Big Pharmas Police Force - The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and State Medical Boards (SMB)
Danger lurks for Patients and Doctors in California.
A California bill designed to combat disinformation and misinformation 0n COVID-19by medical professionals passed in the state Senate on Monday evening.
Why it matters: The bill could see doctors and other medical professionals who spread COVID misinformation or disinformation face disciplinary action for "unprofessional conduct" from the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, which could include having their state license suspended or revoked.
If Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) were to sign the bill into law, California would be the first state to take legal action against medical practitioners in response to the spread of false COVID information, per the New York Times.
Medical experts and groups including the American Medical Association have said misinformation has exacerbated the pandemic and caused "thousands of unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths," the NYT notes.
Driving the news: The bill, AB 2098, was introduced by Democratic state Assembly member Evan Low in February.
Details: The bill defines disinformation as a "misinformation that the licensee deliberately disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead."
It describes misinformation as "false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific contrary to the standard of care."
What they're saying: "Due to their specialized knowledge and training, licensed physicians possess a high degree of public trust and therefore must be held to account," Low said in a statement announcing the bill.
"The spreading of misinformation, of inaccurate COVID-19 information, contradicts that responsibility and threatens to further erode the public trust in the medical profession and puts all patients at risk."
Fellow Democrat State Sen. Richard Pan, a co-sponsor of the bill, said in order "for a patient to give informed consent, they have to be well informed," per the NYT.
What we're watching: Newsom has three weeks to sign the bill, but he's yet to take a public position on it, per the NYT.
California is looking more like the CCP’s outpost in America. They might as well replace the American Flag with the PRC Flag
Anyways, what are these Medical Boards and why do they have so much power over Doctors?
At the center of the US Health Care cesspool of corruption are the state medical boards, who claim to “protect the public”.
These agencies abuse their power, unregulated, unsupervised and existing not to help the public, but to exploit and profit from the public. They use patients as their excuse, their cover, to perpetrate their crimes against humanity. Their crimes contribute to the epidemic of physician suicides in the United States, reported as four hundred a year, although the number is likely much higher, and they kill patients, by taking away our doctors, jailing our doctors and causing them to commit suicide.
Corrupt medical boards have permitted corrupt insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare corporations to financially rape the American public, dictate local healthcare policy, and revoke the licenses of our doctors in the most cruel and arbitrary manner, with no regard for due process or the law.
Coordinating this Conspiracy of Corruption is the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), a non-profit that appears to be Big Pharmas lackey. The Funding behind this organization is not known.
Last year a joint statement issued by the American Board of Family Medicine, the American Board of Internal Medicine, and the American Board of Pediatrics supporting the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) statement that providing “misinformation” about the COVID-19 vaccine “contradicts physicians’ ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license.”
The American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), and the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) wrote in support FSMB’s position: “We also want all physicians certified by our Boards to know that such unethical or unprofessional conduct may prompt their respective Board to take action that could put their certification at risk.”
Dr. Amerling responded to the statement, saying: “It’s a sad commentary on American Medicine that private certifying agencies with near-monopoly power are using their pulpits to promote a government-backed narrative of a one-size-fits-all treatment, that has already injured tens of thousands of individuals at little or no risk from COVID-19. Recent data cast severe doubt on vaccine efficacy, particularly against the delta variant.”
He continued: “It should be noted that the Federation of State Medical Boards is a quasi-legal interstate compact that has no authority over individual state medical licensing boards.
The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) is a private 501(c)(6) trade associationthat purports to represent the seventy state medical and osteopathic boards of the US and its territories, and cosponsors the United States Medical Licensing Examination. It is tremendously powerful: whatever it suggests in terms of medical care policies are often adopted by the state medical boards
The University of Wisconsin, with funding from Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, developed a continuing education course for doctors based on the FSMB’s manual. This is the drug company that in 2007 paid $600 million in fines in settlement of a guilty plea for having misled doctors and patients when it claimed that the drug was less likely to be abused than traditional narcotics.
Senate Finance Committee launched an investigation into the close ties between pharmaceutical companies, the FSMB, and “nonprofit pain groups” like the American Pain Foundation. The Foundation received 90 percent of its $5 million in funding in 2010 from the drug and medical device industry, and its guides for patients, journalists, and policymakers downplay the risks associated with opioid painkillers while exaggerating the benefits from the drugs.
How much money does the FSMB take in total from industry? How does it use it? Who really runs the FSMB? What exactly is its relationship with the American Medical Association? With the so-called Quackbusters? With state medical boards? These are all questions that need answers.
FSMB achieves introduction of favorable legislation or simple SMB“policy mandates”through legislators or employed personnel. It has become part of the extensively used and effective “fourth branch of government.” Jonathan Turley, a professor of public interest law at George Washington University, writes:
The vast majority of laws governing the U.S. are not traditional laws, as they are now created outside the constitutional mechanisms of elected legislators. Rather, they are now issued as regulations, crafted largely by thousands of unnamed, unreachable, and often mid- level bureaucrats and government employees, typically skirting any public or professional notice or scrutiny. One study found that in 2007, Congress enacted 138 public laws, while federal agencies finalized 2,926 rules, including 61 major regulations. This rule-making comes with little accountability.
The Senate Finance Committee never released its report on “an investigation into financial ties between drug manufacturers and medical organizations that were setting guidelines for opioid use.”
That’s how the investigation was described in a blog by Paul D. Thacker, the aide to Senator Chuck Grassley who conducted it in 2012. The FSMB was one of the seven “medical organizations” Thacker checked out. The Senate Finance Committee is now led by Ron Wyden of Oregon and Orrin Hatch of Utah, and no longer employs Thacker, who had been urging Wyden to release the long-suppressed report of his investigation into Purdue, Endo, and J&J’s attempt to influence prescription policies. Wyden told Thacker that he would —and why would he not?
Wyden should also appoint some eager beaver from Oregon State to investigate the present funding of the Federation of State Medical Boards and other organizations lobbying to constrict the medical use of cannabis. Who is funding these neo-prohibitionist forays?
A good example of how these Medical Boards do Pharma’s dirty work is the case of Dr Paul Thompson
“Dr. Thomas is one the unique doctors in America today who can actually look at the data of his patients over the years, and compare the outcomes of vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children, a study that the CDC refuses to do.
And that is just what he did. Along with James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., they published their study in theInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
The title of the study is Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination.
Shortly after he published this study which has great value to the public and parents who want to make informed decisions about the health of their children and vaccination, his medical license in Oregon was suspended, because the study clearly shows that unvaccinated children tend to be much healthier than those who are vaccinated.”