This is a rough cut and paste timeline of HIV-AIDS
Much of what follows comes from these must read books
The Real Anthony Fauci -RFK Jr
Inventing AIDS-Peter Duesberg
While they question causation none of them look too much at the origins of HIV or CFS. so I make some cautious use of the following
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident, or Intentional?, Leonard G Horowitz
AIDS and the Doctors of Death, Alan R Cantwell
My feeling is that HIV is a real virus from monkeys (SIV) which infected humans in the US as they were brought here in large numbers for virus and vaccine research. Humans were occasionally infected and the virus recombined and/or mutated to adopt to human cells becoming what we call HIV. HIV is not very transmissible so it spread very slowly for about a decade, mostly among homosexuals where the prevalence was low and transmissibility is higher. Human plasma used to make Hep B vaccines contained the virus and was not completely killed in the inactivation process (like SV-40 and Polio Vaccine).
During Heb B Vaccine Trials among gay population in NYC, LA and SF many participants were infected allowing rapid transmission to non-vaccinated gays and heterosexuals. Transmission rates stabilized/declined once they transitioned to a plasma free vaccine and the population practiced safer sex.
Was it accidental or by design?. I have no idea. Decide for yourself
To understand the historical context in the late 60’s much concern was being made about population and limited resources, so much so that Kissinger was driven to develop NSSM 200 making population control a National Security Priority in 1974.
Furthermore, research into viruses and virus hunting was moving into high gear. It was dual use, searching for viruses which might cause cancer in the hope this could lead to curing or preventing cancer, and biological weapon research which had moved forward at Warp Speed with Operation Paper Clip and knowledge obtained froM Japanese Scientists. It soon became clear that such research and virus hunting from remote animal reservoirs could lead to such viruses being released into the human population to the detriment of human health leading to reduced life expectancy which was one way to reduce population growth.
It would also lead opportunities in the Vaccine Industry and increase the number of vaccines the population could be persuaded to take, which would also have a Malthusian Effect.
No doubt some bright star at RAND realized that if a wave of new viruses were released somebody would point the finger at the US Bioweapons program, or even the Soviets program which could lead to a Hot War. That likely led to the Biological Warfare Convention of 1972 with the US announcing they were ending their own program in 1971 and converting the labs to a War on Cancer (notice how we never win these wars?).
So thats the backdrop to help understand the timeline which I chose to start with Faucis joining the NIH
Time Line
1968, Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases's (NIAID) Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI).
1969-Pentagon official Donald MacArthur on June 9 requested $10 million to develop, over the next 5 to 10 years, a new, contagious microorganism which would destroy the human immune system.
Such research could be categorized as “defensive" as in order to defend oneself against a possible new virus, one must first develop the virus.
There is no evidence this money was ever provided, but the fact it was considered is note worthy
1969-The SVCP (Special Virus Cancer Program) was administered by the Litton Bionetics company on behalf of the NCI and Life Sciences industry. During those years, Litton was contracted to administer “Support Services for the Special Virus Cancer Program”
Under that contract, Litton supplied the experimental viruses, monkeys, chimpanzees and vaccine reagents to SVCP collaborators, including the Merck Drug Company under Merck’s contract titled “Oncogenic Research and Vaccine Development.”
This group was overseen by NCI Project Officer Robert Gallo during the early 1970s.
Litton received in the neighborhood of $2 million per year over “5 years at a total cost of $10 million” beginning in 1969, the year U.S. Government appropriations for “SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENTS” were authorized by Congress.
1971-On October 18 as part of Richard Nixon's War on Cancer, the army's biowarfare research laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was permanently joined with the National Cancer Institute; and was retitled . the Frederick Cancer Research Center. Litton Bionetics was named as the military's prime contractor.
The primary task of the new Center was "the large scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) viruses and suspected oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis."
Special attention was given to primate viruses and to the successful propagation of significant amounts of "human candidate viruses.”
Later, the objective was to determine if such viruses could induce (either alone or with other co-carcinogens) human cancers . Biowarfare scientists also had a keen interest in the role of human and non-human primate viruses as "helper viruses" in the production of cancer
A steady supply of research animals (monkeys, chimpanzees, mice, cats, etc. ) was necessary; and multiple breeding colonies were established for the VCP. For example, a total of 2,274 primates from Africa and Asia were shipped to Litton for military use in 1971.
1970’s-African chimpanzees were used in the manufacture of the HB vaccines during the early 1970s. Additional documents prove that human Hepatitis B (HB) viruses cultured in vivo in chimpanzees were returned to humans whose infected blood serum was then pooled to develop four different strains of experimental HB vaccine pilot tested between 1970 and 1975 in New York City and central Africa.
Subsequently, pooled blood serum containing HB surface antigen and/or live virions, a milieu ripe for viral recombination, was used to develop the four suspected vaccines administered to New York’s gay population and simultaneously to sub-Saharan Africans.
1973-The hepatitis B vaccine was developed by Saul Krugman of New York University, in collaboration with Hilleman at MSD andR.H. Purcell at NIAID (a division of the National Institutes of Health).
Krugman and his co-workers laid the groundwork for active immunization against hepatitis B in 1970 to 1973. They discovered that a 1:10 dilution of hepatitis B infective serum lost its infectivity when boiled for one minute but retained its antigenicity and prevented hepatitis B in 70 percent of vaccinated subjects.
Hilleman and his colleagues at the Merck Institute of Therapeutic Research developed a more sophisticated vaccine consisting of highly purified, formalin-inactivated HBsAg particles derived from the plasma of chronic carriers of the antigen.
By 1978, data were sufficient to permit testing in a clinical trial.
Krugman became infamous in the 1970s, when it came out that he had deliberately infected retarded children institutionalized at Willowbrook in New York City with hepatitis B virus, using the pretext that conditions there were so atrociously unsanitary, that the children would become infected anyway!
NYU was one of the institutions that got money from the 1969 grant of $10 million for biowarfare.
1974 the New York Blood Center (NYBC) established Vilab II — a rarely-mentioned chimpanzee center in Liberia, Africa. It was used to infect primates; the goal was to develop hepatitis vaccines for eventual human use.
Around this time, the United States banned importation of chimpanzees caught in the wild.
1978 -report from the Office of Biohazard Safety of the VCP states:
"The inadequate care and handling of animals during the past several years have created a potential for the occurrence of infection of humans with simian (primate) microorganisms and cross infection between species.
Such interspecies disease transmission may seriously compromise the integrity of the experiment as well as the health of the experimenter. Due to the magnitude of biomedical research employing tissue cultures. Frequent evaluation of tissue culture cross-contamination is very important."
By the late 1970s the mixing of animal cancer viruses with human cells to produce new "xenotropic" viruses was commonplace. Xenotropic viruses are viruses taken from one species and transplanted into another different species. All these experiments represent "species jumping" performed in a laboratory.
1978-1980 the CDC conducted a hepatitis B vaccine trial on homosexual men living in New York City, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
HIV/AIDS would first be detected among the participants in the CDC hepatitis B vaccine trial and quickly spread throughout the gay community in those cities.
Before these CDC experiments there were no reported cases of HIV or AIDS in America. The AIDS epidemic was officially declared by CDC in 1981, at the conclusion of the experiment.
NEJMpublished report (1980) researchers proclaimed the vaccine “safe and incidence of side effects low,” and claimed a 96% success rate.
Between 1978 and 1980, of 359 hepatitis B seronegative homosexual and bisexual men that were recruited from the San Francisco municipal sexually transmitted disease clinic for hepatitis B vaccine trials.
Of the 359 participants, 320 (89%) consented to have their stored blood samples tested for human immunodeficiency virus antibodies after a test became available. The prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection in these 320 vaccine trial participants was 0.3% in 1978 to 50.9% in 1988.
The men in the Manhattan experiment had 20% of samples in 1980 test positive
In addition, a re-examination of the stored blood samples in NYC by epidemiologists at the National Cancer Institute in 1999, found that one out of five gay men (20%) tested positive for the new KS herpes-8 virus (Kaposi’s Sarcoma virus) in 1982.
Before 1978 no stored blood anywhere in the US tested positive for either HIV or the Kaposi’s Sarcoma virus (which was not identified until 1994).
Many claim that AIDS existed latent and undetected in the Gay population prior to the Hepatitis experiments however "in those (Gay men) who received all three injections, 96% developed antibodies against the (hepatitis) virus.
The experiment could never have been so phenomenally successful if the Gay men were infected with HIV before the experiment. Studies have shown that hepatitis B vaccination is not very successful in immunodepressed people. In HIV-positive individuals, the success rate of the hepatitis B vaccine is about 50%, only protecting one out of two people infected with the AIDS virus.”
