Continuing my phone notes through 2021.I wasn’t going to do another one but I had a couple of requests. Those were crazy times, looking back risks bringing on a PTSD attack, which is probably why most prefer to Leave it Behind and forget about it.
I was doing more Tweeting than commenting so my paragraphs were shorter for threads. I earned myself 3 strikes during the period so had to be a bit cautious about the jab
This will be the last one since my 2022-2023 stuff are on substack.
August 10, 2020
This should be bigger news than it is.
We have all known for many months that the elderly, especially those in nursing homes are the most vulnerable to respiratory infection outbreaks. Over 40% of COVID deaths are in nursing homes (that may hold for flu as well but no matter)
For 2 months we have been bombarded with messages the young must wear masks outside. Masks for all they say. So you probably would think there are masks available for all, especially in nursing homes where they might be more effective. Am I right? I mean they have had months to stockpile these.
This article says otherwise
Some facilities in Texas still don’t have the masks and the testing capacity they need, according to Patty Ducayet, the long-term care ombudsman for Texas. Assisted-living facilities, which aren’t regulated by CMS, are struggling to get supplies.
The humble mask, which officials have said is an essential virus-fighting tool for months now, is still in short supply. According to a recent National Nurses United poll, 85 percent of nurses were still being asked to reuse PPE as of last month.Many nursing homes are still on what’s called a “conservation protocol,” reusing gowns and masks—and potentially infecting themselves in the process.
In Arizona nurses were going between the rooms of different patients—some of whom had COVID-19—wearing the same gown, simply because there weren’t enough to go around.
Arizona, Florida, and Texas are now considered the epicenters of the pandemic. According to the latest CMS data (which, again, has had some reliability issues), out of 10,322 nursing homes in those states, 1,166, or about 11 percent, currently don’t have a one-week supply of N95 masks.
Texas nursing homes are still reporting defective shipments of PPE from the federal government.(eg. masks have thin cotton mesh for the ear loops that nursing home officials say often tear causing the masks to fall off.)
Florida has banned nursing home visits since mid-March. The state also is now requiring staff to be tested every two weeks, though current backlogs in receiving testing results (7-10 days) limits the effectiveness of this policy.
Why not stop testing healthy asymptomatic people to speed up the turn around time for nursing homes?
Protective gowns sent by the Federal Emergency Management Agency were comparable to “garbage bags” and shipments of masks were flimsy and had to be tossed.
New infections among residents at long-term care facilities in Florida rose by 142 percent or 2,819 cases between July 1 and July 21, while the increase among staff rose 121 percent or 3,882 cases during the same span.
Florida imposed a new rule recently that allows hospitals to transfer COVID-positive patients to nursing homes and ALFs as long as the receiving facility has a dedicated isolation wing with a dedicated staff to care for the resident, despite the mask shortages. Well that explains to increased death counts.
The changes was justified because “nobody should be in a hospital bed longer than necessary” and some people don’t test negative but are no longer contagious. Lol
Another guideline is a provision that allows COVID positive staff to return to work before producing a negative test result, a policy advanced by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Asymptomatic staffers who have tested positive for the virus are allowed to come back to work after quarantining for a certain number of days without testing negative first.
The CDC rule adopts a “symptom-based strategy” that allows staff to return to work without testing after 10 days if at least 24 hours have passed since the last fever, and they haven’t used fever-reducing drugs and there has been an improvement in symptoms. So 24 hrs after fever is gone and symptoms still present but improved but back to work and taking care of the old folks. Lol
If it wasn’t true it would be a comedy
<All of those Pandemic Exercises and nobody thought to stockpile basic items all Made in China>
September 1, 2020
Looking at the CDC data its impossible to say how many deaths were free of comorbidities. I wont use that 94% figure myself although it may very well be in the ball park. One thing is clear, under 25’s have noting to worry about. Those over 65 are at highest risk and for sure anyone who is in the middle it depends on your comorbidities and probably not that bad even for unhealthy people if allowed to get treated with HCQ, Zithromax and Zinc early on. How many Senators , Generals, Fortune 500 CEO’s and Congressmen, Governors, Supreme Court Justices have died? They aren’t the youngest or healthiest bunch and certainly are not being locked down.
The problem with all of this is CDC changing the way death certificates were filled out for cause of death in March/April. That was the value of the 2009 exercise which showed only 12,000 deaths because those who had kidney, heart or lung disease were not counted as flu deaths even if they had the flu. That changed with COVID because they wanted to inflate the death count. Now they are focused on cases with a test that may be 90% false positive by increasing tests (although CDC is covering themselves by recommending fewer tests).
So we have for over 80 years committed the greatest crimes against humanity and have been a great destroyer of Democracy yet somehow have imagined ourselves to be the opposite. Who says propaganda does not work?. Edward Bernays is smiling somewhere in hell.
September 1, 2020
Just a layman but what I believe they mean, reading between the lines, is this. The elderly , obese and diabetics have one thing in common. Their bodies are in an inflammatory state. This chronic inflammation may be the cause of the obesity and diabetes, and is a normal part of the aging process as cells deteriorate. The chronic inflammation in non elderly may have been caused by vaccines or medications, and it might exacerbate inflammation in the elderly. In any event, for those who have chronic inflammation this mean their innate immune systems are in overdrive/activation, although not performing optimally because they are attacking self.
During COVID infection immune molecules like complement , which are more plentiful and activated than in younger non obese people , trigger an excessive inflammatory response which is deadly, especially when drugs like dexamethasone are withheld like they were/are with COVID.
These COVID vaccines, in order to work , will have powerful adjuvants in the form of nanoparticles. Trial participants exclude or underrepresent those who are older, have high BMI and other comorbidities that have chronic inflammation. They will suffer the most from these vaccines.
The vaccine guys know it , so their backers are conditioning people as to what to expect. Deaths will be high but will be blamed on COVID (vaccines didn’t work because they were old and /or obese) and not because of the vaccine. They have lots of experience covering up side effects from vaccines.
I predict far fewer old and/or fat unhealthy people after these vaccines are rolled out. Unfortunately the young/healthy ones might suffer too , albeit with more treatable symptoms.
September 4, 2020
I saw that Globe article when it came out and was rather surprised it did not get as much attention as it deserved, especially when coupled with what we know of Operation Blackout which I understand is being conducted now as state level exercises.
My big picture view is the predatory elite wish to provoke an all out civil war between the 2 sides of the political divide. For what purpose? To create a new order one must destroy the old order. The Constitution needs to go, and the US needs to be dismembered into fewer and more manageable sovereign states, lets say 13. They tried to change the constitution in 1975 when they conceived Project Democracy but failed. A stop gap measure using FEMA and COG was used to circumvent the Constitution. They may try to hold these 13 super states as a loose Republic with a new Constitution free of rights, or maybe keep them divided and fighting among themselves like in Middle East and Balkans. I cant say
In order to get the world to go along with a Global Government, they need to offer the US as a sacrifice and give the appearance it has been broken up, thus alleviating fears the US will dominate the new government. Of course the predatory elite who dominate the US will also dominate the Global Government
As for the apparent conflict with China, I am not buying it. I feel this to be a Fake Cold War. Trump is a Trojan Horse and as pro China as anyone else before he was elected but the US MIC needs an external enemy. Terrorism was losing steam and Russia is simply too small to be a credible threat alone or even teamed with Iran. China is big enough to keep the MIC well fed. At the higher levels among the Global Elite China is a partner and fully on board the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 2030 Sustainable Goals
Maybe I am wrong but if The DNC and Never Trumpers really wanted Trump out they would have brought forward a more credible candidate and not pursued that ridiculous Russia Gate and promoting Lockdowns/Mask Mandates which Trump actively supports if you look past his rhetoric. Like I said. Trump=Trojan Horse. Master of Fake Wrestling and KayFabe. The King of Bankruptcy sent to break up and bankrupt the US
Its going to be a wild ride the next few months and probably longer. From the ashes they will build their New World Order. Deagle.com says there will be 99 million left in US by 2026 (maybe the drop is from secessions, or maybe excess deaths or some combination).
Whitney Webb elaborates more on what is to come
Who would stand to benefit the most from the imposition of martial law in the United States? I would argue that one need look no further than the battle within Washington power factions over the future of AI, which has been deemed of critical importance to national security by the public sector, the private sector and prominent think tanks. The Schmidt-led NSCAI and other bodies determining the country’s AI policy plan to implement a series of policies that will be deeply resisted by most Americans – from the elimination of individual car ownership to the elimination of cash as well as the imposition of an Orwellian surveillance system, among other things.
All of these agendas have advanced under the guise of combatting coronavirus
TIP claims to be specifically concerned about “safe guarding” democracy without favoring either candidate, that is clearly not the case, as their simulation of a clear Trump win shows that extreme, “undemocratic” behavior, in their view, is permissible if it prevents another four years of Trump.
Yet, this clear double standard reveals that an influential group of “bipartisan” insiders are intent on creating a “constitutional crisis” if Trump wins and are planning for such a crisis regardless of the 2020 election’s results.
on the “Operation Blackout” simulationsconducted by the U.S.-Israeli company, Cybereason. That company has considerable ties to the U.S. and Israeli intelligence and its largest investor is Softbank. Notably, Softbank is named by the Eric Schmidt-led National Security Commission on AI (NSCAI) as forming the “backbone” of a global framework of A.I.-driven companies favored by the “cooperation” faction as a means of enacting the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” in cooperation with China’s economic and political elite.
In addition to Cybereason, several mainstream media reports and a series of suspect “predictions” from U.S. intelligence and other federal agencies released last year had seeded the narrative that the 2020 election would not only fail spectacularly, but that U.S. democracy “would never recover.”
Now, with the TIP’s simulations added to the mix and the advent of the previously predicted chaos throughout the country with the 2020 election just two months away, it is clear that the November 3rd election will not only be a complete disaster, but a pre-planned one.
<I didn’t seem to have much to say on the election, at least not much could be found in my notes. I was expecting a clear win for Trump only because I could hardly imagine any American voting for someone with clear dementia. That said, I didn’t directly experience the Lockdowns so may have underestimated the anger, so while Trump kept his loyal base he lost the independents who decide elections. While there clearly was fraud, that happens every election starting with 2000 (chads) and 2004 (voting machines). So anticipating a chaotic election and its messy aftermath was correct, but it happened a bit differently than anticipated with a contested election where Trump is the loser and that staged Jan 6 “insurrection” which kept Trump in the news for 4 more years, and probably gets him elected again to help fulfill the Global Elites plan to break up America>
September 6, 2020
Trump vaccine psyops. Brilliant. Many of his supporters associate the vaccine with Fauci and the left. They make up most of those reluctant to take it. Now it becomes their duty to
take the Patriotic shot. As for blue states resisting the vaccines, the military is being deployed to provide the shots. That was announced months ago
Reduce tests to increase mortality rate. Increase tests to increase case counts. The focus will be on deaths with flu seasons/flu shots given, so less tests will be better. Contact tracing will be ramped up and “contacts” will get mandatory testing and confinement. Family breakups for those living in small apartments and larger families. They get to go to camps
Health Data. Well, Data is the New Oil.
But I wonder if they are beginning an operation to genetically modify us and plan on tracking the impact of the manipulations via accessing health data at the population level. These DNA vaccines wont be a one shot deal so they may be planning multiple incremental modifications and making adjustments on the fly. Eventually they may get to obtaining the information directly from chipped individuals through 5G uploads. The vaccines will have nanowire so Lieber was working on with Modernas Langer which will penetrate cells much like a virus does and transmit data on cell activity to an implanted chip which will be able to broadcast the data to-a central database via 5G when activated by an external power source. Hence the need for a unique digital ID for each individual
CDC moratorium on rental payments. You pretty much nailed it. Small Rental owners will be killed. Foreclosures will skyrocket. While Trump and Ross are Kings of Bankruptcy, Mnuchin is known as the King of Foreclosures. He made a killing lasttime.
It will also be an opportunity to move those centers who will eventually be evicted from foreclosed properties into smart homes/cities which are being financed by Big Tech billionaires where every activity in and out of the home will be monitored and controlled
In Taiwan they announced no talking on public transportation in March even with mask mandates. No enforcement or fines unless you don’t wear mask. It made sense at the time, not now. They don’t warn against it now
One perspective argued masks are the reason for lower mortality rate as it lowers viral load. They are clever, lol.
September 6, 2020
CTI League
Canny AI
Comverse Technology (Verint)
What do all these C company/groups have in common?
September 10, 2020
First they had to decide on the Virus. This was easy. It would come from Bats but could not be too deadly because the elites did not want to be harmed, but it had to be novel . In other words, they needed-a novel cold virus that thousands of labs could sequence and agree this was a new virus
They also needed to spread the virus so that it would become endemic. That was easy, release it in a few cities simultaneously in areas you planned to focus on first. This may have started as early as September 2019. Since it would be indistinguishable from common cold virus it was unlikely to be discovered independently
They also need to run Exercises and simulations so every country would respond in the desired manner. From 2017-2019 they ran SPARS, Clade X, Crimson Contagion, Event 201. They were ready
So they developed a virus that spreads easily but not too deadly, and game out the Pandemic and release the virus.
It was decided to start the show in Wuhan. China agreed with the understanding it would not need to spread beyond Wuhan . The theater began with dribs and drabs of information in December/January, then right before Chinese New Year when many had safely left Wuhan to return hone for the holidays China does a lockdown, with images of people dropping dead in the street (seen nowhere else). China with its authoritarian control shut down the virus as Western MSM enviously report that we could not do that here
Now keep in mind Wuhan is a domestic and international transportation hub. Litersly millions came and went through Wuhan between November and late January, going yo other places in China, elsewhere in Asia (esp Taiwan, Japan, India, Hong Kong) and Europe/US
Yet for some strange reason it spared everyone else and starts first in Italy and then moves onto France, US, UK.
