Dr Pierre Kory wrote a substack on care home deaths in the UK and refuses to believe there was a sinister problem there. Dr Kory has built up a lot of credibility with me so I believe he is sincere in his belief.
He also talks a bit about his experience in NYC hospitals
But, I will agree with the naysayers that the media never showed videos and pictures of quiet ER’s and ICU’s to balance out the “chaos” the media was constantly blaring from hard-hit areas like Seattle, NYC, Detroit and New Orleans (and other densely populated urban areas). “If it bleeds it leads” but for sure it wasn’t “bleeding” everywhere. But In NYC it was hemorrhaging.
Why weren’t patients sent to not so busy hospitals outside NYC?
the patient population in the hospital was suddenly inverted with a massive increase in the need for ICU beds, ventilators and ICU experts. That is why I went to New York
Some Doctors say there was an overuse of ventilators on people who didn’t need them but who were put on them to keep the Docs/nurses safe.
In my opinion, the massive doses of sedatives required during that time simply resulted from the widespread insufficient or non-treatment of the underlying lung disease with corticosteroids and anti-coagulants (foreshadowing - it was not from a deficiency of antibiotics).
Who made the decision not to use corticosteroids especially when not using them resulted in such poor outcomes
Overall, depending on the ICU, despite use of these tools, an average of about 10%-20% of ICU patients will die. People die. It’s life. The machines do not make us immortal. These machines cannot “save” everyone.
So, I am not saying that every patient on a ventilator died, but a very high proportion did while others required prolonged weaning over weeks to months in ventilator facilities.
This is very misleading. In spring of 2020 COVID ICU patients were dying at far higher rates than 10-20% especially in NYC . Thats about what it is today. Early reports were 90% of those on respirators died. Did you have a different experience?
Now lets get to the care homes
How about this reasoning instead: People in care homes/nursing homes often have what are called “advance directives” which stipulate that they do not want to be intubated and placed on a ventilator to die a slow death in an ICU at the end of their life. They stipulate this because they understand that life support interventions are not only unable to return them to some previous state of health, but mostly because ICU care in frail, elderly patients with significant co-morbidities very rarely leads to even the possibility that they can be returned to even their present diminished health status. Thus, such patients often have orders stipulating things like “do not hospitalize,” “do not intubate,” (no vent), and “do not resuscitate” (no CPR). Their own (or their families) assessment is that they are at the end of their life and instead of seeking “extraordinary measures” which will not achieve what they desire, they instead elect to die peacefully.
We had reports from Nurses and a few family members that patients were put on DNR on the authority of the Doctor and the family was not consulted
UK: Older people in care homes abandoned to die amid government failures during COVID-19 pandemic
Key failings included decisions to discharge thousands of untested hospital patients into care homes and imposition of blanket DNARs
Care home managers and staff say they were left without guidance, PPE or access to testing
Most shockingly, on 17 March, four days after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, the Government ordered the discharge of 25,000 patients from hospitals into care homes, including those infected or possibly infected with COVID-19.
On 2 April, the same day that the WHO confirmed the existence of pre-symptomatic cases of COVID-19, the Government reiterated its guidance for hospital discharge that ‘Negative tests are not required prior to transfers / admissions into the care home’.
Several care home managers told Amnesty that they had no COVID-19 in their homes until after they received patients discharged from hospital. The manager of a care home in Yorkshire said:
“Because of what we’d witnessed in Spain and Italy, we stopped visitors on 28 February and got PPE. We had no cases until 28 March when a resident was discharged from hospital with COVID.”
Amnesty received multiple reports of care home residents’ right to NHS services – including access to general medical services and hospital admission – being denied during the pandemic. Care home staff and relatives told Amnesty how sending residents to hospital was discouraged or outright refused.
The son of one care home resident who passed away in Cumbria said that sending his father to hospital had not even been considered:
“From day one, the care home was categoric it was probably COVID and he would die of it and he would not be taken to hospital. He only had a cough at that stage. He was only 76 and was in great shape physically. He loved to go out and it would not have been a problem for him to go to hospital. The care home called me and said he had symptoms, a bit of a cough and that doctor had assessed him over mobile phone and he would not be taken to hospital. Then I spoke to the GP later that day and said he would not be taken to hospital but would be given morphine if in pain… He died a week later.”
