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), the country’s largest secular Jewish organization, also recognizes Shayevech. The RJC was founded by Russian billionaire and CFR member Mikhail Fridman. But Abramovich and Leviev installed Lazar as the head of the rival FEOR.
The Kremlin removed Shayevich from its religious affairs council, and ever since it has instead recognized Lazar as Russia’s chief rabbi, leaving the country with two rival claimants to the title.
Some excerpts from the below link
[The ] purpose was to undermine the existing umbrella for Russia’s Jewish civil society, the Russian Jewish Congress, led by oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky, a potential threat to Putin and President Boris Yeltsin. A year later, Gusinsky was arrested by Putin’s government and forced into exile.
There’s a good chance that if you know of Roman Abramovich, you know him as the owner of the Chelsea Football Club of the English Premier League. You may not know that he was a victor (along with Paul Manafort’s patron Oleg Deripaska) in the bloody aluminum wars of the 1990s, or that he was reportedly the person who convinced Boris Yeltsin that Putin would be a proper successor.
You probably are not aware that Ivanka Trump is very close friends with Abramovich’s wife, Dasha Zhukova, with whom she attended the U.S. Open tennis tournament in Queens. Zhukova reportedly attended the inauguration as Ivanka’s personal guest.
It takes a little more doing to understand the Trump family’s connections to Lev Leviev. To begin with, we need to go back to Bayrock, the company that Donald Trump teamed up with to build his Trump Soho project. There were three main actors in that enterprise. One was convicted mob associate and murky FBI informant Felix Sater.
Another was Tevfik Arif, a shady man with likely Russian intelligence connections who was once was arrested by the Turks on Mustafa Kamal Ataturk’s yacht and “charged with running an international underage prostitution ring.”
The third was the late Tamir Sapir, another man with ties to Russian intelligence.
Interestingly, all these men have connections to the Chabad movement.
Felix Sater was honored as Man of the Year in 2014 by the Port Washington Chabad house. The same Chabad house’s website lists Tevfik Arif, who is not Jewish, “among its top 13 benefactors.”
But it’s Tamir Sapir who links Trump back directly to Lev Leviev.
Pay close attention to this:
…the late billionaire Tamir Sapir, was born in the Soviet state of Georgia and arrived in 1976 in New York, where he opened an electronics store in the Flatiron district that, according to the New York Times, catered largely to KGB agents.
Trump has called Sapir “a great friend.” In December 2007, he hosted the wedding of Sapir’s daughter, Zina, at Mar-a-Lago. The event featured performances by Lionel Ritchie and the Pussycat Dolls. The groom, Rotem Rosen, was the CEO of the American branch of Africa Israel, the Putin oligarch Leviev’s holding company.
Five months later, in early June 2008, Zina Sapir and Rosen held a bris for their newborn son. Invitations to the bris described Rosen as Leviev’s “right-hand man.” By then, Leviev had become the single largest funder of Chabad worldwide, and he personally arranged for the bris to take place at Schneerson’s grave, Chabad’s most holy site.
Just so we’re clear, Trump hosted the wedding of Lev Leviev’s right-hand man at Mar-a-Lago. Lev Leviev is so close to Putin that he was one of two oligarchs tapped to help him gain control of the leadership of the Russian Jewish community back when he assumed power.
And then there’s this:
In May 2015, a month before Trump officially entered the Republican presidential primary, Kushner (Jared and Ivanka are both Chabad members) bought a majority stake in the old New York Times building on West 43rd Street from Leviev for $295 million.
The transaction first came up due to the $285M Kushner borrowed from Deutsche Bank to complete the transaction. Deutsche Bank and two companies tied to Leviev, Africa Israel Investments and Prevezon, have all recently been the subject of money laundering investigations. A laundering case against Prevezon led by then-U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara abruptly ended in May, two months after Trump fired Bharara, with a $6M settlement that raised eyebrows.
Now we will focus mostly on Ukraine Chabad and their Oligarchs and a bit more on the Russian side
1990-Berel Lazar, is an Orthodox, Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic rabbi from Brooklyn. He began his service in Russia (same year Putin returned from East Germany) . Known for his friendship with Vladimir Putin, since 2000, he has served as the Chief Rabbi of Russia, and chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia and Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS.
1991-Rabbi Asman (also spelt Azman) worked as a secretary in “Beit Chabad for Russian Jews” in Israel during the Russian aliyah of 1991, helping Russian-Jewish immigrants adjust to Israel life in Israel and reconnect to Judaism. Asman was also help[ing] with bringing Ukrainian-Jewish children of Chernobyl to Israel and paying for their medical and psychological rehabilitation.