Part of the plan agreed on using the PCR test to confirm COVID. Despite knowing that Ct thresholds over 30 amplified so much that false positives would be high they agreed to set Ct at 40-45. This would elevate case counts although early on the tests were in short supply
So the other part of the plan was to emphasize deaths. This was easily done as follows
Change how cause of death is counted. Count all deaths from COVID plus any death from someone with a positive test or who is “suspected” of having COVID
Deny treatment to elderly during the Pandemic to free beds for younger patients. Send them back to nursing homes to spread to others. Since others in nursing homes become suspected cases, they get counted as COVID death when they die from other reasons
Deny visitors to elderly in nursing homes, let them die of loneliness and call it COVID
Withold effective treatments of drugs like HCQ, Ivermectin, Vit D, Zinc, Steroids, anti-clotting medicines
Recommend inappropriate use of Respirators in lieu of oxygen to reduce transmission to HCW and give sedatives that impair respiration (90% on respirators died)
Lockdown and terrorize population so most wont seek treatment for heart attacks/Strokes until its too late and cancer patients cancel or have cancelled treatments/tests. Many of these deaths called COVID deaths
So by the end of May as these countries entered into warmer/sunny periods and deaths drop as they always due since respiratory viruses like cool/dry weather, lockdowns and deaths are eased and dropped
When they had a stockpile of PCR they moved into Casedemic phase. Increase testing of asymptomatic people and drive up cases to keep the fear going until the Vaccine is ready.
September 10, 2020
Walter Lippmann, the two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and perhaps the most influential journalist of the 20th centurysaid: “Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Thousands of Covid Cases but Zero Hospitalizations in Colleges: This Is Good News. But States and Colleges Force Draconian Lockdowns (9/9)
The latest CDC report in August confirms that 94% of the deaths attributed to Covid have “comorbidities”,(i.e. deaths dues other causes).
For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.
At the media briefing on COVID-19 on March 16, 2020, the WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said:
We have a simple message for all countries: test, test, test.”
In the “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel“ file from March 30, 2020, for example, it says:
Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms”
This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”
And the FDA admits that:
“positive results […] do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease.”
Remarkably, in the instruction manuals of PCR tests we can also read that they are not intended as a diagnostic test, as for instance in those by Altona Diagnostics and Creative Diagnostics
On August 29 the NYT reported In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive were unlikely to be infectious
September 13, 2020
These bailouts are bribes to get companies to go along with the COVID fraud. The military is part of this fraud and part of the Military-Intelligence-Tech, Pharma Security Complex. They will eventually expand their role as Federal Police which will involve partnership with private contractors.
Its time to call out the criminality behind COVID deception and fraud. Crimes against humanity. Those involved at WHO, various public health
Offices, politicians, Generals, philanthropists, academic scientists, MSM and social media giants who censor the truth should be indicted and held in FEMA camps until trial. Those found guilty should punished and assets seized (private and foundation/trusts) as reparations.
Deaths will be found to correlate with season. Australias recent death spike is because its winter there. People getting flu shots and flu, stress from
Lockdowns causing excess deaths many of which are blamed on Covid due to crappy tests.
COVID IS LIKE AIDS, Virtually any disease or symptom can be blamed on it which will be used to justify tests and inflate case counts.
Australian cops have been Israeli trained. They are wearing masks so don’t mind cameras. On the girl being dragged out of the car I have to wonder who was taking the video outside the car. Some of these videos might be fakes. Australia is a pilot run for America (as was Wuhans lockdown) and a bit of social preconditioning for us
Masks as vaccines. Saw that coming
Oh well, keep up the good work. Bit like watching a train wreck. Never thought Americans would devolve to the point where they would accept this crap without a fight. Fighting our neighbors doesn’t count. Don’t know if we are worth saving TBH
I think our acceptance of brutality committed against other countries citizens and our own prison Industrial complex giving us the highest incarceration rate in the world is an indicator of a total breakdown of moral values .This has caused us to be unable to recognize the pathology of leaders we elect.
I mean, what moral nation could elect Trump, a pathological liar, divorced twice, accused of abusing women and underaged girls, mob connected, ran casinos, bankrupt multiple times hurting investors and workers , money launderer of Russian oligarchs, friend of Epstein when he was at his peak, and while none of those in and of themselves are conclusive, how does anyone overlook it and vote for him? Not that Hillary was any better but they did have primaries and chose Trump.
September 15, 2020
The Yan Report is basically calling out the Bat Lady Shi Zheng Li for covering up for the military with RaTG13. Details will be provided later she says.
Shi Zhengli submitted the registration information of RaTG13 bat virus on January 27th, showing that the virus was isolated from the feces of Yunnan horseshoe bats (chrysanthemum bat) as early as July 24, 2013. It was collected three months before Shi Zhengli published the paper in October 2013, but did not mention this particular virus.
Its impossible not to see the collaboration between US and China and Shi Zheng Lis involvement with engineering corona viruses. One only needs to look at Shi Zheng Li bio timeline
2007 the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Shi Zhengli published a study in the Journal of Virology in which they combined a SARS-like virus from bats with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and created a chimera virus capable of infecting human cells
2010, Shi Zhengli’s team published a paper to examine the sensitivity of different types of bat ACE2 to human SARS-CoV spike protein (S protein) using live SARS virus and HIV (AIDS) pseudovirus. In the experiment, they also changed several key amino acids of bat ACE2 to test its binding to the S protein and constructed the HIV pseudovirus HIV / BJ01-S with the SARS virus BJ01-S protein.
2013- Nature magazine published a paper entitled “Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like Coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor“, from the research team including Ge Xingyi, Shi Zhengli, Dasak and other experts from Yunnan. The entire genome sequence of the new coronaviruses RsSHC014 and Rs3367 isolated from the chrysanthemum bat (horse hoof bat).
2014 Shi Zhengli received a $665,000 grant from NIH for a study titled The Ecology of Bat Coronaviruses and the Risk of Future Coronavirus Emergence (NIAID R01 AI1 10964) as well as $559,500 more from USAID for a study titled Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT_2China (Project No. AID-OAA-A-14-00102).
2015- November 9 - Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli published a study on their efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice.
In the experimental results, mice infected with this “synthetic” virus had severe lesions in their lungs, and there was no cure.
Shi Zhengli provided sequences and plasmids
Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in France, expressed this concern deeply, telling Nature: “If the (new) virus escapes, no one can Predict its path.”
2015- Shi Zhengli went to working at the newly opened BSL-4 virology lab in Wuhan.
2018 Shi Zhengli authors a review article in Nature Reviews Microbiology 181–192(2019) reporting on of 89 new “novel bat coronavirus” strains that use the same receptor as the coronavirus known as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). That study was jointly funded by the Chinese government’s Ministry of Science and Technology, USAID and the U.S. National Institute of Health
January 23, 2020, Shi Zhengli team published an article on bioRxiv preprinted version of the platform titled, “A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin.” The paper was subsequently published in the journal Nature on February 3.
The article stated that they found that the sequence of the novel Coronavirus was 96.2% identical to that of the Coronavirus numbered RaTG13 derived from Yunnan horseshoe bats.
September 16, 2020
Folks say Trump hasn’t started any new wars, I say his war is the war against Americans. Like Vanessa says we are all Syrians/Palestinians now.
Vaping. Ground glass opacities are not specific to COVID-19. Also the age groups who tend to vape are the least affected by Sars-Cov-2. I doubt there is any connection. However those pneumonia cases in VA retirement communities are suspicious
The Astra Zeneca trial on hold in US may be self serving. HHS AND Faucis boys hold patents on Modernas vaccines. More profit if they are first. Delaying a restart is good business
DNA collection. Cant help but wonder if they simply want to check DNA changes in the population and need baseline samples. One wonders if the vaccines will have a dual purpose. We know they will use mRNA which doesn’t change DNA for the virus, but maybe a hidden DNA changer for gene drive purposes to solve the population problem will be snuck in. Watch the movie Children of Men to get the idea.
The sustainability crowd driving the 4IR wants us all on Fake Meat and driving up prices on real meat with shortages will help this agenda. I have strong suspicions ASF is a bioweapon first used in China to make them dependent on US pork (btw a Chinese company owns Smithfield Pork since 2014, ASF spread shortly after). China is all in on SD. The CIA was linked to an ASF outbreak in Cuba around the time Kissinger was planning on using food as a weapon
September 21, 2020
That Sars-CoV1,2,3 is interesting, especially not showing on Google Trends. Like you I am skeptical its a smoking gun. Maybe the numbers are just different “groups” of CoV but why the Sars designation for all 3?
Here is a suit filed by RFK/CHD against UC over flu vaccine mandate. Worth a read
My take home from the Corbett report was that the flu vaccine not only increased infections but that it may have a role in increased severity. Mortality rates increased with increasing vaccinations in the population. The elderly in nursing homes in the US have 100% vaccination rates and accounted for 43% of COVID deaths. They get the Fluad vaccine which has a super adjuvant to stimulate their immune systems and may make them more susceptible to cytokine storm. Elderly outside nursing homes are more likely to get their shots at a pharmacy which is more likely just the shot the general population get with just a regular aluminum adjuvant (which no doubt contributes to increasing alzheimer rates).
Ricin comes from Castor bean seeds. China is one of its largest producers. Not saying they did it but China or Iran may be set up to be the fall guy. I suppose now they will have an excuse to delay mail for closer inspection and put another bullet in mail in ballots.
My understanding is the vaccine has yet to be approved. Fast track is no guarantee, but I guess they will get that approval. They are also getting close approval on some cancer therapies and they have an adjuvant that a couple of Covid vaccines are interested in, so they have more reason for optimism than the Ricin vaccine. I couldn’t find an Israeli connection on my own but I know Whitney must have found something
Lock downs are meant to preserve hospital capacity to treat sick patients from other diseases. However the experience showed the opposite. Doctors cancelled appointments so cancer patients and those with other diseases had to delay surgeries , treatments and tests. Those who needed to go to ER hesitated to do so out of fear and died at home of heart attacks and strokes, some of which no doubt were precipitated by the financial stress and worries of lock downs. Suicides were up although many suicides were not ruled as such because medical examiners could not conduct the necessary investigations. Indeed excess deaths spiked after lockdowns and dropped after lockdowns ended.
Many of the COVID deaths were due to protocols that appeared to do just that, with respirators instead of just oxygen (to limit spread to HC workers) , no HCQ or steroids.
Civil disobedience and peaceful protests are all well and good. They may make you feel better for awhile, might even slow it down. But cancer cant be cured unless you eliminate all the cancer cells.
September 28, 2020
The PREP Act was passed in 2005 and provides no liability for countermeasures when declared. Azar declared the PREP Act in effect on Feb 4. The US had 11 cases and China was in lockdown. The compensation program was announced in March
FDA advisory Board chairwomen. Accepted a job from Moderna in July and then resigned because of conflict of interest. So, maybe she should have resigned in July. Perhaps a job a reward fir her good work on the advisory board
Vaccine trials. Preventing mild symptomatic infections is important because those infected can spread it to those who are at risk for serious disease.
Anyone who supports lockdowns for the elderly have fallen into a trap. Lockdowns are not ok for anyone. Half of Covid elderly deaths occurred in nursing homes/ALF. The mortality rate for elderly in those homes skews the overall numbers and is anywhere from 10-25 times higher than elderly not in these homes. There should be NO lockdowns for anyone, including the elderly. If they are worried they can self-lockdown. As a 60+ yo with cancer, diabetes, kidney failure and heart issues I wont be locked down, fortunately live in a sane country that doesnt do such things.
October 10,2020
1/The cloth mask control arm was not nothing. It included surgical mask wearing when called by standard care as opposed to mask wearing continuously.
2/Drs are not the experts on masks. You should be calling out the work of PPE OSHA professionals like Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan. I had sent a link to Tammys videos a couple months ago. Recently they appeared on Del Bigtrees show
3/Paper by Eric Sanchez, now Assistant Area Director of OSHA in Tampa, in 2010 wrote in his graduate thesis:
“Using surgical masks as a form of personal protective equipment
(PPE) may lead to adverse health effects. “
4/Normal use of masks is in a HC or occupational setting where users have been trained on their use and subjected to fitness testing to ensure they were healthy enough to wear the masks under OSHA requirements.
5/In hospital ER’s air flow and O2 levels are increased to compensate and masks are changed during the course of a long shift
October 16, 2020
1/Great stuff/guests .Didn't realize how much the education system has been caught up in this technocracy and that it started as far back as 1982 globally.
2/Char got me thinking. Are we anti-maskers falling into the elites trap of divide and rule. Do we want to die on the anti-mask hill or unite and fight the real enemy instead of fighting ourselves
3/BTW, CDC provisional figures show excess deaths over 12% since Feb. I believe most are related to lockdowns and unemployment. Also mRNA vaccines don’t alter our RNA or DNA and degrade fairly quickly within the cell cytoplasm.
<not as quick as we were led to believe but I don’t believe they can sustain protein translation for long if for no other reason the cell will be killed by immune cells or apoptosis>
October 20, 2020
Trump is clean. Well, after laundering so much money for Russian/israeli mafia , yeah, maybe.
He has known and palled around with Epstein since Epstein was with Bear Stearns in 1978 , being hired after his stint at Dalton School where he taught Ace Greensbergs daughter.
Barrs father hired Epstein to teach at Dalton School in 1974 despite him only having a HS degree. Barr Jr. was working at CIA at the time.
Trumps mentor was a homosexual named Roy Cohn who also ran a sex ring to entrap people, prostitutes included young boys at parties held in his suite at the Plaza Hotel. After Roy died in 1986 of AIDS , Trump bought the Plaza Hotel in 1988 and held his own parties, the nature of which are unknown.
Clinton was attracted to girls like Monica , but who knows, maybe he found younger girls hot too. When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?”