This suggests that Gay men in Dr. Szmuness' study were healthy before the experiment--and damaged afterward
1980 the VCP came to an inglorious end with the inability to prove that viruses were involved to any significant extent in human cancer. More than any other program it built up the field of animal retrovirology, which led to a more complete understanding of how cancer and immunosuppressive retroviruses caused disease in humans.
The VCP was the birthplace of genetic engineering, molecular biology, and the human genome project , and perhaps the birthplace of HIV/AIDS as well.
1980-Fauci was appointed chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation. Perfect timing.
1980-In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the so-called "technology transfer" movement arose within the Federal Government. As the funding of Government laboratories decreased, the goal of the movement was to transfer federally developed technology to the private sector.
It was expected the private sector would then expend the resources to commercialize the technology, motivated by the potential of profit.
By engaging in technology transfer, the Federal Government hoped to (a) encourage university professors to publish the results of research at their own discretion, (b) increase the number of patents for technology resulting from Government funding, and (c) create a uniform Federal Government patent policy.
The specific objectives of the Bayh-Dole Act within the several statutes comprising the technology transfer movement are to (1) encourage maximum participation of small business firms and nonprofit organizations (like universities) in federally supported research and development efforts, (2) promote collaboration between commercial concerns and nonprofit organizations, (3) ensure that the Government obtains sufficient rights in federally supported inventions to meet its needs, and (4) protect the public against nonuse or unreasonable use of inventions.
Technology transfer as implemented in the Bayh-Dole Act resulted in transfer of title to inventions developed with Government funding to the private sector.
1981-July , reports of a unique outbreak of immune deficiency–related health problems in a group of highly promiscuous gay men in Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco.
At the time Poppers were widely used by the Gay community. Burroughs Wellcome holds the 1942 patent on the popper container and remained one of the largest manufacturers of poppers during the 1980s and ’90s.
As early as 1977, a New York Daily News article described Burroughs Wellcome strategies for dodging criticism of widespread health injuries from its booming popper sales.
Burroughs Wellcome and other popper manufacturers were the principal sources of advertising revenues to the gay press during that epoch, and they used that leverage to force censorship of any journalist attempting to link amyl nitrite to immune system collapse
1981-By the time the first report on the first AIDS cases was published in June , Donald Francis had reached a high position within the CDC's Hepatitis Laboratories Division and had worked for years with the homosexual community in organizing a major hepatitis B study that some believe might have sparked the AIDS outbreak.
Upon hearing that these mysterious patients had lost their T-cells, he evidently saw an opening and leapt for it. A mere eleven days after the Gottlieb report-when only five AIDS cases officially existed and only a handful of other possible ones had been reported-Francis placed a telephone call to Max Essex.
Randy Shilts described the start of the conversation:
"'This is feline leukemia in people,' Francis began." Retroviruses were generally known to prefer infecting white blood cells, including T-cells, he reasoned.
Further, in Shilts's words, "Feline leukemia has a long incubation period; this new disease must have long latency too, which is the only way it was killing people in three cities on both coasts before anybody even knew it existed."
On that June day, no one could even say for sure that this was even a real epidemic nor had any retrovirus been found in AIDS patients. Yet Francis had already mapped out the entire future of AIDS research: This new syndrome would be contagious, caused by a retrovirus with a long latent period between infection and disease
We now have an age estimate for HIV-1 group N at 1963 (range 1948-1977). Man, 1963 was a really bad year
An analysis of archival blood samples from the earliest AIDS cases in Haiti suggests that HIV-1 originated in Africa and moved to Haiti in the mid-1960s and thence to the United States in about 1969.
The virus circulated “cryptically” in the United States for 12 years, infecting “several thousand” individuals there by 1978.
Recent research by Worobey et al. on the genomes of the earliest cases in the United States strongly indicates that New York City was the original site of HIV subtype B in 1970
A 1995 article by Mansfield et al. claimed that the first simian AIDS (SIV) cases at the New England center occurred among a group of macaques that had been obtained from UC Davis in 1970
So HIV and SIV were in US in the 1970’s , albeit in low numbers, and since HIV does not spread easily it remained at low numbers and undetected, although numbers no doubt were increasing in the gay population in the sex and drug crazed 70’s.
No doubt some of those with Hepatitis B whose blood was used to make the Vaccine were HIV Infected. Hep B vaccinations in gay men in the 1978-1981 trials no doubt accelerated the spread, at Warp Speed
The HIV outbreak reduced the blood plasma supply Merck needed to make the vaccine they had to switch to a recombinant Hep B Vaccine in 1986. Since then the HIV infected population has declined (Merck also was involved in the SV-40 contaminated Polio Vaccine)
Wolf Szmuness ran the HepB trials. He died suddenly in June 6, 1982 from Lung Cancer, allegedly. At this time a lot of eyes were being directed at tge Hep B Vaccine. Wolf may have been ready to blow the whistle. He had kept all the blood samples and followed up with the vaccine participants so would have known they were dying or getting sick in large numbers from what was now known as AIDS
Cladd Stevens who worked with Szmuness took over. She claimed only 2 of the thousands in the trial came down with AIDS. She might as well have said the HepB Vaccine was an AIDS vaccine as well. The actual number was over 30% (not all batches may have been contaminated)
The Hep B Vaccine was made from the pooled blood of Hep B infected donors and then subjected to inactivation. Like with Polio Vaccine in the 1950’s, inactivation may not have been successful
Cladd Stevens did another study in 1986 after the AiDS Antibody Test came out
6.6% infected Novermber 1978-October 1979
20% by end of 1980
Over 40% by 1984
Remember, it can take months to seroconvert and create antibodies and also beware of her conflict of interest
1982-July , the CDC reported the first diagnosed cases in hemophiliacs. Mounting evidence suggested that the pathogen was transmitted by blood.
In January 1983, the American Red Cross, the American Association of Blood Banks, and the Council of Community Blood Banks issued a joint statement that acknowledged the hazard and advised member organizations against accepting donations from individuals belonging to high-risk groups.
1983-Fauci’s LIR made the first observation that B cells of HIV-infected individuals manifested numerous signs of aberrant hyperactivity and dysfunction.
1983, amid the rapidly escalating AIDS crisis, a Dr Fauci at the NIAID promoted a stunning theory about the newly encountered disease in the Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA).
Noting that the same issue of the journal contained an article documenting one of the first cases of the immunodeficiency disease’s appearance in an infant, the author sounded an alarm about “the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread the disease.”
The article took an increasingly speculative turn in promoting this new theory. “If indeed the latter is true, then AIDS takes on an entirely new dimension,” it continued. “If we add to this possibility that nonsexual, non-blood-borne transmission is possible, the scope of the syndrome may be enormous.”
Although the article reiterated the need to “be cautious” in accepting these findings as they awaited more evidence, the discovery “should at least alert us to the possibility that we are truly dealing with AIDS in children,” as transmitted through routine interaction.
1983-Gallo and Essex, in articles published back to back in Science in 1983, asserted that HTLV-1 can cause AIDS.
Therein, however, lay the problem. If HTLV-1 caused infected cells to grow into cancers, it could not also kill those same cells. Indeed, retroviruses had seized the high ground of cancer research during the 1970s precisely because they did not kill infected cells, but rather integrated themselves into the cell's genetic material, and therefore could be thought of as potential cancer-causing agents.
Still, the hypothesis, implicating HTLV-1, tickled Gallo's fancy-until he finally noticed the contradiction. Gallo would then changed the name of the virus in 1985; for Human T-cell Leukemia Virus he substituted Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus, meaning one that favors infecting T-cells.
This new name implied neither cancer nor cell killing, thereby maintaining an ambiguity that could allow the virus to cause both diseases at once.
1983 May, Science article by French Institut Pasteur virologist Luc Montagnier first identified a retrovirus that would later earn the name HIV. A team of doctors at the Pasteur Institute in France including Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier reported that they had isolated a new retrovirus from lymphoid ganglions that they believed was the cause of AIDS.
The virus was later named lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) and a sample was sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which was later passed to the National Cancer Institute(NCI).
At this time a patent was submitted on a test to detect the virus.
1983-Senator Dole had promised no amendments to the Bayh-Dole law to let big company contractors have the same right to retain ownership of inventions made in federally supported work that Bayh-Dole gave to small companies and nonprofits.
In a new Memorandum, President Reagan turned executive branch patent policy on its head.
The gist of Reagan’s memorandum is that Bayh-Dole is now extended to large company contractors, but with flexibility, but also as a matter of executive branch policy, not the policy of Congress (35 USC 200), even as it stipulates following the policy of Congress.