1992-American rabbi Yaakov Bleich was a former Karlin-Stolin chassid somehow became Chief Rabbi of the Ukraine
2000-Since 1992, the Chief Rabbi of Russia had been Adolf Shaevich, who led the Congress of Jewish Religious Communities and Organizations in Russia (KEROOR) and was supported by money from Vladimir Gusinsky.
Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich initiated the creation of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) in November 1999, which was headed by US citizen Berl Lazar.
In June 2000, the” all-Jewish congress ” of Russia was organized, at which the composition of participants was organized in favor of FEOR, and Berl Lazar was declared Chief rabbi of Russia. At the same time, V. Gusinsky was arrested.
Lazar met Lev Leviev in 1992, who introduced him to two more ‘Jewish’ oligarchs, Roman Abramovich and Boris Berezovsky.
He’s a US citizen who only became a citizen of Russia in 2000 (while retaining his US citizenship.)
In 2004, Putin gave him the ‘Order of Friendship’ honor, and then other awards, too, for pushing interfaith activities.
“Lazar is an advocate of interfaith dialogue and sits on the Board of World Religious Leaders for The Elijah Interfaith Institute.”
The Elijah Interfaith Institute currently have plans to build a massive ‘interfaith Centre of Hope’ right in the heart of Jerusalem
2003, Chabad unilaterally appointed another American, Azriel Haikin, as ‘Chief Rabbi of the Ukraine – but his appointment never really ‘took’, for a number of reasons, possibly including the fact he was in his 70s and hasn’t lived in the Ukraine since 2008…
2005-October , Asman elected himself as chief Rabbi of Ukraine. His election caused confusion in the Ukraine Jewish community especially to the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Rabbi Azriel Chaikin, Chief Rabbi of Kyiv rabbi Jonathan Markovitch, and all of the rabbi’s in Ukraine.
A group of rabbis from the Chabad Federation of Jewish Communities, headed by government Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar of Russia, attacked the appointment describing it as “illegitimate” and “insulting to the feelings of every believer.”
2005-According to The Forward:
[Azman] was close to Viktor Yushchenko, who had been elected president of Ukraine after surviving an assassination attempt by poison during the volatile campaign.
Yushchenko named Azman as his liaison to Ukraine’s Jewish community.
A group of rabbis from the Chabad Federation of Jewish Communities, headed by government Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar of Russia, attacked the appointment describing it as “illegitimate” and “insulting to the feelings of every believer.”
Secular Jewish leaders from local cities and towns joined in protesting the vote.
Bleich never gave up his title and remained active in the country. A Kyiv weekly magazine, Focus, named Bleich and Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky, the chief rabbi of Ukraine’s Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community, among the 15 most “powerful foreigners” in the country in 2008.
That same year, the Karlin-Stolin Hasidic sect disavowed Bleich amid an internal power battle over the community’s institutions in Ukraine.
Bleich also held other communal leadership positions. He served as an executive member of the World Jewish Congress until the summer of 2021, and vice president of the European Council of Jewish Communities.
Bleich lost some of his communal positions in 2019 following sexual abuse allegations, according to the blog Frum Follies.
In the 2019 presidential election, he backed former President Petro Poroshenko who was defeated by Zelensky.
2006-When it comes to the Ukraine, as well as the former Karlin-Stoliner ‘Chief Rabbi of Ukraine’, Yaakov Bleich, there are also (at least…) two rival ‘Chabad’ Chief Rabbis of Ukraine, namely Moshe Azman, and Azriel Halkin, referred to above.
This article from The Forward, dated 2006, explains a bit more:
The divisions within Chabad are partially a result of the sect’s success in winning over locals, at least among the wealthier strata.
The federation of Chabad rabbis that elected Haikin as chief rabbi is bankrolled by the Uzbeki-Israeli diamond dealer Lev Leviev.
Azman has cultivated his own sponsor in Ukraine: the arms dealer and media magnate Vadim Rabinovich. It was Rabinovich’s United Jewish Community of Ukraine that elected Azman chief rabbi
Notice something: Each one of these ‘Chief Rabbis’ is publically sponsored by an oligarch
2014-According to The Forward:
In the previous conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2014, Bleich accused the Kremlin of staging antisemitic “provocations” in Crimea and compared Russia’s behavior to that of the Nazis prior to the Anschluss invasion of Austria in 1938.