Epstein had a falling out with Trump over a real estate deal in Palm Beach. From some accounts he tried to trap Trump but got caught. Trump knew what is MO was. Shortly after that he gets charged. Trump had his own plane and his own property. I doubt he ever needed to go to the island to sample Epstein's product, unlike Clinton. Besides he knew what Epstein was up too, knowing Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell like he did before Clinton even ran for President
Its curious , Trump, Kushners and Epstein all did their banking at Deutsche Bank, famous for laundering Russian money and playing fast and loose with banking regulations. Trump and Kushners personal wealth manager Rosemary worked for Epsteins wealth manager at Deutsche (he hired her) who committed suicide a couple month after Epstein. Deutsche Bank , being sued by shareholders for not being careful enough dealing with their wealthy clients. That trial may have lead to Trump/Kushner transactions.
So a guy who used to work for Kroll Moscow kills the judges son. Then suiciding himself. Kroll was in charge of security for WTC and was owned by AIG. Deutsche Bank incidentally was the bank that placed PUTS on AA and UA and was connected to Buzzy Krongard at the CIA , which was connected to Kroll. Deutsche Bank had bought Bankers Trust while Krongard was there , and it was this arm of Deutsche Bank that placed the PUTS.
Trumps AG Barr says he will investigate the murder. Its curious that Barr was counselor of the law firm that handled Epsteins case and negotiated the sweet heart deal in 2008. The guy signing off on the deal was Acosta who then joins the Trump team in 2017
Looking at Barr again. Barrs father hired Epstein in 1974 with his HS degree to teach at Dalton School while he is at CIA. One of his students was Bear Stearns CEO daughter. Ace Greenberg was the head of Bear Stearns, and friend of Trump, and hires Epstein in 1978.
Barr and the Clintons reportedly go way back to when Clinton was providing protection for Bushs Iran-Contra Operation run out of a AK .
Lets look closer at Trumps Barr. As mentioned, he was counsel for the law firm representing Epstein in 2008, not to mention working for law firms handling CIA’s Southern Air Transport (Wexner and Epstein helped them move to Ohio to handle business out of HK in mid 90’s) and the head of a BCCI connected US bank in the 80’s (First General) that the Clinton/Bush backer Stevens attempted to buy on behalf of BCCI. Stevens ran Systematics and used and distributed the backdoored PROMIS and also hired Foster and Hillary’s law firm, and no doubt was a key to laundering the drug money out of Mena using Clintons bond program set up for that purpose
Last time Barr was AG under Bush Sr. lots of guys were getting snuffed out and investigations slowed , stonewalled or stopped (BCCI, Inslaw. Iran-Contra).
The same year that Casolaro died for investigating the Octopus, there were several other suspicious deaths involving people directly connected to the Promis scandal or involved in Casolaro’s investigation of “the Octopus” — including Alan Standorf, one of Casolaro’s sources; Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell, Mossad operative, and salesman of the bugged Promis software; and John Tower — the former Texas senator who assisted Maxwell in selling the bugged Promis software to the Los Alamos laboratories, and John Heinz, senator of PA
John Heinz chaired a three-man presidential review board that probed the Iran-Contra affair and had in his possession all the damning documents from that affair, while John Tower led the infamous Tower Commission that investigated a variety of different CIA criminal activities and dirty dealings and was working on a tell all book. John Heinz and John Tower died in plane wrecks on successive days in 1991 – Tower in Georgia, and Heinz in Montgomery County, Pa. John Kerry then marries Heinz widow, a reward perhaps for his role in the coverup of Bush crimes.
Craig Spence, after his trafficking and exploitation of minors was exposed, died under mysterious circumstances on 11/11/89. His death was quickly labeled a suicide, not unlike Jeffrey Epstein’s. This was the first year of the Bush administration with Barr working at the Justice Department
Barr also advised Bush on stonewalling investigations of the CIA when Bush was CIA Director in the 70’s following his stint in China. It was Bush who began the privatization of the CIA operations after Carter came in and pushed him out and then purged much of the CIA. He formalized this privatization as VP under Reagan when Barr mysteriously returns to his side and entities like the CIA front NED were created.
Maybe I am making Barr out to be more than he was but he was connected with so much stuff. He actually signed off on spying on Americans telephone calls (international) as Bush’s AG before leaving and working for telecom industry before retiring from Verizon in 2009. So no doubt he was involved in the domestic surveillance that was ramped up after 9/11.
By 1993, after Billy Barr leaves as AG, prosecutors in Illinois and New York who had spent years investigating Hoffenberg’s Towers Financial were able to proceed. In front of a grand jury in Chicago, federal prosecutor Edward Kohler walked Hoffenberg, who had just agreed to cooperate with the government, through the design of the scam. In the narrative Kohler laid out, Epstein was the technical wizard who kept the money moving around to support Hoffenberg’s various schemes.
Epstein was never charged. Curiously Rudy Giuliani was the attorney for Towers Financial
Food for thought, yah think? Or maybe people cant think anymore,
October 26, 2020
I wonder how much of Epstein , Maxwell, and Deutsche Bank related events is about disappearing those connected with or with knowledge of 9/11 who for whatever reason have become a risk.
It was Deutsche Bank that placed the PUTS on UA and AA before 9/11. Kroll was in charge of security of WTC and both WTC attacks (1993 and 2001) after Greenbergs AIG partnered with Kroll.
Greenberg was also a board member of the NY Fed Reserve (the most important Fed Bank) which at the time was printing up money for Safra and Browder to use in Russia via the Money Plane. Some of that money eventually came back to NY to buy up Trumps property
In recent years Adnon Khashoggi and his nephew die/killed, George Nader arrested on pedo charges, Epstein suicided, Maxwell arrested , all of whom were considered untouchable due to intelligence connections and knowing way too much. All connected to the Donald too.
Then the ex-Kroll Moscow employee suiciding after killing the Judges son who is presiding over the Deutsche Bank case looking into money laundering (Kushners, Trump, Epstein all doing major business with them).
Larger network of connections directed by the Global Elites Trillionaires /Billionaires Club.
Kroll, Apollo/Leon Black, Deutchebank, AIG/Fed NY, Khashoggis (Adnon/Jamal) ,Erik Prince, Zamel, Bill Barr, Rudy Giuliani , George Mitchel, Tower Financial, Wexner, Lauder, Leese, Jared Kushner, Trumps/ Jr, Israel, clintons, Maxwells Robert, Ghislane, Isabel, Christine) insider trading by Deutsche bank on 9/11, lynn Forester de Rothschild, Safra, Bill Browder, George Nader, Lebanon Hostages, Lauders, Barrick Gold, MBS, Chiliad, Commtouch, CIM Group, Cohen, Manafort/Stone Blackstone, Larry Summers, Trilateral Commission, Brookfield/Bronfman, Tom Bolan, Roy Cohn, BayRock/Felix Sater-Arif-Sapir, Buzzy Kongrad, Jerome Hauer, Psy Group, Carbyne, Wikistrat, , Milikin, Larry Fink/ BlackRock, Azar/Kadlec/Redfield, Lazar/Putin/Abramovitch/Leviev, Leiber/ Langer (Harvard/MIT) , Wilbur Ross, Icahn/Blackstone, Singer, Alderson, Dershowitz, Murdoch, Mueller, Freeh, Cyrus Vance Jr, Zuckerman, Black Cube/Weinstein, Unit 8200, Unit 81, SUNC, China, Russia, israel, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Turkey, Adallom (acquired by Microsoft), Amdocs, Canny AI, Commtouch/cyren, Comverse Technology (Verint), Cellebrite, Cybereason, Claridge Israel
Cyber NYC (Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) , Team 8, and SOSA)
Diagnostics Robotics, Empire State Development (ESD), JVP (COO and general partner worked for Claridge Israel), Telrad (nortel 20% in 1996), Illussive Networks , Team 8,
NSO (pegasus), Peter Theil, Eric Schmidt, Gates, Soros, CEPI, WEF, GAVI, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, Verizon, ATT, MIC, MSM, Medical Industrial Complex, Pharma Industrial Complex , Tech Industrial Complex, various ARPA”s (Defense, Biological, Intelligence, Security), NSAIC, Chabad, etc
I know I missed a few.
In addition to Hollander’s “suicide”, Epsteins personal banker at Deutsche Bank (Thomas Bowers) supposedly did away with himself back in November.
Epstein had followed Bowers to Deutsche Bank in 2013, where – despite his allegedly defaulting on some $25 million in loans from Citigroup – Bowers secured further high-risk loans and credit lines for Epstein
Bower was the boss of Jared Kushners and Donald Trumps personal banker at Deutsche (Rosemary Vrablic) and handled Epsteins business. Trump/Kushners received over 600 million dollars in loans in recent years when nobody wanted anything to with Trump or Kushners convicted felon Dad .
Rosemary had enrolled in Bank Leumi’s credit-training program in the 1980’s which launched her banking career. This bank served wealthy Russian and happened to be a hub for tax evasion and would be busted for not doing enough to combat money laundering. This is where Vrablic would learn the ropes.
The Kushners were among her earliest customers . They happened to have a long-running relationship with Bank Leumi the Israeli lender where Vrablic began her career .
Deutsche Banks headquarters in NY following the destruction of its former building on 9/11 is the same address as Trumps grand fathers barber shop in 1905
Two years after Maxwells death after meeting with Kroll in NY , in 1993 Maurice Greenberg became a partner and co-owner of Jules Kroll's company . A.I.G. bought twenty-three percent of Kroll. That same year following the WTC bombing Kroll Associates "was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures."
Thus Kroll controlled security at the World Trade Center complex through 2001 and was responsible for hiring John O'Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism for the FBI, an expert on Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda who was stopped from pursuing the USS Cole investigation, and who died on 9-11, reportedly his first day on the new job.
Many of the ‘put’ options (where a trader, in effect, bets on a share price fall) on United Airlines and AA stock were issued by a company that was headed until 1998 by ‘Buzzy’ Krongard, executive director of the CIA at the time of the attacks.
Alex Brown was acquired by Bankers Trust in 1997, which, in turn, was purchased by Deutsche Bank in 1999. Krongard’s last job at Alex Brown -Bankers Trust was to oversee “private client relations.”
After “Buzzy” Krongard’s departure to the CIA, his successor at Alex Brown -Bankers Trust was his former deputy Mayo Shattuck III, who had worked at the bank for many years. In 1997, Shattuck helped Krongard engineer the merger with Banker’s Trust, and he stayed on after Deutsche Bank acquired Bankers Trust – Alex Brown in 1999
According to the New York Times, Mayo Shattuck III “was made co-head of investment banking in January [2001], overseeing Deutsche Bank’s 400 brokers who cater to wealthy clients.” It is curious that Shattuck resigned immediately after the 9/11 attacks.
So basically it was Deutsche Bank that was involved in those suspicious PUTS before 9/11
Interestingly , Deutsche Banks shareholder include the Qatari Royal Family (6.1% )and Black Rock (4.5 % ). Qatari backed the Brookfield Asset Managing company that saved Kushner by taking out a billion dollar 99 year lease paid upfront on his 666 property
As Trump received loans from the Deutsche Bank subsidiary, DBTCA, thanks to Rosemary, totaling over $360 million, the Russian bank Gazprombank sent $511 million in cash to DBTCA to be dispersed however the Russian bank directed.
Deutsche Bank also faced scrutiny for a $1 billion loan (later restructured to $790 million) to VTB Bank, a bank also majority-owned by the Russian government. At the time of Trumps election there was still about $600 million left for VTB to pay off, but the Journal reported Deutsche Bank took a loss in selling the loan in order to reduce its Russian exposure.
A whistleblower named Val Broeksmit (his father worked for DBTCA and suicided in 2014) revealed to the FBI based on his fathers documents and emaila that VTB underwrote the Trump loans, essentially guaranteeing a valve of money to Trump which DBTCA provided. Documents suggesting that Russian banks may have pumped $3 billion into DBTCA, which in turn handed $1 billion back to Russian bank VTB, support Broeksmit’s assertion that DBTCA was using Russian cash to finance some of its American operations. This is not verified though but could be exposed if anyone looks at Deutsche Bank Accounts too closely
I am thinking Deutsche is next to take a fall . Interesting that the banks HQ at 60 Wall Street is the same address as Trumps grandfathers barbershop that opened in 1905. Deutsche previous headquarters was demolished in the 9/11 attacks
So now Billy Barrs going to investigate the murder . Lol. SDNY Attorney forced out by Barr because he was looking into Deutsche Bank too close.
So whats killing the judge do? For sure it delays the case until after the election. Might make people who are judging and prosecuting such matters a bit more pliable. Thats good enough. Its not like they have to worry about MSM digging in and exposing anything
October 26, 2020
1/The World Economic Forum public relations video , “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,
“You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it.” Instead, you’ll rent everything you need, and it’ll be delivered by drone right to your door.
2/ “The U.S. won’t be the world’s leading superpower” — Instead, a handful of countries will dominate together.
“You’ll eat much less meat” — Meat will be “an occasional treat, not a staple, for the good of the environment and our health.”
3/ Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide” — To eliminate fossil fuels, there will be a global price on carbon
“Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.
November 3, 2020
Well, You Tube/Google are just private arms of the Government. You Tube is not worried, once Billy Boy Barr eliminates encryption posts will be able to be censored in real time before its posted. Digital ID will be mandated to post anything so they can go beyond just blocking content but knowing who needs to be sent for reeducation.
PPE expert says surgical masks are not as much of a health problem to healthy people wearing them because tgey design ER rooms with better airflow snd higher O2 levels to compensate
Also says employees who require workers yo wear N95 at work are required to sue a health assessment to ensure worker can safely wear them. Those who ate not healthy enough
Could have heart attacks. OSHA stopped enforcing this during COVID. Its unclear if the same requirement applies for cloth masks but as a PPE expert who is a consultant for companies on OSHA matters she says cloth masks impedes breathing by lowering O2 and increasing CO2 levels.