Official figures show admissions to hospital for care home residents decreased substantially during the pandemic, with 11,800 fewer admissions during March and April compared to previous years.
A senior staff member in a large care home group told Amnesty in September:
“It varied across the country, but GPs and district nurses have not come into the majority of our homes since the beginning of the pandemic. Not even to carry out essential work.”
Care home managers reported to Amnesty cases of local GP surgeries or Clinical Commissioning Groups requesting that they should insert DNAR forms into the files of residents as a blanket approach.
Amnesty’s research exposed how a group of six Sussex CCGs issued DNAR guidance on 23 March 2020 to 35 GP surgeries and 98 care homes. The document instructed all practices to: “Search your clinical system for any care home patients who do not have a resuscitation order recorded (either ‘not for’ or ‘for’ resuscitation) and put appropriate orders in place”.
The guidance also related to hospital admission, asking GPs to ensure “patients who do not already have a ‘do not convey to hospital’ decision are prioritized and have one in place”
A family member described her mother’s decline:
“I have not been able to visit my poor mum for six months. She is bed-bound and is on the first floor so window visits have not been possible. Her room is right next to a fire exit so I could go to her room without having to pass through the home but ‘bedroom visits’ are not allowed. I have been informed [by the manager] by email ‘that I will only be able to visit when she is dying’.”
Family members have reported that they “feel” that the medicines being used hastened their family members death. I am unsurprised that certain family members felt this way. Why? Because to explain all that I have explained above, is well beyond the capacity of providers in a crisis.
Families were generally not permitted to visit unless the patient was dying but did speak to Doctors during the process and after death. There were reports by Nurses and one Family Member who took it upon herself to force the issue and see her Mom that patients were deprived of hydration and nutrition, so on top of being heavily sedated which depressed breathing they were being starved
But, you cannot tell me that suddenly the whole staff of a care home collectively and simultaneously started euthanizing or murdering the residents. Not so fun fact: Although I dont know the reimbursement sources of care homes in the UK, if this happened in the U.S, all those workers would soon be out of a job. Why? An empty bed in a nursing/care home.. brings in no money. Last point - do you think providers at care homes have any experience or training in the care of the dying? They absolutely do.
Thus, I believe, on no granular direct evidence (find me a whistleblower that will change my mind), that they were doing the best they could, in a difficult situation of rapidly spreading Covid in those care homes, in frail, elderly patients that had advance directives that they were not to be hospitalized or ventilated, and, due to their age and frailty and the fact the first Wuhan variant was such a beast, were rapidly succumbing to various degrees of respiratory failure and the providers were trying to keep them comfortable in the only way they could which was to treat symptoms (no effective anti-viral or anti-inflammatory treatments were “approved” remember?).
Why cant Pierre consider this? After 3 years of countless abuses by the medical profession from vaccines to therapeutics, masking children, denying transplants to those unvaccinated, forbidding visitors to see dying elderly patients in hospital and care homes, refusing to file VAERS reports, forcing patients to take Remdesivir despite being asked not to, refusing to give a patient Ivermectin (a safe drug) when requested (whats the harm, might even get a placebo effect).
Aside from a minority of Doctors and Nurses this profession has shown itself to be just as corruptible as any other. If given an order, those who want to keep their job follow it. Whistlebowers? Nobody on MSM will let anyone hear it which discourages most from trying.
Also, care homes in NY like hospitals were heavily heavily subsidized under the Care Act and those hit the hardest by COVID received the most money. As for Whistleblowers, I heard several of them on the Richie Allen Show. They were ignored by MSM and suspended quickly on Social Media
Richie Allen show interviewing victims
In the UK,
A new £600 million Infection Control Fund has been introduced to tackle the spread of COVID-19 in care homes in addition to £3.2 billion of financial support made available to local authorities to support key public services since the start of the crisis.
The fund, which is ringfenced for social care, will be given to local authorities to ensure care homes can continue to halt the spread of coronavirus by helping them cover the costs of implementing measures to reduce transmission.