During that conflict, Azman founded a village for Jewish families displaced by Russia’s five-year war against Ukraine in the eastern Donbass region. He named it Anatevka, after the village from “Fiddler on the Roof.”.
2019-Azman and ‘Anatevka’ made headlines for all the wrong reasons.
It came out that Trump’s legal advisor and fundraiser Rudy Giuliani was the ‘honorary mayor’ of Anatevka. It also came out that Giuliani had close ties to Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, “who have been indicted in the US for campaign law violations.”
Read more about Parnas and Fruman HERE,
Parnas allegedly paid Giuliani $500k to investigate Joe Biden’s dealings in the Ukraine.
Lets look at Ukraine’s most famous Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky and Chabad
2012-The world’s largest Jewish community center , the new Menorah Center in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine was built
The seven-towered 538,000 square foot center was spearheaded by philanthropist Gennady Bogolubov, president of the local Jewish community and chairman of the Ukrainian Jewish Congress, and his Privat banking partner Igor Kolomoyskyy.
The site, where more than 90,000 Jewish were buried, was established as a Jewish cemetery by the Yekaterinoslav Jewish community in 1903. It would become the burial ground of victims of the 1905 pogroms and Civil War pogroms, victims of the 1932-1933 famine, and the 1934-1950 NKVD purges. It was also the site where Fascists shot Jews during the Nazi era.
Designed by architect Alexander Sorin, the center will serve as a platform for the ongoing revival of the local Jewish community, which has been headquartered at the historic Golden Rose Synagogue under the direction of Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzki.
The impressive center was built in one of the childhood hometowns of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.
Kamenetzki, director of Chabad of Dnepropetrovsk, said that while in the past the city had been associated with suffering and persecution – the Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, of righteous memory, was arrested and the Rebbe’s brother and tens of thousands of other Jews were shot during a mass slaughter by Nazi forces – the whole world can witness a resurgence of the city’s Jewish life.
On 2 March 2014, amidst the 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appointed Kolomoyskyi Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
Two days later, Russian President Vladimir Putin described Kolomoyskyi as a “unique crook,” and said that the citizens of Dnipropetrovsk were not happy with his appointment as Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
Kolomoisky, who in recent years had been spending most of his time tending to his business empire from a second home near Geneva, Switzerland, immediately returned to his hometown and got to work.
The first stage consisted of providing local police and military forces with the most basic of equipment, including car batteries, fuel and tires for their patrol vehicles, and ensuring their loyalty with a combination of sticks and carrots. To boost their numbers, along with his partners, Kolomoisky drafted thousands of Privat Group employees as auxiliary police officers.
“In days, the demonstrations in Dnipro disappeared,” says one resident. “The city has never been so calm and safe.”
In April 2014 Kolomoyskyi offered a bounty for the capture of Russian-backed militants and incentives for the turning in of weapons.
He also is believed to have spent $10 million to create the Dnipro Battalion and also funded the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions.
On 2 July 2014 a Russian District Court authorized [Kolomoyskyi’s] arrest in absentia for “organizing the killing of civilians”.
According to Putin, Roman Abramovich has been cheated by Igor Kolomoyskyi.
Putin claimed that Kolomoyskyi had reneged on a contract with Abramovich, saying “He [Kolomoyskyi] even managed to cheat our Roman Abramovich two or three years ago… Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money.”
2015-Kolomoiskyn has also taken a hit due to the decision by the Russian government to temporarily seize the assets of Privat Bank’s Moscow subsidiary. Kolomoisky’s holdings in Russian-annexed Crimea are up for public auction. The seizure was ostensibly to protect Russian depositors, but few have any doubt it was the Kremlin’s political retaliation.
The bank sustained further damage when its branches in separatist-held towns were destroyed or burned down. In cities like Mariupol where the separatists were in control, Privat Bank branches were also defaced with graffiti cursing Kolomoisky.
2015- The Jewish community in Dnipropetrovsk was thriving, with an estimated 50,000 members. That’s thanks in part to the patronage of the region’s Jewish governor, Ihor Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine’s richest oligarchs, who was profiled by Israeli newspaper Ha’aretzunder the headline “Is this man the most powerful Jew in the world?”