Many teachers will retire early rather than go back to work teaching in masks due to health concerns. She says parents should threaten to homeschoolChildren and pull kids from school.
As. For China a couple of take home points
China was in on the Pandemic planning in 2019
China limited testing and was slow in confirming the novel virus and providing sequences
The virus was circulating for up to 3 months in the densely populated city of Wuhan (12 million people including visitors) . Wuhan is a domestic and international transportation hub.
The Wuhan lockdown occurred only after 2 million people left Wuhan for other provinces/countries for the Lunar New Year. If 2 weeks earlier who knows what happens.
90% of cases in China were reported in Hubei, which contains only 5% of Chinas population. Limited spread outside Hubei yet countries in Iran, Europe, and US had extensive spread in certain areas
Limited spread in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan , California and Korea despite a tremendous number of residents returning from China as well as visitors in the 3 months it spread without lockdown in China
In Taiwan they also had many returnees from US and Europe in February and March. No lockdown, no mandatory mask wearing beyond public transportation in March, no significant domestic spread beyond household contacts of returnees
None of this makes sense. My theory is China is in on the Global Reset. They agreed to limited disruption by sacrificing Hubei to set a precedence for lockdowns to be used by their partners in the West. The Western Democracies required a heavier hand to generate more fear since they were culturally less inclined to conformity than in Asia. China also benefits from Technocracy having huge investments in Tech , 5G, Smart Cities, AI, Biotech Industry (Wuhans Biolake ), Social Credit Scores. Indeed one can say China is the model for the coming Global Technocratic Republic
There probably is a virus, a non pathogenic virus. It may have been circulating for some time and was endemic globally . Call it something new, tell people its a killer, start testing for it, and provide numbers that rise with increased tests, lock down to reinforce the fear and cause excess deaths by economic deprivation, stress and lack of medical services, and when deaths stabilize relax lockdowns but increase testing to increase case counts and justify mandatory mask wearing and social distancing, keeping the fear going and keeping the real economy depressed until the second wave timed for the normal flu season which will be worse due to mandatory flu vaccinations in some settings that will cause more infections and vaccine side effects
Kiss individual rights good bye. Nobody can wake Americans from their coma. They want the blue pill. Its wise to remember Aldous Huxleys words
1961-In a lecture to the California Medical School, in San Francisco, Aldous Huxley explained:
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution. “
The next step will be the Morality Pill, delivered as a vaccine. Morality being blindly following authority
A few quotes from CS Lewis “That Hideous Strength “ from 1946
“Quite simple and obvious things, at first—sterilisation of the unfit, liquidation of backward races (we don’t want any dead weights), selective breeding.....real education, including pre-natal education.... we’ll get on to biochemical conditioning in the end and direct manipulation of the brain.”
“But this is stupendous. It’s the real thing at last. A new type of man: and it’s people like you who’ve got to begin to make him.”
(Ah yes, Transhumanism. Homo Deux, even in 1946)
“(T)he educated public, the people who read the highbrow weeklies, don’t need reconditioning. They’re all right already. They’ll believe anything.”
No ember 10, 2020
BARDA participates in the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise(PHEMCE) led by the ASPR, involving the internal HHS partners, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with external inter-agency partners, the Department of Defense (DoD), the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
They purchased the vaccines using “Other transaction authority.'' This authority is essentially a waiver from most federal procurement law--everything from competition requirements, to auditing and pricing safeguards, to the Buy America and Drug-free workplace laws. The authority was originally developed to help DOD in attracting smaller contractors to federal research and development contracts,
Trump received Regeneron, which is a therapeutic under OWS, so therapeutics are hardly a lie. HCQ might be the best therapeutic but thats out of patent and would eliminate the need for a vaccine
I have no problem at all with RFID chips on syringes. The consumer will never touch the syringe. RFID is USEFUL for inventory control, product ID, and tracking purposes. Smart phone location services not accurate enough that they could know which individual received the vaccine. That will be tracked by computer entry anyway. Obviously an implantable RFID chip would be a concern. No idea if that’s possible via a vaccine injection
At a population level a biosensor could detect temperature and an increase in the population having high temperature would signal an outbreak. Perhaps they will sneak it into the vaccine, but we can only guess
Pretty sure vaccine sales agreements for vaccines are contingent on authorization by FDA before payment is made, but am not 100% sure. Of course such approval wont mean they work or or are safe. FDA like most HHS agencies is thoroughly corrupt
After SARS and MERS in a 10 year period it was hardly surprising another coronavirus outbreak might be expected. Of course, they were also engineered
I pointed out the bat coin months ago but glad Spiro is getting it more play
There are many excess deaths, yet they are from lockdowns and unemployment, and restricted access to health care and not so much from COVID
Social media giants want Section 230 to be removed so everyone will be required to censor including their competitors to avoid liability. So they overtly censor to create a problem requiring their solution, which is repealing 230 which will lead to more censorship
November 13, 2020
So the total number of excess deaths from January 26 through October 3 ranged from a low of approximately 841 in the youngest age group (<25 years) to a high of 94,646 among adults aged 75–84 years. However, the average percentage change in deaths over this period compared with previous years was largest for adults aged 25–44 years (26.5%)
December 6, 2020
1/Clinton is Evil but to blame him as the main cause of the high incarceration rate is revisionist history
The "War on Drugs" is a policy that was initiated by Richard Nixon with the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970
2/After the passage of Reagan's Anti-Drug Abuse Act in 1986, incarceration for non-violent offenses dramatically increased.
3/Prior to the 1980s, private prisons did not exist in the US. A wave of privatization occurred under the Reagan Administration with the emergence of the for-profit prison industry.
4/Bill Barr as Bush Attorney General authored the “Case of More Incarceration” in 1992
December 11, 2020
1/So much concern about mRNA vaccines. I suspect most people dont know much about the regular vaccines we have been using for 60 years.
2/FDA allows both human fetal cells and adult human tumor cells in vaccines. Astra Zeneca vaccine used human fetal cells. Human DNA debris is much more likely to infiltrate cells in vaccinated individuals than insect or monkey DNA.
3/ DNA chains from human fetuses have the ability to 1) activate immune receptors that could lead to autoimmune attacks in those who have genetic predispositions or 2) insert into cells where they could combine with host DNA and cause mutations.
4/Merck and IAVA COVID vaccines are manufactured in vero monkey cells, and thus contain cellular debris and DNA fragments from vero monkeys in the final product. The Sanofi, GSK, and Novavax COVID jabs are manufactured in insect cells and thus contain insect cellular debris and DNA fragments
5/All cells have the risk that they carry endogenous viruses, microbes, and parasites .The early Polio vaccine was contaminated with monkey SV-40 virus that millions of kids received. It is now known to cause cancer in some people. This was not the first and only case.
6/ Then of course we have the aluminum and squalene based adjuvants and preservatives such as mercury in some vaccines. None of these products has been adequately evaluated for safety.
7/mRNA by comparison seems rather a clean way to make a vaccine. Need much more testing though, and COVID needs no vaccine. The vaccine adverse events seen in the Pfizer study may be indicative of pathogenic priming, especially since more serious adverse events were seen with the second dose, especially in the elderly
<I did not know about Pfizers Plasmid DNA contamination then>
Saul Krugman (April 7, 1911 – October 26, 1995) was a physician, and later pediatrician, whose studies of hepatitis, rubella, and measles resulted in the development of vaccinations for these debilitating diseases. The results of these studies were acquired through ethically questionable practices which came to light during the Willowbrook State School scandal of 1987. The measles vaccine was also trialed at Willowbrook
December 12, 2020
1/Donald Barr also was OSS and was part of the denazification of Germany that later became Operation Paperclip (importing to US) . McCoy released many Nazis convicted in Nuremberg and Dulles at CIA helped assimilate them. Unclear of Barrs role
2/Billy Boy Barr was CIA at the time his father Donald hired Epstein, and advised Bush when he was CIA Director along with Rumsfeld and Cheney to stone well the investigations into the CIA . Epstein of course went on to work for intelligence agencies in US/Israel
3/He followed Bush in Reagan administration briefly advising on Project Democracy, PROMIS, Iran Contra, COG . Before and after he had lawyered for BCCI and Southern Air Transport.
4/Later as AG for President Bush he negotiated BCCI sweet heart deal, recommending pardons for those in Iran Contra, established spying on American phone calls, developed a plan to incarcerate more Americans, and stalled the Inslaw/PROMIS investigation.
5/Then on to work in Telecom Industry/Verizon . No doubt he paved the way at Verizon to cooperate with NSA to give them access to customers communications following 9/11
6/ He then was counsel for Jeffrey Epsteins law firm after he was arrested the first time. Acosta gave Jeffrey a slap on the wrist because he was protected by an intelligence agency. Barr as Trumps AG with Acosta hired as Trumps Labour Secretary said there was no misconduct
7/when you talk Deep State you start with Billy Barr. With Trump he has silently been working on Pre/Crime programs that will set the table for Biden and target those who are anti vax/anti lockdown and conspiracy theorists.
8/ FBI/DHS under Trump has labelled them/us as security threats. Barrs precrime gives them the means to act. Reeducation and mental health treatments in store for those rounded up
December 15, 2020
1/In August CISA (created in 2018) conducted Cyber Storm 2020 exercises . Almost 2000 participants took part over the three-day simulation of a real-world event that included state and local
governments, law enforcement, defense, and industry. No details were released
2/In August Klaus Schwab warned of a cyberpandemic that could be worse than the COVID pandemic
3/ On December 13, 2020, the Washington Post reported that multiple government agencies were breached through SolarWinds's Orion software,
4/A Victim-of this attack included the cybersecurity firm FireEye, FireEye reported the hackers inserted "malicious code into legitimate software updates for the Orion software that allow an attacker remote access into the victim’s environment"
5/The attack used a backdoor in a SolarWinds library. When an update to SolarWinds occurred the malicious attack would go unnoticed due to a trusted certificate
6/In April 2019, SolarWinds announced an agreement to acquire Samanage . The Samanage Service Platform was re-launched as SolarWinds Service Desk in June 2019.
7/Samanage, investors include Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital, Salesforce Ventures, Israeli Gemini Capital , Carmel Ventures and others, and was founded in Israel.
8/FireEye has been involved in a number of prominent investigations, including the 2016 attack on the Democratic National Committee, and had alerted Facebook in 2018 that it had a problem with Iranian disinformation which led to the great Facebook purge
9/In 2019 FireEye Inc. bought Respond Software Inc., a 4-year-old startup . Israeli company ClearSky is a major investor in Respond Software Inc.. Boaz Dolev is the CEO and a co-founder of ClearSky cyber security, a threat intelligence company, since January 2011.
10/Mr. Dolev is the former Israeli e-Government CEO (1999- 2009) who was responsible for creating the methodology and the infrastructure of Israel e-Gov. Mr. Dolev is the head of the "security information committee" in the Israeli standards institute
December 18, 2020
1/Reading the FDA report of Pfizer Vax EUA. Some interesting points
Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from individuals who are infected despite vaccination.... asymptomatic cases in combination with reduced mask-wearing and social distancing could result in significant continued transmission
There are currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals.
2/It says “In the event an EUA is issued for this product, it would still be considered unapproved and it would be under further investigation until it is licensed under a Biologics License Application (BLA). Study will be completed January 2023
3/ The Vax group 14.4% had evidence of infection within 7 days of their 2nd shot. 15% in placebo group.
Following 7 days after last shot, Only 0.05% COVID IN VAX GROUP. 1% dev COVID in placebo group over next 2 months. Why the drop in infection rate in the Placebo group getting saline?
4/ Antibody test was used to confirm covid after 7 days following the 2nd shot. Why not use PCR test on everyone like they are doing in the real world? Too many false positives? However PCR was done within 7 days of the final shot and not the Antibody Test. How does this make sense?
5/ only 1 severe COVID was found in the VAX group. A whopping 3 in the placebo group (each group had over 20,000 participants). Sounds like a disease in which no vaccine is needed.
6/ 4 cases of Bells Palsy in the Vax group (none in placebo group) within 2 months. In the population there are 15–30 cases per 100,000 population annual incidence. Thats 4-10 times higher incidence of Bells Palsy yet the report says its normal because they compared annual incidence to a group followed for only 2 months
8/PCR-Ct not specified
9/Providers administering the Vaccine must report to VAERS and to Pfizer the information all adverse events associated with the vaccine :
Are Walmart and pharmacies able to do so? This is normally done by Doctors
10/An additional source of VAERS reports will be through a program administered by the CDC known as v-safe. V-safe is a new smartphone-based opt-in program that uses text messaging and web surveys from CDC to check in with vaccine recipients for health problems following COVID-19 vaccination. The system also will provide telephone follow-up to anyone who reports medically significant (important) adverse events.
11/The primary endpoint was evaluated in individuals without prior evidence of COVID-19 disease, and very few cases of confirmed COVID-19 occurred among participants with evidence of infection prior to vaccination. ..Therefore, available data are insufficient to make conclusions about benefit in individuals with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.
12/Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against asymptomatic infection as measured by detection of the virus and/or detection of antibodies against non-vaccine antigens that would indicate infection rather than an immune response induced by the vaccine. Additional evaluations will be needed to assess the effect of the vaccine in preventing asymptomatic infection.
13/ COVID-19 disease may have long-term effects on certain organs, and at present it is not possible to assess whether the vaccine will have an impact on specific long-term sequelae of COVID-19 disease in individuals who are infected despite vaccination.
14/ A larger number of individuals at high risk of COVID-19 and higher attack rates would be needed to confirm efficacy of the vaccine against mortality.
15/ Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from individuals who are infected despite vaccination.... asymptomatic cases in combination with reduced mask-wearing and social distancing could result in significant continued transmission.
16/There are currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals.