1984-Anthony Stephen Fauci was made director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
1984-the year Anthony Fauci became director of NIAID—HHS showed their hand on Vaccines in the Federal Register (this reference specific for Polio)
“Any possible doubts, whether or not well-founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccines will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s “public health objectives.”
Fed Register Vol. 49 No 107
1984 April 23, Gallo announced he found the virus that causes AIDS. Gallo recruited his boss, HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler, to lend credibility and weight to his dramatic announcement.
Heckler took the stage before a packed scrum of international press. “Good afternoon,” she told the world, “Ladies and gentlemen, first, the probable cause of AIDS has been found—a variant of a known human cancer virus.”
She pointedly added, “Today we add a new miracle to the long honor roll of American medicine and science.” Heckler’s participation at Gallo’s press event was important stagecraft because it gave the imprimatur of NIH’s institutional gravitas to a theory that had not been subject to peer review.
Only later did the public learn that NIH allowed Gallo to delay the announcement until he had personally patented an antibody kit that he claimed capable of detecting HIV and thanks to Bayh Dole he could profit from
He had developed the test at taxpayer expense. Crewdson writes that Gallo conspired with a CDC official, James Curran, to improperly certify Gallo’s test as equivalent in quality to a far better test developed by Montagnier.
1984, May - a team led by Robert Gallo of the United States confirmed the discovery of the AIDS virus, but they renamed it human T lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III).
Science published the four papers from Gallo’s lab, upon which Gallo’s celebrity as the “Superman of AIDS” entirely rests. The first paper reported Gallo’s isolation of a so-called “new” virus from AIDS patients. (Gallo’s lab had apparently cultivated and rechristened the French virus.)
The second paper declared that the new virus had been “isolated from a total of forty-eight subjects.
Examination of Gallo’s lab notes by the Chicago Tribune found no traces of these forty-eight isolates.
American and French governments skirmished over which scientist “discovered” HIV, until the combatants agreed in 1987 to call it a “co-discovery.”
1984-Dr. Fauci would open the floodgates of NIAID cash to develop new antivirals against HIV. He unleashed his kennel of grant-hungry Principal Investigators (PI’s) to concoct and test new drugs that would kill the virus. Remarkably, Dr. Fauci never funded to completion a single grant to explore whether HIV actually caused AIDS.
It was natural that Gallo found a powerful and reliable ally in Tony Fauci. Gallo’s “proof” that the cause of AIDS was a virus—as opposed to toxic exposures—provided the critical foundation stone of Dr. Fauci’s career.
This claim allowed Dr. Fauci to capture the AIDS program and its attendant cash flows from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and launch the project of building NIAID into the world’s leading drug-production empire.
1984-Cutter Biological, a division of pharmaceutical company Bayer, in the mid-1980s reportedly sold millions of dollars worth of a blood-clotting medicine that had a high risk for transmitting HIV to treat hemophiliacs in Asia and Latin America, while it sold a new, safer product in the United States and other Western countries, according to internal company documents, the New York Times reports (Bogdanich/Koli, New York Times, 5/22).
The product, called Factor VIII concentrate, helped stop potentially fatal bleeding in people with hemophilia.
In the early years of the AIDS epidemic, the company used pooled plasma donations from about 10,000 people to make the medicine. However, because there was not yet a test for HIV, thousands of hemophiliacs became infected through the use of Factor VIII.
Cutter introduced the safer, heat-treated version of the drug in February
1984; however, the company continued to sell the old medicine abroad and continued to produce the older version for several months after it began selling the new product (McHugh, AP/Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/23).
1985-On May 28, 1985, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) awarded patent number 4,520,113 to Drs. Gallo, Popovic and Sarngadharan, the named inventors of the LTCB HIV blood test.
PTO's action in issuing a patent on the Gallo blood test came despite the fact that another patent application for substantially the same invention -- the IP application -- had been submitted to PTO months before the submission of the Gallo application.
PTO officials told Subcommittee staff they issued a patent to Gallo et al. because they were unaware of the existence of the Montagnier IP application. PTO records show that from the time the IP application was submitted -- December 5, 1983 -- to the time of issuance of Gallo et al., the IP application was assigned to no less than three different patent examiners.
None of these examiners performed the vital process of "briefing" the IP application, i.e., abstracting its claims and entering them into PTO's then-antiquated central records system.
Because the IP application had not been briefed, its existence was not identified when the Gallo et al. examiner performed the last-minute "interference search," in which the claims of an about-to-be issued patent are checked against the claims of other pending applications.
The fact that Dr. Gallo and his fellow "inventors" had not disclosed to PTO their knowledge and use of LAV was another significant reason why PTO issued a patent to Gallo et al., with no consideration of the IP prior art.
PTO's slow pace in examining the IP application was less remarkable than the near-record rapid pace of prosecution for Gallo et al. It is in this area that concerns about apparent inequitable handling by PTO of the IP and LTCB blood test patent applications are most obvious.
At the outset, the Gallo et al. application was assigned to a low-workload PTO unit, on grounds that the claimed invention involved use of radioactive labelling and thus, was deemed to be high priority. The decision to assign Gallo et al. to the low-workload, high priority unit was made by PTO.
Yet the IP application, whose invention also included use of radiolabelling, was assigned by PTO to a high-volume, high backlog unit, guaranteeing a protracted examination process.
The examination processes for the LTCB and IP applications -- performed by the same examiner -- also were dramatically different.
PTO issued but a single office action on the Gallo et al. application, passing it to issuance in a near-record seven months (April-November 1984; the further delay in publication of the patent, to May 1985, appears to have been due to the HHS contract attorney's failure to promptly pay the issuance fee).
Even when the IP requested an interference, it was nearly nine months before the interference was granted, and over two years before the IP scientists finally were awarded a U.S. patent, in late 1987, nearly four years after they filed their U.S. patent application.
1985- HIV test patented by Gallo becomes commercially available
During that 1983–1984 interregnum, thousands of hospital patients and hemophiliacs received tainted blood from blood banks and became infected with HIV, and many of the already infected unwittingly spread the virus.
1985-when researchers introduced HIV testing in 1985, approximately 12% of these AIDS-diagnosed patients tested negative for HIV antibodies[Gallo, Science, May 4, 1984].
Meanwhile, positiveness for a variety of other microbes proved even more prevalent than HIV among these patients [Fauci, JAMA 257:19, May 15, 1987, p2617- 2621].
About half of Darby's 2,037 severe hemophiliacs in UK were already unwittingly HIV-positive by 1985, most of which were severe cases requiring more transfusions . Surely HIV-caused mortality should have exerted a detectable influence prior to 1985 in this group, yet their was no significant increase in mortality until 1986
Although AZT was not available until 1987, antifungal drugs against PCP, one of the AIDS pneumonias, are even more likely to be administered prophylactically . Symptom- free HIV-positives are the first healthy humans to ever consume such medications indefinitely, and in such combinations.
Following AZT approval IN 1987 mortality rates accelerated even among mild-moderate Hemophiliacs who had lower rates of HIV/AIDS
Australian mathematician Mark Craddock has publicized the following startling fact: of 1,300 deaths among HIV-positive Australians over a recent two-year period (early 90’s), 500 (more than one- third) were medically-assisted suicides ["Doctors Admit Helping in AIDS Deaths", Sydney Morning Herald, November 17, 1995, p.3].
This does not necessarily mean that many or even some of the deaths among Darby's HIV-positive subjects resulted from suicide. But it does offer direct support for the contention that HIV terror represents a biologically relevant factor.
1985 researchers for the CDC wrote: 'It is possible that antibody to LAV is acquired passively from immunoglobulins found in factor VIII concentrates ... Likewise, it is possible that seropositivity is caused not by infectious virus but by immunization with noninfectious LAV or LAV proteins derived from virus disrupted during the processing of plasma into factor VIII concentrate' (Evatt et al., 1985).
Thus a positive HIV antibody test cannot be considered proof of HIV infection. Nonetheless, 'Because the virus has been isolated from lymphocytes of about 30% of antibody-positive asymptomatic haemophiliacs and because immune dysfunction has been progressive in other patients, it is believed that antibody positivity is indicative of infection instead of immunization in most, if not all, of the antibody'-positive haemophiliacs' (Bretter et al., 1988).
According to other authors, 'Strictly speaking, detection of the virus is therefore necessary for diagnosis of an HIV infection in HIV-seropositive haemophiliacs' (Schneweis et al., 1989).
In conclusion, the presently available evidence does not prove that a positive HIV antibody test in haemophiliacs is proof of HIV infection.
1985-New York , 85 percent of schoolchildren at one public elementary school stayed home during opening week, while hundreds of parents demanded the school system bar any HIV-positive children from attending classes.