Kolomoisky co-funded the building of the city’s Jewish community center, said to be either Europe’sor the world’s biggest. It’s built in the shape of—and named for—the menorah, the seven-branched synagogue candelabra. Inside the $70 million building, completed in 2012, are offices, restaurants, a hotel and youth hostel, luxury apartments, an Israeli consulate, a cultural center, and a museum. At its feet is the historic “Golden Rose” synagogue.
2021-U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken banned Kolomoisky and his immediate family from America, citing Kolomoisky’s “significant corruption.” The billionaire has long been accused of repeatedly raiding PrivatBank, a Ukrainian bank he once co-owned, legal filings show
Kolomoisky, who built his fortune during the lawless years immediately following the fall of the Soviet Union, reportedly has a controlling interest in Burisma, the Ukrainian oil and gas company which put President Biden’s son, Hunter, on its board of directors in 2014 at a salary of $50,000 per month. Kolomoisky dispatched his private army to take over companies and destroy a Russian-owned oil and gas refinery in Dnipropetrovsk in 2014, according to reports.
Dozens of New York’s Jewish organizations have had their bottom lines bolstered by two businessmen accused of laundering billions for a Burisma-connected Ukrainian oligarch, public records show.
Mordechai Korf, 48, and Uri Laber, 49, have shelled out more than $11 million to nearly 70 yeshivas and religious charities in Brooklyn and across the state, according to federal tax filings.
But Korf and Laber are more than just generous benefactors: since 2006, the Miami-based pair have allegedly been middlemen for Ukrainian billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky, funneling $4 billion of his ill-gotten gains to buy property and businesses in the U.S, according to three civil lawsuits filed by the U.S. Department of Justice in Florida federal court.
May 2021, Zelensky announced he was going to ‘go after’ the oligarchs who have been running Ukraine, including Kolomoisky, his former business partner and TV boss.
“Nowhere in Emerging Europe, where countries have adopted the Westernising approach, are oligarchs as dominant as in Ukraine,” says Timothy Ash, a strategist for Bluebay Asset Management. “Sure, you have a few, but they do not absolutely dominate the economy as in Ukraine.”
Faced with such a rotten set-up it’s hard to push through any reform that threatens the oligarch ecosystem.
Two in particular are his focus, neither of them Kolomoisky. One is connected to Putin (Medvedchuk) and the other a political rival (Porshenko)
For more on Kolomoisky and Zelensky see this
Israel initially remained neutral in this dispute despite having a large number of their Tech companies operating in Ukraine and have been training Ukraine security forces along with NATO. Also, Israel used to import a lot of food from Ukraine.
Over 100,000 Israeli citizens live in Russia, with 80,000 Israelis living in Moscow, while hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens reside in Israel, from around 1.5 million native Russian-speaking Israelis.
As a result of the Ukrainian War some 20,500 of the estimated 165,000 Jews in Russia have left for Israel and more are expected to follow.
In May, Russia fired S-300 anti-aircraft missiles at an Israeli aircraft in Syria. In June, Russia threatened to refer Israel to the UN Security Council after Israel bombed the Damascus airport, which Israeli officials said was being used by Iranian arms smugglers. Then in July, Russia fired a “warning shot” at an Israeli F-16 fighter jet entering Syrian airspace.
Despite the tensions Putin has a soft spot for Israel and Jews
He regards the more than a million immigrants from the former Soviet Union as Russians and that this explains his behavior toward Israel.
Others pointed to the fact that Putin’s former teacher Mina Yuditskaya was living in Israel before she passed away. Putin reportedly even bought an apartment in Tel Aviv for his ex-teacher.
The Russian President has also very good ties with the Russian Jewish community and has a personal relationship with Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar the head of the Chabad movement in Russia.
It is Lazar who finally shed more light on Putin’s weak spot for Israel and the Jews.
Jewish goodwill
The Russian Chief Rabbi reportedly told a group of Israeli Jews who are close to Rabbi Dov Kook, a kabbalist residing in the Israeli city of Tiberias, that the origins of the weak spot lie in Putin’s youth when he was living with his parents in a modest apartment complex in the city of St. Petersburg.
The group of Jews then decided to publish in their own Shabbat sheet what they heard from Lazar.
This Shabbat sheet, Dwash Shabbat, reported last Friday that Putin’s parents were so poor that they often hadn’t enough money to buy food and clothes for their kid.
The sheet also reported that a Jewish couple that was living next door to the Putins took care of the young Vladimir.
This is something that was earlier reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency, but Dwash Shabbat now revealed more details.
The Jewish couple was the only one that took care of the young Putin despite the presence of other Russian families in the building who were aware of the problematic situation in the family of the future Russian leader.