17/.. [the]risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing clinical trials and in observational studies that could be conducted following authorization and/or licensure.
December 23, 2020
1/Looking at the immune system of the respiratory tract it seems clear a vaccine injected into muscle can not possibly protect mucosal surfaces of the upper respiratory tract. Why hasn’t an intranasal vaccine been pursued more vigorously?
2/IgA contributed to virus neutralization to a greater extent compared with IgG.
3/neutralizing IgA remained detectable in saliva for a longer time (days 49 to 73 post symptoms).
4/ mucosal immunity differs from systemic immunity.
5/increased IgG:IgA ratio along the respiratory tract, as measured from the nasal compartment to the lungs
6/ In contrast to serum-purified IgA, both monomeric and dimeric IgA were observed in bronchoalveolar fluids (persist longer at mucosal sites compared with peripheral blood in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
7/IgA may be more broadly crossreactive against various human coronaviruses (HCoVs),
8/maturation of the systemic IgG response may be slightly delayed compared with the mucosal IgA response.
9/ cross-reactive IgA, recently identified in human gut mucosa against other targets than SARS-CoV-2 , may be more prevalent in children and/or could be rapidly mobilized in response to infection with SARS-CoV-2.
10/IgA-mediated mucosal immunity may be a critical defense mechanism against SARS-CoV-2 at the individual level that may also reduce infectivity of human secretions, and therefore viral transmission.
11/questions remain about the relative impact that IgG makes to the mucosal response, whether or not it can provide durable immunity, especially in the aging population, and to what degree it contributes to the immunopathology of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
13/Perhaps the pediatric population is being spared the ravages of the current pandemic due to the protective nature of the adenoids and tonsils.
14/ The tonsils and adenoids are part of the mucosal immune system known as Waldeyer’s ring or the nasal associated lymphoid tissue (NALT). Many baby boomers had their tonsils removed as children.
15/ 80% of lymphocytes in human tonsils are CD8+ memory cells
19/The activation of CD8+ cells by intranasal boosting with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding the spike protein of the SARS-CoV in mice resulted in pathogen clearance from a lethal challenge of the virus
20/ in Covid-19 patients, lymphopenia is the hallmark of disease progression and in particular, CD8+ and natural killer cells (NK) decreased with progression of the disease
21/ While there are concerns about the durability of IgG antibodies to Covid-19 , IgA antibodies to influenza generated by the diffuse NALT lining the nasal passages lasted for the life of the animal
22/ The nasal epithelium has the highest concentration of ACE2, and the alveoli have the most robust replication of the virus which takes place in the nose and little or none in the alveoli
23/the epithelial cells lining the salivary gland ducts that are rich in the expression of ACE2 actively produce virions that are spread through aerosol droplets that may be inhaled or aspirated into the lung.
24/IgA seroconversion occurs two days after the onset of infection, and is detected earlier than IgM or IgG in Covid-19 patients
25/The sequestration of virus in intracellular vesicles of the macrophages demonstrates the critical role that these antigen presenting cells (APC) play in the dissemination of the virus to the lung and systemic compartment especially since viral shedding of Covid-19 in the pharynx precedes viral replication in
26/there is great concern that the accelerated pace to develop a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 will result in a detrimental immune response, i.e., an antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of the infection
27/ as a result of prior exposure to the “common cold coronavirus” (CCC), T cell reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 antigen peptide pools is in the 20–50% range in unexposed blood donors from across the globe
28/one study showed that 90% of the human race tested positive for three of the four CCCs
29/ 35% of seronegative Covid-19 healthy donors had cross-reactive CD4+ T cells to the S protein probably acquired from previous infections with human coronaviruses
30/ The presence of durable cross-reactive T cell memory responses would play a role in amplifying an anamnestic B cell response against those common antigens
31/prior sensitization to conserved epitopes could lead to the production of non- neutralizing or sub-neutralizing binding antibodies, principally of the IgG isotype, and form antigen-antibody complexes. These immune complexes (IC) act as molecular bridges between a virus and immune cells
32/When the IC binds to an activating FcγR on APCs it also results in the production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines that lead to lung and other organ injury.
33/This hypercytokinemia causes an increased transudate and production of hyaluronan in the alveoli that absorbs water resulting in the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and death
34/One study showed that monoclonal antibodies targeting the MERS-CoV RBD caused a conformational change in the spike protein that blocked viral entry into cells expressing its cognate receptor, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 and directed its entry into FcγR expressing cells
35/In the second study, an IM vaccination that produced an anti-spike IgG (S-IgG) and an intravenous administration of S-IgG monoclonal antibodies correlated with acute lung injury during a SARS-CoV infection of RM
36/Although the anti-S-IgG reduced the expression of viral RNA in the lungs, it led to a massive accumulation of monocyte/macrophages within 2 dpi that caused significant diffuse alveolar damage.
37/ Coronaviruses as well as other viruses that form immune complexes with IgG antibodies are transcytosed through the plasma membrane and transported intracellularly by the FcRn into the endosomal system
38/the induction of a mucosal response by systemic immunization (eg IM vaccination) remains poorly understood (
39/An additional benefit of IgA is based on its non-inflammatory effects since neither the secreted, monomeric form (sIgA) found in serum nor the secretory, polymeric form (S-IgA) found in mucosal secretions activate any of the three complement pathways
40/when bound to the antigen, IgA blocks the binding of IgG and IgM and thus prevents the complement-mediated inflammatory effects associated with these isotypes
41/all forms of the IgA antibody, serum and secretory, monoclonal and polyclonal, interfered with complement-dependent phagocytosis by neutrophils mediated by IgG antibodies
42/only the intranasal and subligual administration of the MERS-CoV full-length spike protein induced IgA antibodies that were found in the broncholaveolar lavage fluid.
43/While IgA is the most highly expressed antibody in the body, its production by the mucosal-associated lymphatic tissue declines with age. This decline is one aspect of a condition known as immunosenescence that is particularly relevant in the current pandemic caused by Covid-19 in which the elderly are the most vulnerable population.
44/However, a study in mice showed that the aging process affects the NALT to a lesser degree than the gastrointestinal associated lymphatic tissue
45/the need still remains to determine an appropriate adjuvant for mucosal administration of a Covid-19 vaccine especially one that would avoid a Th17 response that contributes to the eosinophilic infiltration in the lungs
46/ there is the need for trained personnel to administer the vaccine intramuscularly that can result in as many as five needle-stick injuries per 100 injections worldwide
47:there is a significant concern for the reuse of needles and syringes in developing countries that can lead to blood-borne viral infections and for the proper disposal of this medical waste in these countries.
49/Regulatory agencies worldwide should require a comparison of the parenteral administration with mucosal delivery and accelerate the approval of the appropriate adjuvants, particularly for the aging population.
48/Mucosal delivery also represents a more cost-effective and efficient means of delivering a vaccine in the time of a pandemic. And
50/ mucosal delivery means there is less likelihood of an immunopathological immune response known as ADE that is invariably associated with IgG
January 14, 2021
Fbi connected researchers argued in a research paper published just months before the onset of the Covid-19 crisis that “the US ‘anti-vaxxer’ movement would pose a threat to national security in the event of a ‘pandemic with a novel organism.’”
1/US Air Force and Special Operations Command announced that they awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to the US-based “machine intelligence” company Primer. Per the press release, “Primer will develop the first-ever machine learning platform to automatically identify and assess suspected disinformation. The war on free speech is ramping up.
2/Primer’s founder, Sean Gourley, says 2020 disinformation becomes a more serious threat than physical war, and we will have to rethink the weapons we deploy to fight them.”
3/Gourley argued for the creation of a “Manhattan Project for truth” that would create a publicly available Wikipedia-style database built off of “knowledge bases. This will establish a baseline for what’s true or not” and that “in 2020, we will begin to weaponize truth.”
January 14, 2021
1/Why people mistrust an experimental vaccine would require a very long answer. Too much for twitter. One reason which is not discussed is that people no longer trust their own Doctors
2/2020 proved to be a destructive year for the credibility of science, public health, doctors, journalism, police, government, media, etc. Trust in these professions , organizations and institutions are at an all time low.
3/ A study in 2004 showed Americans have said they would not get a smallpox vaccine if there was a smallpox attack if a government official recommended it, but they would get vaccinated if their personal physician recommended it.
4/However, it noted we will not trust our physicians to help us if we do not believe that they will be guided by medical ethics rather than by partisan politics.
5/former Scnator Sam Nunn, who played the part of the President in the smallpox exercise, Dark Winter , said "There is no force on earth strong enough to get Amcricans to do something that they do not believe is in their own best interests and that of their families."
6/ Hopefully thats still true.
2019- On Sep 11 Cybereason, creators of the leading Cyber Defense Platform, announced it is hosting a live webinar with The MITRE Corporation, Monday, September 16 to educate enterprises about how to operationalize MITRE ATT&CK threat intelligence to defend against cyberattacks.
Earlier in 2019 Cybereason unveiled results from ‘Operation Soft Cell,’ its nearly year-long investigation into a massive, advanced espionage campaign. Cybereason’s investigation discovered commercial, privately owned critical infrastructure companies are tools being used in state-sponsored espionage and cyber war.
MITRE ATT&CK was an important component of Cybereason’s investigation, used to assist in detection, scope, attribution, and communication of
Barak was Cybereason’s Chief Information Security Officer. He is a cyber defense and warfare expert, with his extensive background established at the Israeli Defense Forces and the Government of Israel. Israel founded the Israeli Defense Forces red team unit, as well as established and operated various cyber warfare teams..
2020-March 17 the DHS contracted with Mitre to work on a pandemic response plan, to “engage, inform and guide” mayors, governors and emergency response leaders dealing with a pandemic.
Mitre would advise on “nonpharmaceutical interventions” (eg closing schools, stores and implementing social distancing)
In a $16.3 million contract signed with the CDC in late June, Mitre was asked to help build “an enduring national capability to contain Covid-19.”
January 19, 2021
According to Worldometer around the world
1/3000 have a positive test
99.6% of them have mild cold or asymptomatic disease
0.4% have serious or critical disease. So 1/600,000 ppl worldwide have serious or critical covid
In US according to Worldometer
3% of the population have recently had a positive test
99.8% of them have mild cold or asymptomatic disease
0.2% have serious or critical disease
So 1/100,000 ppl have serious or critical covid.
Thats a pandemic?
January 27, 2021
For such an important vaccine yet for the first time since 2001, law enforcement officers and DHS officials are set to not be prioritized for early vaccination.
Palantir-developed software tool known as “Tiberius” will guide OWS vaccine distribution efforts. Tiberius will identify high-priority populations at highest risk of infection.” The software will “decide” which “population subgroups” are given what vaccine.
As for the name Tiberius. Jesus Christ was crucified during the reign of Tiberius, ushering in a new world order dominated by Christianity . Interesting, as we enter a New world order dominated by COVIDINITY with a vaccine that crucifies Corona Virus led by high priests like Gates, Fauci and the Pope at Davos, Klaus Schwab, not to mention Big Data Peter Theil himself
Not only will Tiberius use Palantir’s Gotham software and its artificial intelligence components to “help identify high-priority populations,” it will produce delivery timetables and map out the locations for vaccine distribution based on the masses of data it has collected through various contracts with HHS and data-sharing alliances with In-Q-Tel, Amazon, Google and Microsoft, among others.
January 25, 2021
They have the data, and its not from VAERS, they aren't stupid. They don't want to share it with you
For the past year under OWS and HHS they have been putting in tracking systems developed by Palantir, Google, Oracle, Amazon Web Services, Okta, Esri, DataRobot , Microsoft, Google, Salesforce, IBM , In-Q-Tel and MITRE corporation.
One of the purposes of these “tracking systems,” is to monitor the effects of new, unlicensed vaccine-as part of their pharmacovigilance surveillance and Phase 4 (post-licensure) clinical trials
They have the data, and its not from VAERS, they aren't stupid. They don't want to share it with you
Feb 1, 2021
One thing to consider is the manufacturers of the COVID PCR tests are the same as those making flu tests. The former is making them rich since healthy and sick are being tested multiple times and flu usually is tested only for those hospitalized with pneumonia
Could these manufacturers have reduced the sensitivity of the flu test so that more COVID cases would be dx? Keeping the COVID hot so they can keep selling these COVID kits?
I dont know.
Is it possible that COVID has provided the population with homologous immunity to influenza? If so its the best flu vaccine ever and its free.
I am sure someone has a scientific explanation better than the stupidity of masks , Social Distancing and lockdowns stopping flu while giving COVID a free pass
Feb 5, 2021
So now COVID can cause reduced sperm count. I wonder if the Vaccine can do the same thing by up regulation of Ace2 expression via the immune systems interferon response?
This might also make some more susceptible COVID infection shortly after the 1st shot . If so anyone getting the Vaccine and is in a high risk group should take care
I’d also suggest young men get a sperm count before and sometime after the Vaccine, Seems something that should have been done in trials
“CBS News on Friday published details of an upcoming 60 Minutes segment on Chinese biotech firms reportedly attempting to harvest DNA from Americans using coronavirus tests.”
Ya think Bill Gates and Big Pharma didn’t think of doing likewise? Sure explains the push for massive testing. I suggested that might have been the reason last May.
February 15, 2021
This is disturbing
In 2010, following decades of complaints about systematic undercounting of vaccine injuries, CDC finally acted to correct the VAERS system’s notorious dysfunction.
CDC contracted its sister HHS agency, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(AHRQ), to design an über-efficient “machine counting” system that could capture most vaccine injuries. AHRQ’s new Artificial Intelligence (AI) system would use HMO data to overlay injury claims atop vaccination records for every patient and then perform a cluster analysis to identify vaccine injuries.