No doubt those who went along with government policies like in US were compensated for losing paying customers
Lets look at 2016 Exercise Cygnus , a UK Pandemic Exercise that contemplated Population Triage.
What those triggers were was not discussed.
Then lets look at Liverpool Care Pathway they introduced decades ago
The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) was a scheme that we’re told intended to improve the quality of care in the final hours or days of a patient’s life. It’s alleged aim was to ensure a peaceful and comfortable death. The LCP was a guide to doctors, nurses and other health workers looking after someone who was dying on issues such as the appropriate time to remove tubes providing food and fluid, or when to stop medication.
The LCP was developed during the late 1990’s at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, in conjunction with the Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute. Palliative care is medical treatment designed to make people with terminal illness feel as comfortable as possible – both physically and emotionally. It can be used to relieve symptoms but not cure a condition.
The LCP involved reviews of –
whether any further medications and tests (such as taking the patient’s temperature or blood pressure) would be helpful
how to keep the patient as comfortable as possible, for example, by adjusting their position in bed or providing regular mouth care (some illnesses or treatments can cause over- or underproduction of saliva)
whether artificial fluids should be given, when a patient has stopped being able to eat or drink
the patient’s spiritual or religious needs
In 2013, an independent review was carried out by Baroness Neuberger, who recommended discontinuation of the Liverpool Care Pathway. Why was there a review? Because it was applied to patients without their families’ knowledge and when they still had a chance of recovery. Doctors in the NHS were withdrawing treatment, heavily sedating the patient, and removing the tubes which provided food and fluid in the last 24 hours of their life.
The Review and the media highlighted examples of extremely poor practice. Many cases revealed ineffective or absent communication between healthcare professionals and patients or relatives, resulting in appalling care when this happened. Even though the LCP repeatedly emphasised the importance of clear and open communication with the patient and family and within the multidisciplinary team.
Particular concern was raised in the Review about reports of patients being denied oral fluids, contrary to the legal requirement to provide basic care:
‘The offer of food and drink by mouth … must always be offered to patients who are able to swallow without serious risk of choking or aspiration.’4.
In fact, the LCP guidance was explicit that:
‘… the patient should be supported to take food and fluid by mouth for as long as tolerated.’6
The Review also identified reports of withdrawal of nutrition and hydration by drip or tube, without explanation or consultation.
According to newspaper reports, several families complained about use of the care pathway. Some relatives claimed that their loved ones were put on the pathway without their consent and some said it hastened death in relatives who were not dying imminently.
The review also found that use of the pathway was being encouraged for financial reasons, linked to targets. Almost two-thirds of NHS trusts using the LCP received “payouts” totaling millions of pounds for hitting targets related to its use.
There review also found examples of people who “survived” the Liverpool Care Pathway. A Daily Mail article described how doctors at a hospital had removed all feeding tubes and drips and placed an 82-year-old grandmother on the Liverpool Care Pathway. Her children and grandchildren were told to say their last goodbyes.
But they said no. And after they defied hospital orders and gave Mrs Greenwood drops of water, her family helped her make a remarkable recovery.
The Liverpool Care Pathway was discontinued in 2014 following mounting criticism and a national review. Or so we are told.
One of the drugs of choice given to heavily sedate the patient and give them a “good death” was a drug called Midazolam.
Midazolam should be used with extreme caution in patients who have chronic renal failure, impaired hepatic function, or impaired cardiac function. It should also be used with extreme caution in obese patients, or elderly patients.
Midazolam induces significant depression of respiration.
UK regulators insist midazolam should only be administered in a hospital or doctor’s office under the supervision of a doctor or nurse to monitor the breathing of the patient in order to provide life saving treatment to the patient if breathing slows or stops.
Midazolam should be used with extreme caution in elderly patients.
According to journalist Jacqui Deevoy
Paperwork and links showing the LCP protocol was reintroduced in early 2020. This time around, it wasn’t called the Liverpool Care Pathway but the protocol was identical: the use of a cocktail of drugs (usually Midazolam and morphine), along with a withdrawal of food and water, leading to the untimely death of the patient.
Documents showing the dosage of Midazolam given to Covid patients and showing how breathlessness in patients is to be managed using Midazolam.