The Reagan administration made it unlawful for persons with AIDS to enter the United States. The Cuban government quarantined AIDS victims in modern leper colonies. AIDS activists charged Dr. Fauci with causing the “irrational, punitive” response that followed his hysterical statements
1986-With a test available there were many calls to require mandatory testing, especially in conservative circles
Robert Redfield (remember him) was working out of a Walter Reed lab in 1983 and was one of the minor players on the team led by Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute that found the virus that causes AIDS. It was the retrovirus now called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
He has worked on AIDS for four years now. At first, "more or less because I was told to." Next, because he fell into the thrall of the scientific mystery. Then, because the epidemic began to grow so grotesquely large that it became a threat to society as a whole. "The final step is personalizing it," he says. "I began to think of my own children."
The policy of not testing and not telling, he believes, "is threatening the health of the whole community. And ultimately it's going to threaten [gays'] freedom. They don't understand it, but a lot of people are going to be angry when they learn that the public health authorities of our country have been paralyzed because of this concern about confidentiality ... "
Anyone who tries to persuade people not to get tested, Redfield insists, summarizing his position as bluntly as he can, "has the blood of more gay men on his hands."
Redfield interview pushing universal testing and warning of heterosexual transmission
Maj. Robert Redfield, one of the U.S. Army's chief researchers on AIDS, settles himself onto a shaggy beige couch near the tropical fish tank in his family's Montgomery County home. After a moment of talk, his voice lowers, his speech slows. He is afraid for his children, he says.
He pauses to gather his thoughts and says in almost a whisper: "I mean this very seriously, not to be sensational -- there is a very serious likelihood that one of my four children will get this disease, in the normal development they have between 12 and 25. That's not hypothetical. It's real."
He was also closely linked to a controversial and unsuccessful effort in Congress in 1991 to require HIV testing of health-care professionals who perform invasive procedures, after a young woman, Kimberly Bergalis, contracted the virus from her dentist. The bill was introduced by Rep. William E. Dannemeyer, a California Republican who was one of the most conservative members of Congress.
Fortunately the requirement for testing was limited. Thats good. Simple math. If you test everyone regardless of risk with a test that has a 1% false positive rate and only 0.3% of the population are infected then 75% of the positives will be false positive. We saw something similar with COVID when Redfield was CDC Director
1986, “HTLV-III [HIV]-seropositive hemophiliac subjects, on average, had been exposed to twice as much concentrate during the previous year as seronegative hemophiliac subjects.”
This has been interpreted as increasing the risk of exposure to HIV, but it is also compatible with antibodies to foreign blood products being misinterpreted as HIV antibodies.
[Ludlam] also found that “total annual factor VIII consumption” was positively correlated with the risk of HIV seroconversion.
Kaposi’s Sarcoma was one of the first two AIDS-defining diseases (along with PCP) but was rarely found in haemophiliacs [Blattner; Jaffe; Prins]. Nobody has ever explained how one virus can be capable of frequently causing this malady in male homosexuals but rarely capable of causing it in haemophiliacs.
1986- Scientists have long suspected the existence of a “lab-created” virus which attacks the immune system. In January 1986, the French-born and trained biologists Professor Jakob and Dr. Lilli Segal, published a pamphlet entitled, “AIDS: USA-Home Made Evil; Not Imported from Africa.”
The two scientists, a biophysicist and a biologist affiliated with the Humboldt University in Berlin, pointed out that examination of the genes making up the HIV retrovirus revealed it “could not have come about by a natural way known to biologists.”
They called the virus a “chimera,” originally created in 1977 at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Segals were not the only researchers to suggest that “genetic engineering” was involved with AIDS.
John Seale, M.D., a London venereologist, also stated that the molecular structure of HIV suggested “manipulation of viruses” rather than a natural mutation from known retroviruses. And Dr. Robert Strecker, M.D., a Los Angeles internist, has made the same assertion.
These advocates of the artificial HIV theory all note the structural similarities of HIV to visna virus, a pathogen found in sheep with similarities to AIDS. The scientists argue that the visna virus was artificially combined with the HTLV-I virus, another retrovirus which causes human lymphoma, a cancer of the white blood cells. Today designer viruses are limited only by the imagination of the scientist creating them.
1986-The Streckers release their “This is a Bio-Attack Alert” letter.
They claimed that top scientists in 1972 writing in the “Bulletin of the World Health Organization” (WHO) requested that AIDS-like viruses be created to study the effect on humans and that the virus was not only created as requested, but actually deployed, and now threatens the existence of mankind because it does what it was designed to do: cause cancer in humans via a contagious virus
1987-in order to allow the agency to focus additional resources upon new biologics therapies for the treatment of AIDS, FDA split the Center for Drugs and Biologics into two separate centers, the first focusing purely on the regulation of drugs, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), and the second focusing purely on the regulation of biologics and the administration of the FDA AIDS program, the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).
1987-a much more accurate (but more difficult to perform) HIV test — known as the Western Blot — became available. Though the test would seem as simple as blood being drawn from a patient’s perspective, that blood would still first be sent for an ELISA test which was prone to high false positive rates, and if it came back positive, the Western Blot test would be used to confirm that result.
This meant that the wait time for results was a nerve-wracking two weeks. Like ELISA, the Western Blot also depended on antibodies, rendering tests within months of infection potentially inaccurate.
1987-In March , President Ronald Reagan and French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac appeared in the East Room of the White House to announce that their governments had settled the question of whether scientists at the Pasteur Institute of Paris or the National Institutes of Health had invented the blood test for the virus known as HIV.
The answer, it appeared, was both. The names of the Pasteur scientists were added to the American patent on the AIDS test, and the focal agreement that formed the core of the settlement declared that both countries' scientists had independently "succeeded in isolating a human retrovirus which proved to be the causative agent of AIDS."
Just eight days later, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in northern New Mexico, a scientist specializing in the genetic analysis of viruses sent senior officials at the National Institutes of Health a confidential memo warning that "a double fraud" had been perpetrated on the scientific community.
The Los Alamos scientist, Gerald Myers, had compared the genetic codes of the French and American AIDS viruses and determined they were not independent discoveries but had undoubtedly come from the same patient.
Moreover, Myers said, the American virus and its progeny could not have been isolated from a pool of blood samples from several AIDS patients, as the NIH publicly had maintained.
"I suggest that we have paid for this deception in more than the usual ways," Myers wrote. "Scientific fraudulence always costs humanity ... but here we have been additionally misdirected with regard to the extent of variation of the virus, which we can ill afford..."
Myers' memo, which would have undermined the historic settlement before the ink had dried, was promptly buried in the NIH's files where it remained until it was accidentally discovered late last year (1988) by investigators for Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), who in a few days will relinquish the chairmanship of the House subcommittee that oversees the NIH.
1987, the Wall Street Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for its investigation of an HHS scheme its writers characterized as a deliberate campaign by officials to misrepresent AIDS as a general pandemic to secure greater public funding and financial support.
The flimflam worked. Terror of pestilence, it turns out, is a potent impulse, and Fauci was adept at weaponizing it—and he quickly learned that other “respected authorities” would follow his lead.
Following Dr. Fauci’s fear-mongering prophecy, Theresa Crenshaw of the President’s AIDS Commission made the astonishing forecast that
“If the spread of AIDS continues at this rate, in 1996 there could be one billion people infected; five years later, hypothetically billions.”
Crenshaw asked, “Could we be facing the threat of extinction during our lifetime?”
1987-Fischl study on AZT was published in July in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) . Fauci was in charge of federal AIDS funding by then.
John Lauritsen, journalist, Harvard analyst had viewed the FDA documents on the Fischl study and came to the conclusion that the study was “fraud”; the Swiss newspaper Weltwoche termed the experiment a “gigantic botch-up” and NBC News in New York branded the experiments, conducted across the US, as “seriously flawed.“
Even the FDA toxicology analyst Harvey I. Chernov concluded — months before publication of the mentioned pivotal AZT study – in an FDA document obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act by John Lauritsten that:
“The available data are insufficient to support FDA approval [of AZT].”
The Fischl experiments were, in fact, stopped after only four months, after 19 trial subjects in the placebo group (those who did not receive AZT, but rather an inactive placebo) and only one participant from the so-called verum group (those who were officially taking AZT) had died. Through this, according to the AIDS establishment, the efficacy of AZT appeared to be proven.
But the Fischl study was not even worth the paper it was printed on. Not only was it financed by AZT manufacturer Burroughs-Wellcome (today GlaxoSmithKline), which is clearly a conflict of interest, but it was “clear that Fauci‘s NIH and the FDA had far too ‘cozy’ a relationship with Burroughs-Wellcome,”.
Apart from that, the study was stopped after only four months. A clinical trial observation period of only four months is much too short to be informative, considering the usual practice of administering AIDS medications over years, or even a lifetime.