AHRQ’s pilot system performed brilliantly. Unfortunately, its very efficiency spelled the project’s doom. When AHRQ tested its artificial intelligence counting system on the Harvard Pilgrim HMO’s database, the new system detected vaccine injuries in 2.6% of vaccine recipients. This meant that 1 in 40 vaccines were causing injuries, an embarrassing departure from the 1/1,000,000 publicly claimed by CDC.
When CDC saw these alarming results, it cancelled AHRQ’s contract, derailed the system’s planned rollout to the other HMOs, and subsequently stopped answering phone calls from the AHRQ contractor.
The AHRQ consultants explained that their promising project was suddenly dead in the water “because the necessary CDC contacts were no longer available and the CDC consultants responsible for receiving data were no longer responsive to our multiple requests to proceed with testing and evaluation.”
CDC opted to retain the broken vaccine system apparently precisely because it masked vaccine injuries and allowed CDC to continue to publicly underestimate risks. This incident suggests that CDC, putting Pharma profits ahead of public health, has purposefully designed VAERS to fail.
Feb 19, 2021
Prof. Udi Qimron, the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University.
"'If we had not been told that there was an epidemic in the country, you would not have known there was such an epidemic and you would not have done anything about it”
As for excess deaths, there certainly have been excess deaths. 40% of confirmed COVID deaths in nursing homes. 99.8% of others are cured by their immune systems. The other deaths were due to lockdowns due to sick people being locked out from getting medical care due to cancelled appointments/surgeries and fear of going to ER during heart attacks/strokes. No doubt there were more suicides although many were not recorded as such because medical examiners could not investigate. Some of these deaths tested positive for the virus, but did not die of the virus or even have the virus (already recovered or false positive), but were counted as COVID deaths.
The were also economic hardships during and after lockdowns. There is dated data (from 1981) showing a 37,000 increase in deaths for each percentage-point rise in the unemployment rate. It comes from a book called “Corporate Flight: The Causes and Consequences of Economic Dislocation” by Barry Bluestone, Bennett Harrison and Lawrence Baker.
According to the study a 1 percent increase in the unemployment rate will be associated with 37,000 deaths [including 20,000 heart attacks], 920 suicides, 650 homicides, 4,000 state mental hospital admissions and 3,300 state prison admissions.”
Multiply by 1.5 -2.0 to adjust for increase in population today. This doesn’t even include the excess deaths from lockdowns. All this is the reason for the majority of excess deaths. Not all COVID
There was a lot of planning that went into this, not just nationally but globally. In order to bring in a New Order the Old Order must be destroyed. This one actually began in 1968 with RFK jr. assassination and Brzezinski’s book on the coming Technocratic Era. He later cofounded the TLC with Rockefeller, Bush, Kissinger, Volcker and Carter and they rolled out Project Democracy which called for a disintegration of society and the economy over the next several decades which has indeed occurred with the pace accelerating in lockstep with technological advances.
Now the technology and tools have given them the means to transform us into their Utopian World Order (dystopian for us), where they will achieve Authoritarian Technocratic Control over every individual and pursue their Transhumanist agenda to become Homo Deux while leaving the test of us behind as a subspecies like the Neanderthals. Those who will be spared to serve their God-Human masters will submit by wearing a mask and taking a knee and many shots. The rest will be replaced by AI and robotics, disposed of in some manner. According to Deagel.com there will be 99 million Americans in 2025
A lot of planning went into this, especially over the last decade.
I see the 2009 Swine Flu was a trial run for COVID (and SARS before that). The 3 things they learned was 1) they needed to flatten the curve to delay herd immunity until a vaccine was developed. 2) They also needed to inflate the death count by changing how cause of death is defined, and 3) they needed to increase testing especially when death rates dropped at end of the flu season and count asymptomatic positives as cases
In 2010 Rockefeller Fund issues its Lock Step report and Gates declares this to be the Decade of Vaccines. The Billionaires Good Club meets and agree to tackle the population problem .
Global Warming /Climate Change is hyped over the next decade with the push for a Green Economy escalating at the start of 2019. Larry Fink /Black Rock was cofounder of the 2015 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In 2016 the TCFD along with the City of London Corporation and the UK Government created the Green Finance Initiative, aiming to channel trillions of dollars to “green” investments.
In the 6 months before COVID several Central Banks and Larry Fink declared the urgency of Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Larry Fink tells companies in January that he will pull his 7 trillion in investments from companies who don’t focus on sustainable development. Now he is directing trillions in Fed money to companies he favors
Larry Fink proposed an Emergency Financial Bail Out to the Fed in August, 2019 claiming the Fed was running out of tools. A mini - crisis in September (false flag) when banks decided to to lend to each other followed as a warning , and COVID then gave Larry and his crew what he wanted. Larry incidentally was one of Trumps Personal Wealth Managers when he did that sort of thing. Made him a lot of money according to Trump.
AI, Robotics, IoT, 5G are the key to the 4Th IR and private public philanthropic funding goes into overdrive as plans for Digital Currency , Digital ID., Social Credit Scores planned
In 2018 Trump created the NSAIC for AI development led by Eric Schmidt , former Google CEO, Bilderberger and Team 8 member. In 2019 his report stated we needed to transform society to become more like China so that we could compete with them without being hindered by concern of violating privacy and rights. He also suggested social credit scores like in China could be used without being punitive. Trump issued an EO not long after making AI a national priority. He also issued an EO making flu vaccinations a national security concern
Censorship against Climate Deniers and Anti-Vaxxers escalated during the decade. Later expanding to other realms using Prop or Not, Poynters Gates funded IFCN , Obamas Countering Foreign Propaganda Act and in 2018 DHS began compiling files on social media influencers using private contractors hired to monitor and collect info on them.
First Shelter in Place (Stay at Home) orders issued during Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013 to gage compliance of the population for future use.
17 Sustainable Development Goals for Agenda 2030 agreed to in 2015
Barr released his Precrime program in October and later requested the authority for precrime detentions during COVID outbreak
GOF research on natural viruses and synthetic virus development amply funded , as are Pandemic Prevention and DNA/mRNA vaccines. Trump lifted the temporary ban on GOF research in 2017 and Fauci immediately resumed funding some of which went to Wuhan
Dr Fauci said there will be a surprise outbreak during the Trump administration. He said this in a speech in January 2017 -given at Georgetown University on Pandemic Preparedness
CEPI was founded in Davos in 2017 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and the World Economic Forum . Its mission is to stimulate and accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.
In September 2019 European Commission (EC) “Roadmap on Vaccination” months before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. The Roadmap will lead to a “commission proposal for a common vaccination card / passport for EU citizens by 2022”.
In September 2019 the Global Preparedness Monitoring Boards 15 board members issued their first annual report. Fauci and Chinas CDC Director are both on the board (as is Russia)
In the report they state that by September 2020:
“The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen
Of course Event 201 occurred in October (following Crimson Contagion exercise in first half of 2019) and then comes COVID, supposedly in circulation at the start of October
Pompeo called the COVID outbreak a “live exercise” in March.
What next? Operation Blackout? War with China (an exercise, not real)? another Pandemic virus or just a 2nd wave of COVID enhanced by a nasty new flu vaccine specially made for the elderly over 65 (Quadravalent Fluad)? Maybe all of the above? Guess we will have to see what comes.
March 1, 2021
In the peer review system, the favorable opinion of the majority of a panel of experts or peers, decides who gets the funds for research and who doesn't and also whether or not a scientist gets a scientific paper published.
Who are these peers sitting on the all-powerful peer-review panels? They are the very same people who stand to lose if the old system collapse. So absolute is the power given to the peers they use public money to reward those who share their own likes and dislikes and to penalize those holding contrary views.
The first scientific journal began publication in 1665. By 1800 there were 100 journals; by 1986, an unreadable total of nearly 140,000 papers were being published each year just by U.S. scientists, about one-third of the world total. Today that number is 2.5 million, and a total of 50 million since 1665
Most of these journals depend on industry for advertising revenues to keep them alive. In Medicine Big Pharma provides most of their revenue. They are careful not to publish anything that might offend Big Pharma. This is true outside medicine as well.
Such overgrowth in scientific ranks produces regression to the mean. Competition among large numbers of scientists for one or a few central sources of funding restricts freedom of thought and action to a mean that appeals to the majority. The scientist who is very productive, most able to sell research, and well liked for not offending his peers with new hypotheses and ideas is selected by
his peers for funding. These peers consider any alternative hypothesis as a potential threat to themselves whose careers have been devoted to and depend on the consensus hypothesis
Consensus science is not Science. With vast infusions of federal and commercial money, it has grown into an enormous and powerful bureaucracy that greatly amplifies its successes and mistakes all the while stifling dissent.
Peer review does not check the accuracy of experimental data; it can only censor unacceptable interpretations. A scientist's grants, publications, positions, awards, and even invitations to conferences are entirely controlled by his competitors. As in any other profession, no scientist welcomes being out competed or
having his pet idea disproved by a colleague. Estimates are that 75% of peer reviewed studies cant be reproduced
Few scientists are willing to question, even privately, the consensus views in any field whatsoever. Peer review is a process to censor science. Those who oppose the consensus are treated worse than Galileo was by the church.
Half the total federal research spending on universities and colleges for all subjects combined is now provided by the NIH. NIH grants have now become a major source of income for the larger and increasingly dependent universities.
Academic science was not content with grants , so they sought profits and wealth.
1980-The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 was written to make it easier for federally funded academic research to receive patent protection that would allow the ready licensing of the of valuable R&D to private businesses. It has enabled university technology transfer offices all over the world to generate billions of dollars of licensing revenue - especially in the life sciences—by licensing patents from federally funded university research to corporate partners. Bayh-Dole has effectively turned research into big business for many universities and transformed technology transfer offices into important profit centers at academic institutions all over the world.
If a patented test or vaccine was proven inaccurate or unsafe peer review scientists who hold the patents or whose friends do would be at risk. They prevent such studies from being funded or published
Such is Science today. It can tell you dozens of vaccines given in the first year of life are safe as 54% children are chronically ill, COVID-19 is deadly to healthy young people, and masks don’t harm health of sick/elderly people and protect against the virus, and a cheap safe drug like HCQ should be prohibited in favor of lockdowns, ventilators and eventually a rushed to market experimental vaccine approved by those with financial interests in the vaccine etc. pffft
Of course Science at one time told us DDT is good for you and smoking is safe. Money corrupts everything, including Science
March 25, 2021
There is a lot of misinformation unknowingly or knowingly being disseminated by some of those I follow and largely agree with on other matters. In no particular order
1/PCR tests are useless.
No they are not. They are useful tests if given to those people with clinical symptoms of the disease being tested for.
Testing asymptomatic persons when disease prevalence is low is useless because most of the positives are false positives or are cases where COVID disease is not present and will not occur. PCR cant determine is viral fragment is infectious but COVID symptoms make that more likely.
Also Ct >30 is ridiculous in conjunction with testing asymptomatic people. If they tested everyone for influenza using PCR in middle of influenza season its likely most would test positive.
So its not the test thats useless its the test protocols that are useless
2/Sars-Cov-2 has not been completely isolated and purified and so does not exist.
This is a fallacy. Until recently we never isolated or observed an atom or gravity wave, this does not mean there was no evidence of either.
The evidence for the virus is clear.
Serological tests, cytopathic effects, animal tests, clinical symptom correlates, epidemiological evidence, protein sequencing, genome sequencing, etc
Some more information here
3/ mRNA vaccines are not vaccines but are Gene Therapy.
While mRNA can be used as gene therapy when used to alter proteins produced by your genes, or alter your genes or gene expression (eg turn genes off/on) mRNA vaccines don’t do this. This mRNA produces a Sars-Cov-2 spike protein independently of your genes
You have no genes producing this spike protein and none of your genes are altered. Thus it is not gene therapy
4/A vaccine must prevent infection and since mRNA vaccines don’t prevent infection its not a vaccine.
This in incorrect. A product that prevents or limits infectious disease is a vaccine. Sars-Cov-2 infection may cause COVID disease. This is not a vaccine to prevent the infection but to prevent serious disease. Therefore it is a vaccine based on clinical trial results
5/The vaccines mRNA replicates and there is no on/off switch so your cells will always produce spike protein and cause symptoms and autoimmune disease.
mRNA in vaccines does not replicate. It is degradable. Once inside cells it produces a finite number of proteins before degrading in hours or days .
<I was wrong on the degradation time but there is no evidence cells will always produce spike>
The cells express the spike protein on surface and are destroyed by immune cells anyways as part of the immune response.
Anyone continuing to pursue this false information must be questioned and if they persist must be suspected of being controlled opposition whose purpose is to discredit legitimate safety concerns over these vaccines
6/Masks and social distancing do nothing to prevent transmission.
Well, they are not very effective and likely cause more harm than they help. However its likely they do slow transmission a little bit, but not so much that the benefit exceeds the harm.
CDC own data shows a small benefit. They don’t bother looking at the harm
March 26, 2021
1/Geert has not Published many papers. Industry scientists don’t publish much . The science showing higher mortality from variants is suspect seeing as lockdowns and vaccination are in place. Viruses have no reason to evolve to become more deadly. They evolve to become more transmissible w/o killing its host
1a/That is not to say the mortality rate from Sars-Cov-2 wont increase. However it wont increase because the mutants are more deadly, but because we have harmed population immunity with lockdowns, masks and vaccines , especially in younger populations
2/Geert has ramped up the fear, perhaps justifiably, pushing to stop vaccinations w/current vax (we know its not happening now, Geert is 6 months too late) and he is saying younger people need to be vaccinated quicker if these same vaxxes are continued to minimize danger
3/He then offers a final solution, max vaccination for all with a NK enhancing vaccine (currently under development in Phase I trials).