Every time the Jewish neighbors noticed that the young Putin was home alone without food they prepared him a decent meal and also invited him to their Shabbat table and for the Jewish holidays.
This exposed the young Putin to Jewish rituals and prayers since the couple was religious, and explains why the Russian President likes to visit Jewish communities and synagogues in Russia.
The Jewish couple even bought clothes for the boy and made sure he wouldn’t be without basic supplies.
You now understand what’s behind Putin’s soft spot for Israel.
Ukraine conflict-related capital flights have benefited Israel. War-related distortions in the markets has added US$300 million to Israel’s balance sheet, as Russian investors seek to relocate to Israel as both Russia and Europe become too complicated jurisdictions to operate in
The overall volume of trade between Israel and Russia has dropped by 30%, YOY. This is most likely the result of a poorer trade climate linked to events in Ukraine affecting Israeli imports and exports, as supply chains are rerouted through other countries and new non-sanctioned banking relationships established
Less overall trade has therefore skewed the commercial relationship towards a smaller surplus in favor of Israel. If more favorable to Russia from an accounting perspective, these numbers indicate trouble sourcing technology and industrial solutions in Israel, while raw materials imports from Russia stay at a bare minimum.
Russian-Israeli trade is still forecast to hit over US$ 1 billion in trade
The South Eastern parts of Ukraine are historically part of what used to be known as Greater Khazaria, a great Jewish State long before Israel, and the areas holding the most ethnic Russians that Putin is trying to protect but that the Kolomoisky backed Ukranian neo-nazis would like to ethnically cleanse or at least like to treat Russian speaking Slavs like Israel treats Palestinians
Most of this area, should Putins Army have its way, is or will soon be under Russias control. Some Israelis call it the New Khazaria
Red is Greater Khazaria
Head hurt yet? Mine sure does. I’ll stop here
Or maybe I will continue. What do you know about Khazaria?
The Khazars
An extensive Jewish kingdom existed for over 200 years, much larger than the kingdom of the Hasmoneans in Palestine, and recorded by many more verifiable contemporary sources than the imaginary empire of David and Solomon in the bible, yet many Jews and Christians know little or nothing about it. It seems to be wilfully ignored. It was Khazaria.
The Khazars were a Turkish tribe among the Asian tribes called the Huns moving west in the fourth century AD. They were destroyed eventually by an even more irresistible movement of Asian tribes—the Mongol Horde of the thirteenth century, though the Jewish kingdom had actually fallen already, two hundred years before.
An important document, now called the Cambridge Document, was found among the old scripts disposed of in a Cairo genizah (repository of disused Jewish sacred texts) in 1912. The Hebrew document, written around the tenth century AD, states that the Jews came to Khazaria from Baghdad, Khorasan, and Greece to encourage the “men of the land” to convert to Judaism and appoint a “judge” over them whom they called the Kagan (Khakan). Khorasan, southeast of the Caspian sea, was a province of ancient Persia, and, by the coincidence too often repeated, had become the home of a myriad Jews—evidently Persian Juddin.
Sand writes that the arrival of Jewish believers from Armenia (parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq), Mesopotamia, Khorasan (parts of Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan) and Byzantium led to the adoption of Judaism by the Khazars. All of these places with evidently substantial Jewish populations were once in the Persian empire!
Many Jews with Greek names lived in Crimea, again probably former Juddin from across the water, and proselytized Jews who had come within the Greek sphere of influence. Jews were still proselytizing in the eighth century AD in what is now the Ukraine and southern Russia, whereas Jews were prevented from proselytizing in Christian and Islamic lands.
The Khazars settled down among the indigenous Scythians between the Caspian Sea and the Crimea. Among them were Bulgars and Slavs, and Hungarians, Magyars and Alans, but the Khazars were the ruling class, led by a king called the Kagan.
They raided the Sassanid kingdom of the Persians through the Caucasus, getting as far as Mosul in Kurdistan, as we know from Persian records. This part of the ancient Achaemenid Persian empire seems to have been a center of Jewish conversion, the region which later had provided Jewish kingdoms in Armenia and Adiabene, ancient Urartu (Ararat). Eventually a treaty was settled that the Caucasus passes were to be the limit of the Khazar kingdom. The Persians fortified the frontier, the structures still being visible.
The Khazars irrigated their fields from the great rivers that crossed the steppes growing rice as a staple, and vines for wine. Fish provided much of their protein.