Moreover, the Fischl study had been conducted in a downright fraudulent manner. “It is almost beyond the bounds of probability that the mortality data could be correct,” as Lauritsen states.
“There are many ways that errors can occur in research. But in this particular study the most parsimonious explanation would be deliberate fraud.”
For example, the double-blind conditions of the study (according to which neither the researchers nor patients should have known who was taking AZT and who was taking placebos) were no longer existent after a short time. NBC lead reporter Perri Peltz stated in 1988, that almost immediately everyone knew who was getting what. Patients told how they can distinguish AZT from placebo by the taste.
Furthermore, the FDA documents show that the study results were distorted. For example, sicker patients were placed in the placebo group or because the group that swallowed AZT (and therefore had to cope with the severe side effects) received more supportive medical services (eg-Blood transfusions) than the placebo subjects.
NBC reported that there was widespread tampering with the rules of the Fischl trial. The rules had been violated coast to coast, and if all patients with protocol violations were dropped, there wouldn’t be enough to be able to continue the study.
1987-AZT became the AIDS “therapy” even though in the recommended dosage of 1,500 mg/day, it was absolutely fatal.
1987, Dr. Duesberg and his followers argue, the vast majority of “AIDS deaths” were actually caused by AZT—Dr. Fauci’s radical “antiretroviral” chemotherapy purposefully concocted to kill human cells. Duesberg describes the syndrome as “AIDS by AZT.”
Ironically, he argued AZT, the highly toxic medication that Dr. Fauci was prescribing to treat AIDS patients, actually does what the virus cannot—that is, it causes AIDS itself.
Burroughs Wellcome’s insert warns that it is “often difficult to distinguish adverse events possibly associated with administration of RETROVIR (AZT) from underlying signs of HIV disease or intercurrent illnesses.”
In other words, even the company acknowledges that AZT causes the diseases that define AIDS.
The annual mortalities from so-called AIDS during the early years of the pandemic for 1983–1987—prior to AZT’s approval—were lower, perhaps ten to fifteen thousand people in a country of 250 million.
According to the CDC, in the fifth full year of AIDS, 1986, 12,205 people “with” AIDS died in the United States. At that time, CDC—in a now-familiar scheme to stoke pandemic fears—used deceptive protocols to inflate the body counts.
The CDC’s mortality numbers include anyone with an HIV positive antibody “status,” even if the deceased had no “AIDS defining illness,” and instead succumbed to suicide, a drug overdose, a car accident, or a heart attack.
In 1987, “AIDS” deaths rose by 46 percent with 16,469 people dying. In 1988, as more and more people received AZT, the death toll rose to 21,176, and then to 27,879 in 1989 (when AZT was recommended for health HIV+). Death rates rose to 31,694 in 1990, and 37,040 in 1991.
In 1987 HHS’s standard prescription for AZT was 1,500 mg a day. In 1988, the average survival time for patients taking AZT was four months.
1987-Bactrim, a combination antibiotic, was approved by the FDA in 1973. Dr. Walter Hughes successfully treated PCP in people suffering from other conditions that cause defects in T-cell immunity, such as certain types of leukemia, with Bactrim in the 1970s.
Frontline doctors began using it with demonstrated benefits in AIDS patients suffering from PCP to treat and prevent the infection.
Fauci told activists attending a 1987 meeting that there was no data to suggest PCP prophylaxis was beneficial and that it may, in fact be dangerous."
Fauci's close colleague, Dr. Samuel Broder, who was head of the National Cancer Institute, even suggested -- in the absence of any evidence at all -- that the newly introduced antiretroviral, AZT, would make prophylaxis against PCP redundant!
In the two years between 1987 and 1989, when the guidelines were ultimately issued recommending Bactrim for PCP in AIDS patients, nearly 17,000 people with AIDS suffocated from PCP.
Most of these people might have lived had Fauci responded appropriately.
1988-Vice President George H. W. Bush’s presidential debate when asked who he admired most:
“You’ve probably never heard of him (Fauci). He’s a very fine researcher, top doctor at National Institute of Health, working hard doing something, research on this disease of AIDS.”
1988-December, the Lancet published a studythat was more expansive than the original AZT study and followed patients longer. It was not conducted in the United States, but in France, at the Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris. French doctors called the results “disappointing.”
The French study found, once again, that AZT was too toxic for most to tolerate, had no lasting effect on HIV blood levels, and left the patients with fewer T-4 cells than they started with.
Although they noticed a clinical improvement at first, they concluded that “by six months, these values had returned to their pretreatment levels, and several opportunistic infections, malignancies, and deaths occurred.”
1989-The last surviving patient from the original AZT trial, according Burroughs Wellcome, died . When he died, he had been on AZT for three and one-half years. He was the longest surviving AZT recipient. The longest surviving AIDS patient overall, not on AZT, has lived for eight and one-half years.
1989-August 17 :The government has announced that 1.4 million healthy, HIV antibody-positive Americans could “benefit” from taking AZT, even though they show no symptoms of disease. New studies have “proven” that AZT is effective in stopping the progression of AIDS in asymptomatic and early ARC cases.
Dr. Fauci, the head of NIAID, proudly announced that a trial has been going on for “two years” had “clearly shown” that early intervention will keep AIDS at bay.
Anyone who has antibodies to HIV and less than 500 T-4 cells should start taking AZT at once, he said.
That is approximately 650,000 people. 1.4 million Americans are assumed HIV antibody-positive, and eventually all of them may need to take AZT so they don’t get sick, Fauci contended.
According to the press release, 3,200 early ARC and asymptomatic patients were divided into two groups, one AZT and one placebo, and followed for two years. The two groups were distinguished by T-4 cell counts; one group had less than 500, the other more than 500. These two were then divided into three groups each: high-dose AZT, low-dose AZT, and placebo. In the group with more than 500 T-4 cells, AZT had no effect. In the other group, it was concluded that low-dose AZT was the most effective, followed by high-dose.
All in all, 36 out of 900 developed AIDS in the two AZT groups combined, and 38 out of 450 in the placebo group. “HIV-positive are twice as likely to get AIDS if they don’t take AZT,” the press declared.
However, the figures are vastly misleading. When we asked how many patients were actually enrolled for a full two years, the NIH said they did not know, but that the average time of participation was one year, not two.
“It’s terribly dishonest the way they portrayed those numbers,” says Dr. Sonnabend. “If there were 60 people in the trial those numbers would mean something, but if you calculate what the percentage is out of 3,200, the difference becomes minute (ARR VS RRR) between the two groups. It’s nothing. It’s hit or miss, and they make it look like it’s terribly significant.”
The study boasted that AZT is much more effective and less toxic at one-third the dosage than has been used for three years now. That’s the good news. The bad news is that thousands have already been walloped with 1,500 milligrams of AZT and possibly even died of toxic poisoning — and nowwe’re hearing that one third of the dose would have done?
With all that remains so uncertain about the effects of AZT, it seems criminal to advocate expanding its usage to healthy people, particularly since only a minuscule percentage of the HIV-infected population have actually developed ARC or AIDS.
Sue Threakall describes the rapid decline of her haemophiliac husband after starting AZT in 1989. Although HIV-positive, he was healthy, and had no AIDS indicator diseases, but was advised to take AZT, nonetheless. Like many haemophiliacs who took AZT he is no longer around to give testimony.
When Duesberg heard the latest announcement, he was partially stunned over the reaction of Gay Men’s Health Crisis President Richard Dunne, who said that GMHC now urged “everybody to get tested,” and of course those who test positive to go on to AZT. “These people are running into the gas chambers,” says Duesberg. “Himmler would have been so happy if only the Jews were this cooperative.
1990-At the June 1 San Francisco AIDS conference, Luc Montagnier made his tectonic announcement that “The HIV virus is harmless and passive, a benign virus.”
He added that he had discovered that HIV only becomes dangerous in the presence of a second organism. He described a tiny, bacteria-like bug called a mycoplasma. His laboratory had demonstrated that in culture with his new mycoplasma, HIV becomes a vicious killer.
Montagnier declared that he now believes that HIV is “a peaceful virus” that becomes lethal only when combined with mycoplasma infertans.
As Montagnier spoke, Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo sat in the audience, basking in vindication. Dr. Lo’s important new ally, Montagnier, the Nobel laureate of AIDS, had independently discovered the same mycoplasma and concluded, like Lo, that it was the primary cause of the immune system collapse known as AIDS.
Peter Duesberg: “There was Montagnier, the Jesus of HIV, and they threw him out of the temple.”“Who were these people who are so much wiser, so much smarter than Luc Montagnier?” asks Harry Rubin, the dean of American retrovirology. “He became an outlaw as soon as he started saying that HIV might not be the only cause of AIDS.