4/And if thats not all, he warns the variants will jump to farm and domestic animals. Intended or not this plays right into Klaus and Gates agenda to shut down the meat industry
5/Geert has a lot of good points. Maybe he has no agenda, but some of what he says plays into the WEF /Gates plans. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
6/He has set up an excuse for Big Pharma (it was an accident) to explain the coming vaccine failure in case people get vaccinated at high enough levels that they cant blame it on the unvaxxed. Maybe thats why YT and Twitter haven’t banned him
7/ Del, recognize this. They did not mess up. They knew exactly what they were doing. They have war gamed this for 10 years. There are no accidents here. Its part of the plan. The ghost of Thomas Malthus is smiling somewhere.
April 4, 2021
1/(An interesting book relevant to today is Neil Postmans “Technopoly” published in 1992. Sadly his warnings were ignored. Some short excerpts are worth sharing)
2/...a Talmudic-like principle that seems ...an effective guide for those who wish to defend themselves against the worst effects of the American Technopoly. It is this: You must try to be a loving resistance fighter.
3/By “loving,” I mean that, in spite of the confusion, errors, and stupidities you see around you, you must always keep close to your heart the narratives and symbols that once made the United States the hope of the world
4/ (This touches on an earlier thread where I distinguish between the reality of American governments actions and the ideals of its citizens, one must be changed, the other must be kept)
5/You may find it helpful to remember that, when the Chinese students at Tiananmen Square gave expression to their impulse to democracy, they fashioned a papier-mâché model, for the whole world to see, of the Statue of Liberty.....
6/Is there an American soul so dead that it could not generate a murmur (if not a cheer) of satisfaction for this use of a once-resonant symbol?
7/Is there an American soul so shrouded in the cynicism and malaise created by Technopoly’s emptiness that it failed to be stirred by students reading aloud from the works of Thomas Jefferson in the streets of Prague in 1989?
8/Three such experiments are of particular importance. The first, undertaken toward the end of the eighteenth century, posed the question, Can a nation allow the greatest possible degree of political and religious freedom and still retain a sense of identity and purpose?
9/Toward the middle of the nineteenth century, a second great experiment was undertaken, posing the question, Can a nation retain a sense of cohesion and community by allowing into it people from all over the world?
10/And now comes the third—the great experiment of Technopoly—which poses the question, Can a nation preserve its history, originality, and humanity by submitting itself totally to the sovereignty of a technological thought-world?
11/Obviously, I do not think the answer to this question will be as satisfactory as the answers to the first two.
12/Which brings me to the “resistance fighter” part of my principle. Those who resist the American Technopoly are people who refuse to allow psychology or any “social science” to pre-empt the language and thought of common sense;
13/who are, at least, suspicious of the idea of progress, and who do not confuse information with understanding; who do not regard the aged as irrelevant; who take seriously the meaning of family loyalty and honor,...
14/ who take the great narratives of religion seriously and who do not believe that science is the only system of thought capable of producing truth; ...who admire technological ingenuity but do not think it represents the highest possible form of human achievement.
15/A resistance fighter understands that technology must never be accepted as part of the natural order of things, that every technology is a product of a particular economic and political context and carries with it a program, an agenda, and a philosophy that may or may not be life-enhancing and that therefore require scrutiny, criticism, and control.
16/In short, a technological resistance fighter maintains an epistemological and psychic distance from any technology, so that it always appears somewhat strange, never inevitable, never natural.
17/I can say no more than this, for each person must decide how to enact these ideas. There are even now (in 1992) signs that Technopoly is understood as a problem to which laws and policies might serve as a response—
18/...in the contemplation of legal restrictions on computer technology, in a developing distrust of medical technology, in reactions against widespread testing, in various efforts to restore a sense of community cohesion.
19/ in 1984 The late Neil Postman participated in a panel on George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and the contemporary world, Postman said that the contemporary world was better reflected by Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, whose public was oppressed by their addiction to amusement
20/ I think Postman if he were alive would agree that those 40 years of amusement were simply buying time for technology to progress so they could take the next step to bringing about Orwells vision in which totalitarian governments seize individual rights
21/As one of those amused useful idiots who only started questioning our reality after 9/11 , I accept my share of the blame. Since then I have learned that you cant convince someone of the truth, you can only show them truths door and hope they open it and discover it themselves
22/ and you have to hope they don’t run the other way when they glimpse a bit of the truth and grab the blue pills jar
April 11, 2021
The explanation as to why America has gone along with this is that the political and corporate elite have signed onto the Globalist Agenda 2030. Indeed, the Anglo-American role in establishing Global Governance was essential.
It was decided in the 1970’s (TLC Crisis in Democracy, CFR 80’s Project) that a controlled disintegration of society and economy was required to create World Governance and that Democracy must be subverted.
Once they create the Digital Gulag thats being built starting with the Vaccine Passport they will declare Mission Accomplished
China is a partner. Basically the pilot project to be scaled Globally. Modern China is Made in USA.
We have been betrayed by our own people and institutions.
As for COVID, this was not opportunism. This was a well planned and globally coordinated event with each member state of WHO and the UN Paris Agreement and WEF corporate members playing their part
April 13, 2021
According to Michael Yeadon the variants have a genetic difference of 0.3% compared to the original strain. After natural infection, for those not already naturally immune, their immune system should have no trouble with new variants
However, the vaccine induced immunity is based on the spike protein which just so happens to be the most fastest evolving part of the virus, perhaps due to mitigation measures that favor such mutations
Because vaccine immunity to SARS-Cov-2 is limited to recognition of a small part of the virus, changes to this part even if only a small percentage relative to the overall genome, will make escape far more likely
According to Yeadon people previously infected with Sars-Cov-1 which is almost 30 % different that SARS-Cov-2 still developed a robust T-cell response to the new strain.
Dr Hooman say there is a 0.5% infection fatality which is the basis for his belief everyone should be vaccinated, including children. Surely he knows that overall 0.5% IFR (CDC has dropped it to 0.15%) does not apply to younger people.
Furthermore, vaccine risks are unknown. The trials were under powered. We don’t have a good surveillance system so pharmacovigilance is weak. VAERS is a passive system and only a fraction of events get reported
Dr Hooman applauds Trump over Warp Speed, but why didn’t he fund FDA to fast track and expand the BEST surveillance system that was set up in 2016
Under no circumstances should Children be vaccinated without a proper (BEST) surveillance system in place
BTW, Pfizer was not funded with Warp Speed dollars and their vaccine technology came from a German company .
Pfizer handled the clinical trials and distribution.Astra Zeneca was funded by Warp Speed as was JNJ which has never made a vaccine before
Astra Zeneca produces similar levels of IgG as the others. Why isn’t it as effective? Of course it used a viral vector and Recombinant DNA but its still producing antibodies to the same spike protein
Are serum antibodies really the key to stopping infection that begins in the nasal mucosa? Maybe this is why we have never really had a successful vaccine against upper respiratory infections.
April 15, 2021
Its incredible to me that a journalist does not know that VAERS is not the only source of vaccine incidents data.
You have the Vaccine Safety Datablink which CDC guards closely to prevent only trusted researchers from seeing the data
You also have Best (Biologics Effectiveness System) which is part of FDA’s Sentinel Project launched in response to the FDA Amendments Act in 2007. It was operational in 2017 and they have had plenty of time to expand it. It also seems to be in the dark and not spoken of
There are secrets in that data they don’t want you to see.
May 10, 2021
Last month newly reestablished Sanhedrin invited Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to be the honorary president of the Organization of 70 Nations established on the 70th anniversary of the nation of Israel
“God established the borders of the world based on the 70 children of Israel who went down to Egypt and the 70 nations that came out from Noah.
Nikki Haley went on to be President of Organization of 70 Nations (200+ nations outside of Israel)
The 70 nations are actually all 200+ nations outside of Israel
“Each nation shall be solely responsible for maintaining a fitting and proper justice system as per the Seven Noahide Laws incumbent upon all of mankind.”
Well, fortunately in 1992 Bush signed a congressional declaration that declared our country was founded on the principles of 7 Noahide laws listed in the Talmud that are for gentiles. Any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as one of "the righteous among the gentiles.
They also plan on minting a commemorative coin engraved with the image of Nikki Haley in recognition of all she has done for Israel.
“Globalization is a lie that goes against the Biblical concept of a sovereign nation. Each nation has its own borders, its own resources, its own language and culture. ....”
Possibly explaining the anti-globalist movement.
Something to chew on. Maybe this globalist vs anti-globalist rift is more than fake wrestling. Maybe not though. Might just be another front on the attack on all of the religions.
May 25, 2021
.While technically not a lockdown in Taiwan, they are contact tracing and in the event of a positive test you are quarantined outside the home , even if asymptomatic for 14 days unless you live alone, and your pets are removed and isolated at some other location. As such, nobody dares leave their home much or get tested
Furthermore, masks are required outdoors. It reaches close to 100 deg F thereby discouraging exercise. Real healthy
A Kid shooting hoops alone wearing a mask was reported to regional chief who promptly tied up the basket net.
Outdoor roller skating rinks ad exercise equipment closed
I wore a mask under the chin walking my dog, nowhere close to anyone and was reported. 500 usd fine if caught
Its like Taiwan CDC has been living in cave for last year having learned nothing of other countries experiences
Furthermore their treatment protocol has not been updated since February 20. Still prohibiting corticosteroids in serious cases. No HCQ for early treatment
They are developing their own vaccine. An S2 subunit vax with novel adjuvant. Should be ready by August
June 4, 2021
COVID Basics in US/(Testing, Treatment, Counting, Incentives, Lockdowns, Masks, Terror)
1/SARS-CoV-2 virus causes COVID disease. It has been isolated and sequenced. It exists. It is very transmissible, although less so than influenza according to WHO
2/ COVID is less harmful than severe influenza in the under 60 crowd, although more severe in the over 70 cohort. In March UK health authorities ruled it an inconsequential disease but government ignored this
3/PCR is a valuable test when used in those with clinical symptoms of COVID during periods of outbreaks and a reasonable Ct threshold. If someone tests positive with a Ct <28 and has symptoms they most likely have COVID
4/PCR testing of those who are asymptomatic and who have not been in contact with a confirmed COVID patient results in most of positives being false positives (no replicate competent virus) and thus inflating the case count to scare people .
5/Those without clinical disease even if they test positive should not be counted as cases. It is well known that during epidemics virus may enter your nasal passages but not cause infection in those with natural innate immunity, or cross reactive T-cell immunity. Calling them cases is wrong.
6/Also its well known those who have recovered from COVID may test positive long after the disease has resolved as dead remnants of the virus can cause a positive PCR test despite not being infectious.
7/This is especially problematic when using such a high cycle threshold of <40. Never should have been over 30. Studies have shown up to 90% of samples testing positive with a Ct over 35 as non infectious. WHO advised these people should be retested and Ct lowered in January 2021
8/The number of COVID deaths were inflated early on for the following reasons.
a/ use of respirators on those w/o lung damage
b/ failures to widely use available drugs like steroids and other drugs that some doctors have had success with
c/CDC changing how cause of death should be determined to include those dying with COVID (based on positive test or no test) or suspected COVID, and not just those who died of COVID. Influenza was never counted like this
d/this lead to those in nursing homes where there may have had 1-2 cases leading to every death in the nursing home being declared a suspected COVID death despite dying of natural causes. Skilled nursing homes have a 30% annual mortality rate in non Covid years
9/its important to point out how they incentivized diagnosis of COVID in hospitals, nursing homes and state medical examiners. A boatload of money from the CARES Act would be distributed to those most affected by COVID.
The more COVID cases you report, the more money your hospital, nursing home and state would get. Furthermore hospitals treating COVID patients could charge Medicare 20% more for treatment
10/There was needless hysteria created early on by conflating Case Fatality Rate (3%) with Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) . They compared COVID 3.4% CFR (High due to only hospitalized cases being tested) to Influenzas 0.1% IFR. Apples to oranges. CDC current estimate of IFR is 0.15% , dropping from 0.26% in May.
11/Excess deaths were significant. Some of that was COVID deaths which were higher than need be due to improper COVID treatment protocols discussed above.
Another important component of excess deaths was due to Lockdowns and excess fear. Millions were left unemployed.
Millions needing medical treatment did not receive it due to some combination of fear, financial considerations and cancelled appointments.
Suicides no doubt increased although the numbers are likely to be undercounted since medical examiners curtailed investigation over less obvious suicides
Some studied estimate 1/3 or more of excess deaths were due to non-COVID causes
12/Masks were mandated despite studies showing effectiveness and safety. Children and workers were required to wear masks for long periods in environments that put them at risk from pathogens that collect on the masks surface.
Not to mention lower oxygen levels and higher CO2 intake. The long term health impact is unknown
13/As the first wave wound down in May and COVID deaths plummeted they began raping up testing of asymptomatic persons in June and began a Casedemic with rising cases. Hospital admissions for all patients were tested and added to the case/death counts as those with a positive test dying of cancer got counted as COVID deaths
14/Going into the Fall mandates, Lockdowns, school closings, etc were maintained in many areas due to high case counts. In areas where there were no state/local mandates the business sector imposed them based on CDC guidelines
15/As we entered Flu season the flu all but disappeared for the first time in over a century. Most respiratory infection deaths went down as COVID.
16/Excess deaths skyrocketed in Dec/January as the vaccine roll out began targeting HCW and the elderly but not first responders or the military for the first time ever. Indeed the highest death toll of the Pandemic was in December/January
June 21, 2021
Anyways, here in Taiwan we have been in lockdown of a sort for 6 weeks. Gyms and restaurants closed (except for takeout) Have to mask everywhere even outside in 100 deg heat all alone in the park. I tried wearing it under my chin and got reported. Regional chief said she would call police. Since its a 500 USD fine I wear it. People literally drive around and take a picture of the unmasked to report them. Crazy
If you test positive here they take you out of your home and place you in quarantine facilities. Contact tracing is big. Going to 7-11 is risky . Fortunately they aren't mandating testing or vaccines
July 21, 2021
Coming up on the anniversary of 9/11. The beginning of a series of shocks in the 21st century to subvert Democracy as part of Agenda 21 (updated in 2015 to Agenda 2030).