Otherwise the basis of the country’s power was its strategic position with respect to the east-west trade (the Silk Road) and the north-south trade of furs and slaves along the rivers. Such wealth allowed the Kagan to support a strong army, and a wealthy nobility. Though the Khazar spoken language was from the Turkic family, the sacred language in use was Hebrew (Canaanite), and their script was evidently the Aramaic scrip in which Hebrew was written. Arab writers confirm it.
The route of the Khazars into Moslem lands was the only one available—through the Caucasus mountains, through Armenia and the lands occupied by the Kurds into Mesopotamia where was Baghdad.
On one occasion (730 AD), the Khazar armies again got as far as Mosul before the Arabs repulsed them. Like the Persians, the Arabs were able to stop the Khazars at Mosul in Kurdistan. From raids like these, as well as ordinary trade, the Jews of Armenia and Persia got to know of Khazaria.
Many Jews still remained in the lands of the Persian converts originally called Juddin. But, of course, the earlier kingdom of Adiabene in this same area had become Jewish. It was the descendants of all of these converts who later went north to Khazaria and began to convert the Khazars.
The Khazars made an alliance with Byzantium against the Persians. The marriage arranged to cement the alliance led to a Byzantine emperor being called Leo the Khazar (775-780 AD). What the Byzantines gained from the alliance was a powerful state north of the Black Sea and the Caucasus that could resist the incursions of the Moslem armies that otherwise might have passed through the Caucasus and over the steppe along the northern shores of the Black Sea to attack Byzantium from the north where it was vulnerable.
Khazaria therefore helped preserve the eastern remnants of the Roman empire from the Moslems, holding back the Moslem invasion of eastern Europe for hundreds of years.
Again the Caucasus was agreed as the boundary between Khazaria and the Islamic empire, but the Kagan was forced to become a Moslem, and the Islamic religion was accepted within the kingdom. All this is historical. The Kagan was a holy leader rather than an executive, though he was highly respected as the titular head of state.
The practical head, the CEO, was called the Kagan Bey. He was the head of the army and effectively the real king. The capital city at the mouth of the Volga river, was called Itil, a city of tents and huts but with a triangular shaped fortress. It has only recently been found.
Khazaria was at first pagan, but Khazars were ready to adopt monotheism, Jewish, Christian, or Moslem. The Arab historian, Al Mas’udi, relates how the Khazar king converted in the time of the caliphate of Harun al Rashid (c 763-809 AD) when many Jews who had heard of it migrated from all the Moslem cities, and Byzantium when the Christians began forcing Jews to convert to Christianity in the tenth century. So the immigration of Jews from what had been Persia and Greece continued for over 100 years.
Rabbi Yehuda Halevi wrote a book on the Khazars called The Kuzari. An account in France about 864 AD called them the “Gazari”—oddly an alternative name for the Cathars. King Bulan was the first Kagan, but it was several generations before Kagan Obediah organized Khazaria as a proper Jewish state, inviting in Jewish sages from abroad to introduce Rabbinic orthodoxy, the Mishnah and the Talmud.
The question is, why Judaism when Christianity and Islam were much bigger and less demanding religions? That is the answer. By adopting either of the big religions, they tied Khazaria to Baghdad or to Byzantium. By choosing Judaism, they could remain independent, but they could not have remained pagan without being a constant invitation to the aggressive Moslems to conquer them and force them into Islam.
At first, it seemed the Qaraites were significant in Khazaria, especially in Crimea, but the Kagans, by bringing in orthodox Rabbinical scholars, ensured Khazaria became essentially orthodox. Qaraism might have been a relic of mainstream Judaism before the Rabbis changed the religion—Essenism. Sand writes:
At the time of the Khazar conversion, copies of the Talmud were still a rarity, which enabled many proselytes to take up ancient rites, even priestly sacrifices.
Evidence of the latter is the exhumation of bodies dressed in the leather garments described in the Jewish scriptures for certain temple functionaries.
Yet the kingdom was multi religious, and its law required seven judges to cover the different religions of the defendants. Moreover, some of the Khazar legends traced them to one or another of the missing ten tribes of Israel, the standard explanation of the widespread diaspora of the Jews long before they had ever been dispersed from Judea. Of course, the missing ten tribes were not Jews, they were pagan Canaanites, so the hints are that some of the original Jews of Khazaria were original Juddin of Persia.