Thirty-four years later, with over half a trillion dollars spent on AIDS research, Dr. Fauci has not budgeted one dollar to study the role of Lo’s and Montagnier’s mycoplasma or in Gallo’s, and Knox’s HHV-6 virus in the etiology of AIDS.
Between 1981 and 2020, US taxpayers alone shelled out $640 billion (?) for AIDS research focused almost exclusively on developing drugs to address Dr. Fauci’s sketchy HIV hypothesis.
Kary Mullis says in his book Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, “What people call science today is probably very similar to what was called science in 1634. Galileo was told to recant his beliefs or be excommunicated.
People who refuse to accept the commandments of the AIDS establishment are basically told the same thing.”
1990, four leading scientists at the CDC suggested in the Lancet that Kaposi’s sarcoma was common in young gay men who indisputably did not have HIV.
They concluded that KS—the disease most central to the definition of AIDS—“may be caused by an as yet unidentified infectious agent, transmitted mainly by sexual contact.”
This was a stunning development, because KS was the initial and defining symptom of AIDS.
Prior to 1981, KS was a disease limited to very old people. Its sudden appearance in young men was the identifying signal that launched the AIDS crisis.
It was fundamental doctrine within the medical establishment that KS was the diagnostic signal of the AIDS pandemic. The very existence of AIDS was inextricably linked to KS.
If HIV was not responsible for the outbreak of Kaposi’s Sarcoma, then there had to be another culprit. That insurmountable logic raised the question of whether poppers might also be causing the other symptoms of AIDS— particularly the other major manifestation, immunosuppression, which science also linked to amyl nitrite.
At a high-level meeting of US health authorities in 1994—titled “Do Nitrites Act as a CoFactor in Kaposi’s Sarcoma?”—Gallo made some astonishing confessions to his trusted colleagues. HIV, he acknowledged, might only be a “catalytic factor” in Kaposi’s:
1990’s as health officials lowered the daily dose to 500 mg, average lifespan of AZT patients rose to twenty-four months in 1997, as deaths attributed to AIDS plummeted. Afterwards. CDC changed its counting metrics to make it difficult to count annual AIDS deaths.
“Most of the deaths attributed to AIDS, or HIV disease as eventually it would be called, from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s were the result of iatrogenic illness, resulting from prescription of high dose, toxic, DNA chain-terminating chemotherapy, specifically, azidothymidine (AZT) ending in premature death for scores of thousands of ‘HIV positive’ gay men, plus many hemophiliacs, IV drug users, Sub-Saharan Africans, and a few heterosexuals unlucky enough to have taken the specious HIV test, like the late tennis star, Arthur Ashe, who died in 1993.”
Köhnlein observes, “The treatment causes a very similar condition we would expect from an AIDS patient. That’s why nobody noticed that there was something wrong with the treatment.”
“We virtually killed a whole generation of AIDS patients without even noticing it because the symptoms of the AZT intoxication were almost indistinguishable from AIDS,”
“They were all over-treated at that time and the reason why doctors didn’t notice it was easy to explain because the placebo control was stopped after four months,” he replied. “It was said that for ethical reasons nobody can withhold AZT treatment. After these four months the mortality rose tremendously in both groups.
“Harm is usually underreported,” he wrote. “To prove it you need three studies: The AZT licensing Fischl study, the Hemophiliac study in Nature where [editor] John Maddox showed that the HIV positive hemophiliacs started dying only the very year AZT was introduced. And lastly, the Concorde Lancet study which showed: the more AZT, the more Death.”
If Duesberg and others are correct about that association, it means that Burroughs Wellcome was profiting from both causing the AIDS epidemic and then from poisoning a generation of gay men with the AZT “Cure.”
Tony Fauci played traffic cop in this feedback loop. On the one hand, he was using his regulatory authority to promote AZT, and to kill its competition, effectively orchestrating Burroughs Wellcome’s monopoly control over AIDS treatment.
At the same time, he was suppressing the study of the toxicity of poppers and directing the blame for AIDS on the virus, thereby shielding Burroughs Wellcome from significant liability.
1991, On April 14, John Crewdson reported, in the Chicago Tribune, that one of Gallo’s experiments with an HIV vaccine had killed three AIDS patients in Paris the previous year.
NIH had launched the project before handing it off to Gallo and his trusty henchman, Daniel Zagury, who tested the concoction on volunteers in France and, predictably, an African country, this time Zaire.
His cronies at the National Cancer Institute had granted Gallo’s experiments “expedited review, approval.” How expedited? Just twenty-five days. The patients died after Gallo’s team inoculated them with an HIV vaccine derived from cowpox.
NIH scientists formulated the preparation from vaccinia—a virus that causes cowpox in bovines—into which the government scientists genetically inserted a fragment of the HIV virus.
Apparently, the cowpox remained infectious, and three of their nineteen Paris volunteers immediately developed “vaccinia,” a frequently fatal necrosis, which caused acute lesions and an expanse of hardened, swollen, purplish-red skin around the victims’ injection sites as the disease devoured their flesh.
As is typical of AIDS vaccine research, the NIH scientists cached the atrocity. Neither Gallo nor Zagury reported the deaths.
Instead, Gallo vaunted the trial as a great success in the Lancet’s July 21, 1990, edition, audaciously claiming that there had been “no deaths” and “no complications or discomfort” among any of those to whom he administered the preparation.
Five years later, Gallo left NCI and established the Institute for Human Virology (IHV) with his two longtime cronies, William Blattner, who served for 22 years under Gallo as Director of Viral Epidemiology at NCI, and Robert Redfield, a military doctor and researcher who shared Gallo’s lifelong obsession with HIV and his ethical lacunae.
A subsequent lawsuit over Gallo’s swindle by the French government ultimately forced Gallo to disgorge half his proceeds.
1992-Redfield and Birx were former Army medical officers who, in the 1980s and 1990s, led the military’s AIDS research, a specialty that seems like a magnet for hucksters and quacks.
US military documents show that in 1992 Redfield and Birx, his then-assistant—both serving at Walter Reed in Washington—published inaccurate data in the New England Journal of Medicine, claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop and tested on Walter Reed patients was effective.
An Air Force medical office accused Redfield of engaging in “a systematic pattern of data manipulation, inappropriate statistical analyses and misleading data presentation in an apparent attempt to promote the usefulness of the GP160 AIDS vaccine.”
A specially convened Air Force tribunal on scientific fraud and misconduct concluded that Redfield’s “misleading or, possibly, deceptive” information “seriously threatens his credibility as a researcher and has the potential to negatively impact AIDS research funding for military institutions as a whole.
His allegedly unethical behavior creates false hope and could result in premature deployment of the vaccine.”
The tribunal recommended investigation by a “fully independent outside investigative body.”
Under threat of court-martial, loss of his medical license, and possible imprisonment, Dr. Redfield confessed to angry DOD interrogators and to the tribunal that his analyses were faulty and deceptive. He agreed to correct them and to publicly admit the vaccine was worthless
As astonished prosecutors watched, he then brazenly parroted his debunked perjuries in testimony before Congress, swearing that his vaccine cured HIV.Redfield’s bold gambit worked.
Bamboozled by Redfield’s brazen ballyhoo, Congress immediately appropriated $20 million to the military to support Redfield and Birx’s research project. Enraged military prosecutors wanted to court-martial Redfield.
A 1994 letter to the Congressional Committee’s Chairman, Henry Waxman, the dedicated budget hikes promised by Congress prompted the Army to kill the investigation, silence its own prosecutors, and “whitewash” Redfield’s misdeeds.
As indicated, Redfield would go on to established the Institute for Human Virology (IHV) with Gallo in 1996
1993 AIDS definition changed to permit the diagnosis of AIDS solely on the basis of a low T4 cell count and positive HIV serology. It has been estimated that the new AIDS definition will treble the number of AIDS cases compared to the 1987 definition
1993-Siefkes publishes paper hypothesizing that HIV-1 is a natural recombinant of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) and Visna Virus (from sheep). The author posits that this recombinant virus may have been transferred to humans through the Intensified Smallpox Eradication Program conducted in sub-Sahara Africa in the late 1960s and most of the 1970s.!po=1.42857
In 51 of the 59 laboratories producing the vaccine, vaccinia virus was harvested from the skin of calves (39) or sheep (12); 6 laboratories were producing vaccine from water-buffaloes
1994-What is likely to be the final chapter in the Gallo case comes almost 10 years to the day after the initial revelations that the AIDS virus Gallo called HTLV-3B and claimed as his own discovery was virtually identical, at the genetic level, to the AIDS virus the French called LAV.