Information from anonymous insiders – including lawyers, doctors, care workers and nurses, who’ve seen this abominable practice happening first hand.
A video made by Manchester mayoral candidate Michael Elston, outlining what he knows to be happening with regards to the killing and culling of the elderly using Midazolam.
16 case studies who are willing to speak to the Press about their loved ones’ deaths being ‘hastened’ in hospitals and care homes. Some cases are historic and occurred whilst the LCP was in place; some have happened in the last 14 months; one is a ‘near miss’, when a woman who had nothing wrong with her was put on end of life treatment only to be rescued by her grandson at the last minute.
I don’t know exactly what happened in care homes and hospitals in NY and UK, I do think an investigation is warranted, but I wont hold my breath. That said, we should not whitewash it.
So just as I was editing and about to post Pierre posted some additional thoughts. No doubt some comments on his stack made him rethink his original post
I made an error in my post by not exploring the root cause of the deaths......
My hypothesis as to the “root cause” of the excess deaths is that as the chaos of the first wave of the Wuhan variant unfolded, policy makers made an assessment that they were in a “mass casualty” scenario. Policies were hastily created which removed care opportunities to care home patients. The seemingly blanket DNR policies and “do not hospitalize” policies in the homes they were following for a time is what I suspect was the proximate cause of the excessive dying (not the medicines), as sick residents were forced to stay in the homes and proper Covid care could not be provided there.
Again, my hypothesis is that the hasty attempt at creating "rationing" policies in the UK was catastrophic. It seems they were trying to "ration" or "prioritize" care for certain classes of citizens with a priority for the non-elderly, non-disabled(?) as if they were in a mass casualty event......
It seems that UK policy makers, for a time, assigned a “grey status”.. to all the UK care home patients? I have not done a deep dive into what the actual hospital capacity for care was to even remotely justify such a policy, but from what I have read, these policies were not justified by a catastrophic lack of capacity. Given that reality, the policies, in hindsight(?) were outright violations of proper medical care but I still have trouble ascribing them with a primary intent to cause death, although those erroneous policies did cause excess death for sure.
However, even if the situation approximated a “mass casualty”, a blanket assigning of “grey status” to all care home residents is extremely disturbing versus trying to do so on an individual basis.
The reason why I am reluctant to accept there was a primary intent to cause death is that I just can’t. I have been exposed to so much fraud and corruption and ignorance within the medical system through Covid, with what now seems like systematic depravity around the vaccines, but I can’t believe any suggestion that health care providers systematically began to practice euthanasia or homicide in the early pandemic. Or that the policies were formed with a primary intent to cause excess death in care homes.
I just can’t do it. And won’t, because if I do, then the world is lost to me.
I wont repeat myself. Exercise Cygnus and aborted Liverpool Care Pathway suggest they planned this at the highest levels. Pierre understandably is in Denial, although after the last 3 years this is somewhat surprising, maybe all that traveling he seems to be doing has erased some of the memories of these last few years, but its not for me to say.
My advice to Pierre. The only way to combat Evil is to admit it exists and is present nearby. If your World denies the existence of Evil and the fact it is growing more powerful, your World truly is Lost, because it never really existed.
It doesn’t mean everyone who goes along with Evil and does not protest it is Evil. Many accept the false reasons for doing what they are asked to do. They are in Denial themselves. Most people are weak and just follow the crowd.
Unless someone has a big following they will be ignored. Thats why someone with such a big following like Pierre for being on the side of truth regarding Ivermectin and Vitamin C (sepsis) giving what seems like a blank check to those responsible for what transpired in care homes is disappointing. Not that we should judge without a proper investigation but unless we point out the clear abuses and recognize the financial incentives that permitted them we will never get that investigation.
"But, you cannot tell me that suddenly the whole staff of a care home collectively and simultaneously started euthanizing or murdering the residents...."
Yes, Pierre, we can.
They were Good Germans them "covid-era" nurses--back in 1933 they schtarted mit the babies, moved up to the kinder, then the disabled AND the elderly.... all good practice....by 1941 there wuz ready fer the Jews.... Here the financial incentives were massive--FAR more gener'ous than them Krankschwesters got fer their "gut" cooperation....