Eventually Khazaria became known, to Russians at least, not as the land of the Khazars but as the land of the Jews—Zemlya Zhidovskaya. But, if there were Christians, Moslems and a variety of pagans in the country besides Jews, all Khazars were obviously not Jews! Who then were?
Some contemporary Arabs said the Jewish Khazars were the ruling class and the smallest but most powerful religious group. Other claimed the majority of the Khazar nation were Jews. It seems likely, if the conversion was essentially from the top down, that initially the Kagan and a few loyal nobles converted, with just a small proportion of Jews in the general population, but proselytizing among the nobility led to them all following their king. The evidence is that when this became well known to Jews elsewhere, they began to emigrate to Khazaria and spread the religion at the grass roots.
The conversion to Christianity in northern Europe was similar—the ruling class first with the peasantry following slowly. In Khazaria, Jews will have been already partially established from Armenia and the Black Sea ports, but Jewish immigration was a speeding up factor too. Another was that the Khazars traded in slaves who were always obliged to take up their master’s religion. The Khazar ruling class must have had many slaves, who had to become Jews when their masters did.
The Jewish state lasted about 300 years, so Jews were probably a significant proportion of the population by the end. Some of the Alans, a tribe related to the Magyars, were also partly Judaized, as were the Kabars who left the Khazar federation for some reason with the Magyars and moved further west into central Europe to set up Hungary, a state with a large population of Jews.
Kiev was at the western edge of Khazaria. It became the first capital of Russia, and inherited a large Jewish population from Khazaria. Kiev had both a Jewish quarter and a Khazar quarter, suggesting that all Khazars were, indeed, not Jews, and a Jews’ Gate.
The Khazar kingdom had gone by the time Rabbi Petahiah, in the twelfth century, reported on his journey from Ratisbon in Germany to Baghdad. He found that the Jews of Kedar were heretics who could not be described as Jews. They explained to him that they had never been taught Rabbinical Judaism by their parents, and had never heard of the Talmud. The heretical Jews must have been Qaraites, or they were some other local variety with traditions going back to the Persian Juddin.
The growth of Russia and its alliance with Byzantium against the Khazars led to the destruction of Khazaria in 1016 AD. Of course, the demise of the state did not mean the destruction of the Khazar Jews. Their continued existence is well documented.
It was the Mongol Horde in the thirteenth century that put paid to the old political and economic system causing the people to flee. The rice paddies and vineyards were spoilt and thereafter neglected for hundreds of years. Many Jewish Khazars fled across the steppe and marshes to Poland and Lithuania, while others hid in the Caucasus mountains.
The Zionists among Jewish historians hope to find descendants of Palestinian Jews in all Jewish history, to uphold their view of the Jews as a wandering people exiled from home. In fact the Jews of Khazaria, at their most ancient, were from Persia and Armenia, not Judea:
There had been Jewish settlements in the country before the Khazars’ conversion, even before the Khazar conquest. There had been a process of Judaization in the kingdom among other non-Khazar people. There was Jewish immigration from other countries, mainly from Moslem Central Asia, Eastern Iran, and Byzantium. Thus a large Jewish community grew there, of which the proselyte Khazars were only a part, and whose cultural character was shaped mainly by the old population of the northern Caucasus and Crimea.
A Polak, Khazaria (in Hebrew, 1951, cited by S Sand)
Polak is bowing politely to Zionist myth. The proselyte Khazars were obviously only a part of the Khazar Jewish community, but they became the largest part, and the Jews from the Caucasus (Armenia), Moslem Central Asia, and Eastern Iran were all from places that had been part of the Persian empire, and so had Juddin among their populations in the fourth century BC. All of the Persian Juddin were converts. They were the Jews.
Arthur Koestler wrote, in The Thirteenth tribe;
The large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European—and thus mainly Khazar—origin.
It is a thesis that the scholars had widely accepted until the Zionist propaganda machine set out to cut it down. Since the 1970s, Shlomo Sand says it has been reviled as “scandalous, disgraceful and anti-Semitic”, because anything that is anti-Zionist has been defined as being anti-Semitic. But, in the past, even Zionist historians accepted it:
The first Jews who came to the southern regions from Russia did not originate in Germany... but from the Greek cities on the shores of the Black Sea, and from Asia via the mountains of the Caucasus.
A Harkavy, The Jews and the Languages of the Slavs, cited by S Sand
The Jews coming from the east met Jews moving from the Mediterranean through southern Europe and Germany in Poland and Lithuania. So, the southern Jews already spoke German when they met the Khazar Jews. German was the language of trade and business, so became the common language of eastern European Jews. It became Yiddish, Harkavy thought.