It was not until 1991 -- seven years after Gallo's announcement of his discovery -- that the NIH arranged for a series of experiments proving not only that Gallo had grown the French virus, but that none of the patients he identified as sources for his virus had been infected with a virus even remotely similar to LAV.
Confronted with the government's official assurances that Gallo's HTLV-3B was not LAV by another name, the French agreed in 1987 to an out-of-court settlement that paved the way for the unprecedented announcement by Reagan and Chirac.
The matter was reopened two years later following a 1989 Tribunearticle that examined the discovery of HIV in considerable detail.
The Tribunearticle reported, among other things, that despite Gallo's denials his assistants had indeed grown the French virus and used it in many of their principal experiments.
The article also presented evidence that HTLV-3B and LAV were the same virus, concluding that the only explanation was "either an accident or a theft."
The article prompted the NIH investigation, which ultimately confirmed the Tribune's principal assertions about Gallo's research and provided the first conclusive laboratory evidence that Gallo's HTLV-3B was actually the French LAV.
That inquiry, conducted by what was then the NIH's Office of Scientific Integrity, found Popovic guilty of having published false statements about some aspects of his work with HTLV-3.
The finding was later overturned by an HHS appeals board that held that the statements in question could be read in ways that did not necessarily make them false.
An HHS agency, the Office of Scientific Integrity Review, later concluded that Gallo had also committed scientific misconduct by maintaining, in an article published several months after the French virus had grown successfully in his own laboratory, that it had never been continuously grown.
The agency said Gallo's misstatement "virtually ensured" his own laboratory's preeminence in AIDS research and "impeded potential AIDS research progress" with the French virus.
Gallo lodged an appeal, claiming the questioned statement was true because he had intended it to refer to his belief that the French had been unable to grow their own virus.
In late 1993, after nearly a year of legal wrangling, HHS withdrew the finding, saying it would have been "extraordinarily difficult" to argue its case in the face of the appeals board ruling in Popovic's case that published statements did not necessarily mean what they appeared to mean.
Although Gallo claimed vindication, the Dingell report says Gallo and his colleagues withheld "a substantial number of highly significant documents" from the NIH agency investigators and heavily edited others before surrendering them.
"As a consequence," the report says, "OSI was seriously misled concerning such significant matters as what experiments were performed with the [Pasteur] virus ... and what Dr. Gallo knew about these experiments."
It was in the midst of that investigation that Dr. Bernadine Healy, a Cleveland cardiologist, assumed the directorship of NIH, and the Dingell report says Healy ordered a rewrite of the OSI's report, which was "sharply critical of Dr. Gallo." When the chief OSI investigator, Suzanne Hadley, refused to change her report, Healy ordered Hadley replaced.
The OSI report was softened considerably before it reached Healy, and according to the Dingell report, "the majority of the negative comments about Dr. Gallo were incorporated into a confidential memorandum, never publicly released."
It included the observation that Gallo's conduct had "fallen well short of the conduct expected of a responsible senior scientist and laboratory chief."
The driving force behind that committee's report, which accused Gallo of "intellectual recklessness of a high degree," was Dr. Alfred Gilman, who shared last year's Nobel Prize in medicine.
The French, spurred by the NIH's determination that their virus had indeed been used in Gallo's experiments leading to the development of the American AIDS test and was still being used in the manufacture of that test began pressing HHS for an increased share of the patent royalties allocated under the Reagan-Chirac agreement.
Last summer, following the completion of an HHS Inspector General's inquiry that found no support for the American claim that Gallo was first to invent the AIDS test, NIH Director Varmus agreed to award the French the lion's share of future royalties generated by the joint AIDS test patent, a sum that could amount to $6 million over the next eight years.
1997-Restrictions DTCA advertising for pharmaceuticals was opened up in 1997. Despite its relatively short 22-year existence, it has heavily impacted the advertising landscape for U.S. healthcare and stands in stark contrast to forms of legal advertising for drugs in other countries around the world. In the face of controversy and questions surrounding the ethics of DTCA, the U.S.and New Zealandremain the only two countriesin the world that allow this practice.
In 2016 advertising revenue from Big Pharma jumped to over 6 billion dollars a year giving them great influence on MSM coverage of their industry and products
2002-January 19, President Bush announced a $15 billion package to combat AIDS, including a $500 million program to purchase millions of doses of Nevirapine for distribution to African mothers and children.
Dr. Fauci told the President that Nevirapine would save millions of lives by preventing maternal transmission of HIV to unborn children.
President Bush would later repeat this promise in his 2003 State of the Union address. Dr. Fauci’s artful 1988 achievement of winning FDA approvals for AZT had launched the AIDS drug gold rush.
Nevirapine was German pharmaceutical giant Boehringer Ingelheim’s beachhead in the race. Boehringer had apparently lifted Nevirapine from the same toxic junk pile from which Burroughs Wellcome had retrieved AZT.
Canadian regulators rejected Nevirapine—in 1996 and 1998—due to its potent toxicity and dubious efficacy.
Dr. Fauci apparently neglected to tell President Bush that Nevirapine had never won FDA approval as a safe and effective drug. “Dr. Fauci had to know all about the safety problems, but he must have either omitted or whitewashed them when he sold the program to Bush,”
NIAID’s AIDS division, DAIDS, was sole sponsor of a study to test the efficacy and safety of Nevirapine and AZT on preventing maternal transmission of HIV to newborns.9 DAIDS code-named its Uganda clinical trial HIVNET 012.
In 1999, Jackson and his team reported in the Medical Journal Lancet, “Nevirapine lowered the risk of HIV-1 transmission during the first 14–16 weeks of life by nearly 50 percent in a breastfeeding population.
DAIDS’s official Nevirapine clinical trial protocols required an inert placebo group, but once in Uganda, DAIDS’s cowboy research team simply made the placebo group vanish.
Instead of using a placebo, Jackson and his team ended up comparing the health outcomes in 626 pregnant women, half of whom took Dr. Fauci’s horrendously dangerous chemotherapy concoction AZT, while the other half took Nevirapine.
Based on this study, Dr. Fauci was able to persuade the WHO in 2000 to grant Emergency Use Authorization Approval (EUA) to single-dose Nevirapine for preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV as its official recommendation.
In its efforts to win FDA approvals for the dangerous and ineffective concoction, DAIDS’s team had violated virtually every good clinical practice, including the unlawful failure to employ the standardized informed consent procedure of disclosing serious risks to study participants.
Boehringer’s damning inspection report only heightened concern at FDA. In hopes of forestalling the FDA inspection, NIAID, in February 2002, hired a private consultant group, Westat, to conduct an investigation and audit of the Kampala site.
The Westat audit confirmed the long inventory of severe violations of Good Clinical Practice, including—most disturbingly—the convenient “loss of critical records.”
The missing records included a vital logbook that appeared to have documented the study’s worst atrocities before its mysterious disappearance. NIAID’s Uganda team told the Westat researchers that they had lost the critical log that, among other things, recorded all the adverse events and deaths.
When Westat chose a random sample of forty-three of those infants to examine, all of them had “adverse events” twelve months after the study terminated. Only eleven of them were HIV positive.
NIAID classified mortalities among its African volunteers as “serious adverse events,” rather than “death.” NIAID’s Ugandan team had entirely neglected to report thousands of adverse events and at least fourteen deaths.
2002 March , Boehringer Ingelheim consequently pulled its supplemental FDA application for Nevirapine’s approval, and the Johns Hopkins/NIAID team closed the scandal-ridden Uganda study site.
Dr. Fauci had persuaded the president to make the abolishment of African AIDS his moonshot project, his career legacy, and Nevirapine was the foundation stone of that project.
The severe embarrassment to the president and to the NIH would also engulf Uganda’s Makerere University, Boehringer, the investigators and their employers (Johns Hopkins University), and Family Health International (FHI)—the organization responsible for monitoring the trial.
It would antagonize the South African government, whose drug regulatory agency, the Medicines Control Council (MCC), permitted the distribution of Nevirapine under duress based solely on the fraudulent results of the Uganda study published in Lancet in 1999.
But Nevirapine was Tony Fauci’s baby. He had staked his credibility with the president on the success of this trial.
Like AZT, Nevirapine was therefore too big to fail. Such desperate circumstances summoned Teflon Tony to perform his greatest magic act: resurrect the dead.
NIAID’s statement claimed that while “certain aspects of the collection of the primary data may not conform to FDA regulatory requirements,” “no evidence has been found that the conclusions of HIVNET 012 are invalid or that any trial participants were placed at an increased risk of harm.”
To the contrary, the communiqué assured the public, NIAID’s trial had proven Nevirapine both safe and effective.
Boehringer Ingleheim never resubmitted its application to the FDA for preventing maternal-to-child transmission of HIV.
