Books-Reading List
One Nation Under Blackmail I/II-Whitney Webb
Family of Secrets, Baker
Technocracy Rising, Wood
Surveillance Valley, Levine
Operation Paperclip, Jacobsen
The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Marrs
Blacklisted by History, Evans
The Devils Chessboard, Talbot
Transhumanism, Livingstone
Ordo ab Chao Series, Livingstone
The Religion of Technology, Noble
Technocracy, Wood
Tech Gnosis, Davis
Net Delusion, Morozov
The Pentagons Brain, jacobsen
The Last Circle, Seymour
Tower of Basel, LeBor
Dark Towers -Deutsche Bank, Enrich
A Century of War, Engdahl
Myths Lies and Oil Wars,
Dark Money, Mayer
David Ray Griffins 9/11 books
Soldiers of Reason-Rand Corp, Abella
Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, brzezinski
Web of Debt, Brown
Return from Jekyll Island
And Forgive them their Debt, Hudson
Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Mullin
Treasure Island, Shacson
Debt-the First 5000 years
Big Oil and their Bankers, Henderson
Heaven and Earth, Global Warming, Plimer
The invisible Rainbow, firstanburg
Media Control, Chomsky
War is a Racket, Butler
National Security Cinema, Alford
Manifest Destiny, Engdahl
The Last Hegemon, Engdahl
The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski
Trilaterals over Washington, sutton/wood
Trilateralism, Sklar
The Anglo American Establishment, Quigley
Socialism and Governance, Wang
Russias Path from Gorbachev to Putin, kotz
House of Trump, House of Putin, Unger
The Putin Corporation, felshtinsky
The Piratization of Russia, Goldman
The Russian Revolution, mcmeekm
200 years together,Solzhenitsyn
Wall St and FDR, Sutton
Wall St and Bolshevicks, Sutton
The Roosevelt Myth, Flynn
The Plot Against America, Roth
The Plot to Seize the White House, Archer
Wall St and Hitler, Sutton
They thought they were free , Mayer
Germanys War, Wear
Victims of Yalta, Owens
The Nazi Hydra in America
The Other Side of Deception, Ostrovsky
The Last Brother, McGinnis
Brothers, Talbot
Assault on the Liberty, Ennes
The New Intifada, Carey
The Diaspora of the Jews from its Persian Origins to the Khazars (journal)
Rockefeller Medicine Men, Brown
Inventing the AIDS virus, Duesberg
Oslers Web, Johnson
Plague of Corruption, Mikovits
Plague, Heckenlively
Dissolving Illusions, Humphries
The Virus and the Vaccine, bokchin
Callous Disregard, Wakefield
Banquet at Delmonicos, Werth
The Atlantic Slave Trade, Klein
1666 Redemption through Sin, Sepehr
Marx before Marxism, McClellen
To Eliminate the Opiate, antelman
Political Ponerology
Six Days of War, Segeev
A History of Modern Palestine, Pappe
Triple Cross, Lance
The One Percent Docrtine, Susskind
The Pearl Harbor Myth, Victors
Science & Religion, Gant
Coming of the War, Beard
Science and Religion, Olson
Climate Confusion, Spencer
'Little Ice Agem Fagan
Wickets Remedy (fiction), Goldberg
Mind Wars, Moreno
Floods, Famines and Emperors, Fagan
Genetic Roulette, Smith
American Fireign Policy in the Making, 1932-1940, Beard
Herbery Hoover, Wilson
The Big Bamboozle, Marshall
Putins Kleptocracy, Dawisha
Secrets of the Kingdom, Posner
Greenspan Bubbles
Crossing the Rubicon, Ruppert
Second Chance, Brzezinski
Three New Deals, Wolfgard
Three Victories and
Banquet at Delmonicos, Werth
Lords of Fiance, Ahamad
Memoirs, Rockefeller
Shock ck Docrine, Klein
Target Iran, Ritter
All the Shahs Men, Kanzer
Deception, Levy
Wilsons War, Powell
Armed Madhouse, Palast
Six days of War, Oren
The Bureau , Kessler
The Thirteenth Tribe,Koestler
Worse Than Watergate, Dean
The Trial of Henry Kissinger, Hitchens
Ugly Americans, Mezrich
Jerusealem 1913, Marcus
New World Order, Epperson
The Road Ahead, Gaates
Whos Who of the Elite, Ross
Nikolas Tesla Treasury, Tesla
State of War, Risen
Blackwater, Scahill
Gideons Spies, Thomas
The Politics of Heroin, McCoy
Failed Imagination, Williams
White Cargo, Jordan
Deep Hot Biosphere, Gold
Seeds of Deception, smith
The First Cell, Raza
Unsafe at any altitude, Trent
Homo Deus, Harari
The Body Electric, Becket
The Great Influenza, Barry
Nanotechnology, wilson
Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime, Gotzshe
The Department of Mad Scientists, Belfiore
The Other Side of Deception, Ostrovsky
From Yahweh to Zion,Guyenot
Iron Curtain over America, Beaty
Marx and Satan, Wurmbrand
Churchills War, Irving
The Invention of the Jewish People-Sand
The Forced War-Hogan
The Controversy of Zion, Reed
The Killing of William Browder
Cosmopolitanism and Zionism
The Dissolution of Eastern Europe Jewry, Sanning
Hitlers War, Irving
Origins of the Kabbalah, Schlolem
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, Sutton
Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Shahack
Pawns in the Game, Carr