Yitzhak Schipper, a Polish Zionist, also accepted the Khazar origin of eastern European Jews. Naturally, there had been the core of Ur-Jews who introduced the Khazars to the religion, but thereafter, it was proselyte all the way, and the Ur-Jews were themselves converts!
Salo Baron, another Zionist historian, also had to acknowledge Khazaria as a significant branch off from the conventional Zionist linear Jewish history:
From Khazaria, Jews began drifting into the open steppes of Eastern Europe, during both the period of the country’s affluence and that of its decline... After... the decline of the Khazar empire... refugees from the devastated districts, including Jews, sought shelter in the very lands of their conquerors. Here they met other Jewish groups and individuals migrating from the west and south. Together with these arrivals from Germany and the Balkans, they began laying the foundations for a Jewish community which, especially in sixteenth century Poland, outstripped all the other contemporary areas of Jewish settlement in population density as well as in economic and cultural power.
S Baron, cited by S Sand
Ben-Zion Dinur, an Israeli Minister of Education concurred with Polak and Baron. Russia diminished the Khazar kingdom, absorbing it, but that did not mean an wholesale slaughter of the people. It became “a diaspora mother”, the mother of the Jewish diaspora in Russia, Poland and Lithuania.
The Yiddish language is 80 per cent German, but there is no direct evidence that German Jews had gone east as Harkavy thought.
The evidence is that, until the seventeenth century, the eastern Jews spoke the local Slavonic language. What was also true was that Germans had moved east setting up German colonies all the way to the Volga river in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and it seems that it was the displaced Jews who acted as intermediaries between the German artisans and merchants and the local people.
Four million Germans lived in Poland. Jews became carters, woodworkers and coin makers, serving the German colonists. They spoke Polish naturally, but had to learn German to serve their clients. They started then speaking a mixture at home and in their own community to teach their kids the language of the traders. They then began to use German in their own transactions. Thus Yiddish evolved.
Now, as Yiddish has no western European words in it, it is certain that the German Jews from the Rhineland had no influence on it. Paul Wexler, the Israeli linguist, traces Yiddish words to their Slavonic languages, and to southeastern German. He sees Yiddish as akin to Sorb, a different mixture of Slav and German. As to the source of such large numbers of eastern European Jews, it is quite impossible that they could have come from Germany. In the eleventh to thirteenth centuries, when the Khazar kingdom was in decay and could offer a large pool of Jews for migration west, there were only a few thousand Jews at the most in the west of Germany. Occasionally they were persecuted in pogroms, but they rarely had to flee far or for long, and most returned home when the xenophobia had calmed down.
For Yiddish to develop, whole Jewish communities were needed. They did not exist in the west. In Western Europe, Jews were present in quite small groups in urban areas working for others and speaking their language, yes. But the Yiddish speakers in the east were larger communities, whole villages in which the hybrid language could develop a life of its own. They were separate settlements with their own synagogue topped with a cupola of typical eastern style. Their dress was eastern differing significantly from that of Slav peasants, and Yiddish has a peculiar preponderance of words of Turkic origins, like yarmulka and davenen.
Finally, Sand tells us that 80 per cent of the Jews of the world were Yiddish speakers at the turn of the twentieth century. So we have Jewish Khazaria succumbing to Slavic conquerors, the Russians, then a few years later, Jews began to be recorded as appearing in Poland and Lithuania.
Of course, from the local Catholics, they all had the Christian story of the diaspora of Vespasian after the Jewish War, and it did not take many generations before their real origins in Khazaria, and ultimately Armenia and Persia were forgotten.
For more on Judaism and Khazaria read Dr Magees full paper
Or here
Conclusion: If you can take all that in I think you can understand that Ukraine is probably very important to the Zionists and Chabad, or at least some of them
It also makes one wonder what Putins true objective is in Ukraine. I doubt very much Israel and Chabad really wants the Nazi Nationalists entrenched in what used to be Khazaria. Putin is cleaning them out along with the Slav population who are being killed or fleeing the region as refugees. When the dust settles, they will Build Back Better and Tikkun Olam (Repair and Improve the World ) it might look something like New Khazaria Capitol of a Global Zionist Empire with a Universal Religion.
Or maybe not.
But would that look any worse than Klaus Schwabs Transhumanist Neo-Feudal World?
Neither would be my choice.