Nevertheless, WHO—was by then under the control of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci—began shipping this lethal concoction to developing nations globally to use on their pregnant women.
2003-In the course of his IL-2 investigation, Dr. Fishbein stumbled on another awkward fact: Anthony Fauci personally owned patents to IL-2 and stood to make millions in royalties if the treatment won FDA approval.
Dr. Fishbein was shocked: “Dr. Fauci had a personal financial interest in the drug being tested! He was listed as a co-owner on the patent for Proleukin, and stood to earn royalties from it!”
According to little-known HHS rules at that time, NIH employees could collect unlimited royalty payments from drugs they worked on during their agency tenures.
Dr. Fishbein found it stunning that Dr. Fauci stood to personally gain significant revenues, providing HHS green-lighted Proleukin.
Contemporaneous records obtained by the AP found that some fifty-one NIH scientists were then involved in testing products for which they secretly receive royalties; Dr. Fauci and his trusty longtime sidekick, Dr. H. Clifford Lane, “have received tens of thousands of dollars in royalties for an experimental AIDS treatment they invented [interleukin-2].
At the same time, their office has spent millions in tax dollars to test the treatment on patients across the globe.”
2004-Institute of Medicine used to be incorruptible. IOM members do not work for either industry or the government. Congress expects to get the straight poop from IOM.
However, by that time, Dr. Fauci had already figured out how to control the IOM with invisible strings. The Capitol Hill lawmakers never realized that Dr. Fauci’s PIs dominated the IOM panel that assembled to investigate his wrongdoing.
Six of its nine members were NIAID grant recipients then conducting their own trials for Dr. Fauci, with annual grants ranging from $120,000 to $2 million. The IOM’s study on Dr. Fishbein’s charges was predictably, therefore, yet another whitewash.
The IOM panel strategically adopted an extremely narrow scope of investigation that did not include NIAID’s outrageous misconduct in Uganda or Tennessee. On April 7, 2004, the IOM panel reported its finding that the HIVNET 012 data should be considered valid.
During all of Dr. Fauci’s tenure at NIH, Dr. Zeke Emmanuel was director of the Department of Bioethics (DOB), the ethical oversight board for all of NIH. Emmanuel’s deputy was Tony Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady.
In 2012, Grady took over as director of DOB. That department oversees bioethics at clinical trials for all NIH subagencies, including responsibilities for overseeing ethical issues in clinical trials commissioned by her husband, like those for Nevirapine and Proleukin.
Grady acknowledged in an interview with Vogue that she was aware of Tony Fauci’s reputation as a very scary person, upon their first meeting in 1983. “Everyone was afraid of [him]. And when I first saw [him] I thought, ‘What are they talking about?’ He’s young, he’s handsome, and doesn’t seem that scary.”
2004-After 9/11 and the ensuing anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001, Dr. Fauci’s NIAID published, in February 2002, a 15-page documentfor the agency he oversaw at NIH. It was titled “NIAID Strategic Plan for Biodefense Research” and would kick start the NIAID efforts over the next 19 years to try and keep the country safe from bioterrorism.
On December 15, 2004, Dr. Fauci’s increased workload was recognized by a permanent pay adjustment (68% increase). To this day, Fauci’s portfolio still includes overseeing NIAID’s biodefense research, a portfolio that recently has grown by billions of dollars.
2005-The Associated Press uncovered evidence of scientists and administrators at the National Institutes of Health flagrantly disregarding ethical and legal requirements of financial disclosure
: “In all, 916 current and former NIH researchers are receiving royalty payments for drugs and other inventions they developed while working for the government."
According to records obtained by the AP, among the 51 NIH scientists currently involved in testing products for which they secretly receive royalties, are Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and his deputy, Dr. H. Clifford Lane who "have received tens of thousands of dollars in royalties for an experimental AIDS treatment they invented [interleukin-2].
At the same time, their office has spent millions in tax dollars to test the treatment on patients across the globe."
According to the AP, the government has licensed the commercial rights to interleukin-2 to Chiron Corp:
“Fauci’s division subsequently has spent $36 million in taxpayer money testing the treatment on patients in one experiment alone. Known as the Esprit experiment, it is one of the largest AIDS research projects in NIH history, testing interleukin-2 on patients at more than 200 sites in 18 countries over the last five years."
In 2004, these researchers collected a total of $8.9 million. Only a dozen received the legal maximum.
The government owns the patents and the scientists are listed as inventors so they can share in licensing deals struck with private manufacturers. In addition to the inventors’ take, the government received $55.9 million in royalties for the same inventions and put that money back into research.
Fauci patents
2008-The Nobel committee awarded Montagnier its prize for discovering HIV , conspicuously snubbing Gallo, whose notorious ethical lapses were, by then, abundantly documented.
2015-On October 8, , Gallo’s Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine announced the launch of its Phase 1 human trials of Gallo’s latest HIV vaccine candidate.
A consortium led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave $23.4 million to Gallo’s research on this vaccine. Other money came from Redfield’s pals in the US Military HIV Research Program.
Gallo launched his clinical trial in collaboration with Profectus BioSciences, a biotech firm that he recently spun off from IHV to allow him to monetize the research he conducted with tax-deductible funding from Gates and taxpayer dollars from NIH and the milita
2016-The Institute of Human Virology (IHV) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine announced a $14.4 million grant from the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to tackle a significant scientific global challenge in HIV vaccine research – the inability to produce long-lasting antibodies to protect against HIV infection. The announcement was made today by Robert C. Gallo, MD,
2018-Dr. Robert Redfield to become CDC Director. His partner Robert C. Gallo, MD: “A close colleague for more than 40 years, is an excellent choice to be head of the CDC,” said Robert C. Gallo, MD, the Homer & Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine, co-founder and director of the IHV and co-founder and scientific director of the Global Virus Network (GVN). “While it will be a big loss for the Institute, we are at a time in our nation’s history when Dr. Redfield’s skills will best be utilized as head of the CDC.
2019-June 11: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) gives A-level recommendations for HIV screening and prevention, stating that clinicians should screen for HIV in adolescents, adults, and pregnant people and offer PrEP to people at high risk for HIV.
2019, Dr. Fauci made a surprise announcement: he finally had a working HIV vaccine. While the inoculation had demonstrated a bare-bones 30 percent efficacy in human trials in Thailand, data from the Phase III trial in South Africa looked promising, and NIAID was getting teed up to test the vaccine on Americans.
Dr. Fauci added some deflating caveats: While his new vaccine didn’t prevent transmission of AIDS, the nimble technocrat jauntily predicted that intrepid souls who took the jab would find that when they did get AIDS, the symptoms would seem to be much reduced.
Lol-where have we heard that before?
2019 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV, and about 13% of those don’t know they are infected.
150 k infected but don’t know so aren’t being treated in 2019, about 65.9% received some HIV care
So of 1050k who know they have HIV, about 1/3 receive no treatment (350k)
The total receiving no care is 500k (350k + 150k). If they only live 10 years we should see 50k deaths per year
If 700k with treatment live as long as non-HIV people how many deaths should we see? Mean age at dx is 40, which is about same as population. So thats about 1% per year. Lets call it 7000 deaths
In 2019, CDC reported there were 15,815 deaths among adults and adolescents with diagnosed HIV in the United States
That means among those 500k receiving no treatment we only see 8800 deaths and not the 50,000 deaths expected (10% mortality rate-10 year survival)
It seems untreated HIV persons are living too long. They are dying at rate of <2% per year, not the 10% you would expect if they got no treatment
Of course, maybe they got treatment after they got sick enough and lasted a bit longer
In any event, not being treated seems to lead to a doubling of the mortality rate compared to the population at large (and perhaps the treatment group ). However, there may be an explanation for that. Those most likely to not get treatment are those who may be too poor or have lifestyles that are not as healthy as the treatment group (drug addicts, alcoholics, etc).
For some reason CDC does not report AIDS cases (just HIV infected). At least its not found easily
We have all heard stories of HIV ELITE controllers who live 30 years or more with no treatment. Maybe they are more common than we are being told.
The mortality rate for HIV positive people early on was calculated based on AIDS deaths due to KS (now its rare) and high doses of AZT.
Maybe thats why CDC does not seem to be tracking AIDS cases in a transparent fashion and determining time after HIV dx to AIDS for both treated and untreated populations
2020-November 19-CDC publishes a new study showing that the age-adjusted rate of HIV-related deaths among people with HIV in the U.S. fell by nearly half from 2010 to 2017.
Could this suggest, assuming HIV is responsible for higher mortality rates that HIV is mutating so as to coexist with its natural host and becoming a passenger virus, in which case treatment may no longer be needed (bad news for Pharma Profits, lets not tell anyone)? Just asking.
video of Fauci's bizarre 1983 statement