I wont go into much detail on that although you can check out my pinned thread for that
Despite the obvious holes in the official story, starting with 3 steel framed buildings collapsing at almost free fall in its foot print. 1 building was not hit by a plane and the other two were hit at upper floors with the lower and stronger structural supports intact.
Then of course you had the Pentagon. No video of anything looking like a plane hitting the most secure building in the world. Despite almost 50 minutes after the first plane hit WTC and the belief multiple planes were on similar missions there was no air defense over DC
There was do much more I’ll leave it at that since I don’t want to rehash it. More interesting is why nobody was allowed to question 9/11, much like today with COVID-19
Unlike today, where COVID-19, with the lefts Scientism religion driving the agenda (after initial bipartisan support) 9/11 maintained mostly bipartisan support.
Since it was widely believed to be an attack by an External Enemy ,like Pearl Harbour, the country united in support of Patriotic Militarism, another form of religion. Those questioning any aspect of 9/11 was branded a conspiracy theorist and censored
Government scientists insisted it was possible for steel framed buildings could dissolve into dust as a result of fire in upper stories burning only for about an hour and published models supporting it.
They ignored the heat signature at Ground Zero that could be seen in space a month after the collapse. FEMA/FBI did no tests for explosive residue because they had no reason to believe explosives were used. Really? And boy did they ship that debris (evidence) to Korea quick.
Over the years the right has maintained its Militarism and supported wars of both parties regardless. The left limited its support to wars started by Democrats but its true religion was Scientism, especially as regards to Vaccines and Global Warming/Climate Change
The Right is rightly opposed to Scientism (the Religion, not science) but can still be maneuvered into supporting government with Militarism.
Perhaps this is why they are trying to ramp up support for a Cold War with China which the right will support even with Biden as President
Going forward there are two basic scenarios as I see it.
1) they try and get the right back to supporting government with another 9/11 type attack blamed on a foreign enemy. No matter how implausible the right will bring out their Flags and roar for War and will support government (patriotic jabs and all)
2)they decide they don’t need the right and call them all Domestic Terrorists and it gets ugly for a few years mopping them up. They’ll probably throw in another Pandemic as part of that
I suppose they might even do a little of both scenarios. By the time its over we will be depopulated and those left will be begging for a peaceful servitude to our elite masters
July 26, 2021
1/My ideas on SARS-COV-2 origins
To understand what follows one must accept the following premises
2/COVID Pandemic was a Globalist Operation to push through the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Great Reset
3/Globalism is not incompatible with Nationalism so long as nation states agree to Globalist rules such as WHO International Health Regulations , WTO, and the Paris Agreement
4/Chinas CCP is made up of Chinas elite and they fully support Agenda 2030 and 17 SDG and the coming Global Technocracy
5/Unlike Chinas elites, Western Elites operate as partners with or above national political parties and government. They operate as a Shadow Government and many also support the Globalist Project.
6/While they are national citizens they consider themselves first and foremost Global or Planetary Citizens.
7/The greatest obstacle to bringing on a Global Technocratic Order is Western Civilization and its belief in Democracy, freedom and rights. Hence, in addition to COVID restrictions they are conducting Psychological Warfare and Cultural Revolution using Woke/BLM operatives
8/This is a war being fought on many fronts. Basically a war by the Ruling Class against the Working Class and Useless Class (Yuval Hariri preferred description).
9/Now onto SARS-Cov-2.
10/For a decade or maybe longer, the Globalist Elites and partners planned a Pandemic. Sars and Swine Flu were most likely live exercises to collect data for the purpose of planning a Global Pandemic.
11/In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published several scenarios for consideration on how a Pandemic would be handled. The scenario chosen was Lock Step . The same year the Decade of Vaccines was declared
12/GOF research was ramped up along with extensive funding for mRNA/DNA vaccines. Viral Diseases like Zika, Ebola, MERS popped up here and there to keep the public concerned and Hollywood kept us entertained with Pandemic disaster films
13/We all know of Event 201 (attended by George Gao of Chinas CDC). Many don’t know of SPARS (2017), CLADE X (2018), Crimson Contagion (2019). Yet despite all such preparation the government had insufficient stockpiles of PPE.
14/Remarkably, despite inadequate stockpiles nations and state governors (red and blue) all adopted remarkably similar response plans involving Lockdowns, Social Distancing, School Closures and after PPE stockpiles were adequate they went to masks.
15/Pretty much everything they adopted in unison was contrary to WHO recommendations in 2019
16/Working in Lockstep public health agencies in most countries pinned all hopes on experimental Vaccines and new Therapeutics.
17/They forbid or discouraged use of cheap treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin, while fast tracking an expensive treatments approval (Remdesivir) for late stage disease which has no effect on survival
18/Curiously, in January, before the first COVID case French Health Ministry removed HCQ from OTC where it had been sold for 60 years without a problem, claiming it was unsafe.
19/Social media and mainstream media worked in
lockstep with public health officials in censoring any information contrary to the weaponized COVID narrative
20/We have all heard of Vaccine Passports but few knew the work on rolling them out began as early as 2018 in the EU. The Rockefeller funded Commons Project which is behind Common Pass was created in 2019, and WEF and partners had begun work on KTDI before COVID arrived
21/We have all heard of the Bat Lady /Shi Zheng Li and Faucis funding Ecohealth Alliance/Wuhan labs. But few know the biggest funder of Ecohealth Alliance is the state departments USAID and Pentagon
22/Hardly anyone knows UNC’s Ralph Baric . The Godfather of Corona Virus he holds many patents and mentored Shi Zheng-li and had collaborated with her on many of her papers
23/Most don’t remember Fort Detrick being closed from July-November by CDC, allegedly due to safety violations. This was shortly after some nearby nursing homes experienced an outbreak of infections pneumonia not unlike COVID
24/Some may remember the Wuhan Military Games attended by the US military in October of 2019. Some experts say the virus most likely originated in October, 2019 around the time of the games being held
25/So anyways, people are given a choice as to who did this. The choices seemingly are
a) China
b) US
c) Gates/Fauci
26/They seem to be pushing the China option, and may be getting ready to move Gates/Fauci out of the limelight. This gets them the ability to give them a Fake Cold War and get the Militaristic Right back to supporting government (Patriotism is their religion).
27/Just need to rename the Vaccine Passports as Patriot Passports and its all good with them
28/My contention is it was a Global Project including all of the above, but thats not an option you can choose
July 29, 2021
Thought this article my wife showed me in a local newspaper was interesting (I normally don’t read the paper) . She is a normie but this upset her
Partial translation
...the cunning of the virus, makes us feel helpless, at this stage only the vaccination can let us return to normal life, but the elderly vaccine sudden death cases are frequent....
I worry about the sudden death of the elders, but if the vaccine coverage rate stays very low, to open up we will have to wait until next year... . the only way is to let the elders quickly to get the vaccine, as soon as possible to let the outbreak end....
Vaccination must have more advantages than disadvantages, since sudden death rate is very low, if after the vaccine they die , at least we watch the elders do not have pain (a good death) ,..., have no regrets, if the elders die in peace, that is the best outcome.
....New crown pneumonia has no eyes, it is indiscriminate, only the vaccination can stop it hurting us. So please don't hesitate, hurry up and take the elders to fight (vaccinate) , so we can meet (care home) quickly
July 31, 2021
Molecular weight of vax mRNA > 1,000,000 gm/mole
30 microgram
30x 10^-12 moles
6 x 10^23 mrna/mole
180 x 10^11 mrna
18,000,000,000,000 spike protein
18 trillion spike protein if 1 mRNA produces 1 spike protein
MRNA translates more than 1 protein (x10-x 1000)
X 10 180 trillion spike
X100 1,800 trillion spike
X1000 18,000 trillion spike
Leaked documents (through a cyber-attack of the EMA, just before the approval date in the UK and the USA), which contain classified information on the quality of Comirnaty, mention percentages of mRNA integrity between 70 and 75%
So call it 12 trillion - 12,000 trillion spike produced per dose. We have 30 trillion cells.
August 11, 2021
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” Plato
“I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth, if it would be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.”
Leo Tolstoy, 20th Century Russian dissident writer
August 5, 2021
1/Climate change is real. Over 2 million years ago Planet Earth became a snow ball as it entered the ice age.
2/Over the last 800,000 years we have had 7 glacial periods of around 100k years and as many shorter but warmer interglacials of 10-15K. We are 15 k years into the current interglacial named the Halocene.
3/The Halocene optimum was reached 6000 years ago with higher temperatures and sea levels than today. The previous interglacial was warmer than this one with higher sea levels.
4/Another glacial period is in our future, and this will destroy food production and results in a global famine. This seems more likely than runaway global warming, but predictions are difficult. Eyes should be open as we enter a new Grand Solar Minimum
5/Section 14.2.2. of the Scientific Section of Third IPCC Assessment Report, (2001) titled “Predictability in a Chaotic System” says:
“The climate system is particularly challenging since it is known that components in the system are inherently chaotic; ... we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible”
Human produced CO2 is a tiny 4 % of total CO2 emissions. The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon, land biomass has 2000-3000 GT. The atmosphere contains 720 billion GT of CO2 and humans contribute only 7 GT/yr of C The oceans, land and atmosphere exchange CO2 continuously.
IPCC has grossly underestimated the future oceanic CO2 uptake. They assume only 50% of mans emissions are absorbed despite these 2 facts:
Much more carbon flows through the ocean than the amount produced by burning fossil fuels;
An amount of carbon equal to to the total amount stored in the atmosphere cycles through the ocean in about eight years [(750 GT) / (92 GT per year) = 8.3 years]
In essence they are stating that the approximately 3.5 GT C/yr accumulated by the atmosphere is all of mans C from CO2 emissions and none of natures 89 GT C/yr emissions.
As to CO2 levels past and present comparisons, ice core evidence suggest CO2 levels change with changing temperature with temperatures driving CO2 levels and not vice versa
Geological and ice core samples don't translate directly to atmospheric C02 levels except as a very rough estimate of a several hundred years or millennia average, so the effect is to smooth out the CO2 levels and erase spikes due to short term warming spells such as we have see recently since 1850
As for the GHG analogy. By far the most important greenhouse gas is water vapor. However, water in the form of clouds can reflect back solar radiation, causing temperature reduction. Clouds are nature’s screen reflecting some portion of incoming SW and outgoing LW. We have little idea how clouds work to modify temperatures.
We can see what the absence of clouds does . In the cloudless desert the day – night temperature range is the highest anywhere due to lack of water vapor. The lack of the greatest atmospheric GHG (H2O) results in the loss of LW heat into space (aka LW radiational cooling). Cold clear winter day/nights with low humidity show similar effects with plunging temperatures due to little obstacle to LW radiation to space. CO2 levels are the same in cloudless and cloudy days and nights. Its interesting but much of the increase in average temperature is due to an increase in night time temperatures. Maybe this is due to more CO2, especially in urban areas where CO2 levels at the surface are much higher than the 412 ppm measured on the top of Mauna Loa
Clouds are the wild card of climate change. In the 2001 IPCC Report it says:
“In response to any climate perturbation the response of cloudiness thereby introduces feedbacks whose sign and amplitude are largely unknown.”
So we have a model of the atmosphere that doesn’t know how clouds work but is the basis for climate predictions of global warming.
As for ocean PH. Henry’s Law requires that the partial pressures of atmospheric and dissolved ocean CO2 equilibrate. Rising atmospheric CO2 must increase dissolved seawater CO2. That is long established simple physical chemistry. This lowers pH by increasing carbonic acid, all else being equal. Furthermore anthropogenic carbon comprises less that 3% of the combined CO2 entering and leaving the ocean surface each year.
However, Ocean pH is not a linear chemical system driven only by Henry’s law; it is a system highly buffered by dissolved minerals and seafloor carbonates. Taking seawater chemical buffering into account, IPCC AR5 3.8.2 suggested that doubled atmospheric CO2 might cause surface pH to decline by Δ0.15-0.2. This is well within the normal diurnal and seasonal biological seawater pH variation for almost all ocean waters.
Ocean surface pH is not uniform. It varies diurnally, seasonally, by ecosystem, and by underlying ocean depth. The Moderately fertile Southern Ocean surface seasonality is Δ0.5 pH. Seasonal surface variation can be as high as Δ1.43 pH in biologically fertile waters
Near the surface, we expect to find the highest pH values, with progressively lower values downwards. At the surface of the Pacific, values run from pH 8.05 in the tropics to pH 7.6 in the Gulf of Alaska while, at 1000m in high latitudes and 250m at the equator, water of around pH 7.5 occurs at mid-‐depths; a similar pattern occurs in the Atlantic.
Near-‐surface, the pCO2 difference between gas and water phases controls gas CO2 exchange across the surface, while in the interior of the ocean pCO2 values are controlled by respiration and carbonate dissolution.
Some of the alarming reports concerning ‘corrosive sea water have been based on observations of commercial shellfish cultures in which the oysters have failed to produce normal shells; this syndrome has popularly been ascribed to changing pH of ocean water due to increasing CO2 levels in atmosphere due to Man, especially on the Oregon and California coasts.
The failure to produce normal shell material is due to very low levels of calcite saturation that results in abnormal calcification of larvae and adult shells that appear to be eroded.
In the pacific northwest, the corrosive waters are due to colder more acidic waters welling up from the depths of the Pacific Ocean in the summer and fall and streaming ashore in the fjords, bays, and estuaries of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. The extent varies depending on the strength of the PDO and other currents responsible for this upwelling. Besides having a low pH these cold deep waters are depleted in carbonate and saturated with CO2, causing calcite undersaturation and outgassing of CO2 to the atmosphere in accordance with Henrys Law.
So its hard to justify mans CO2 being to blame here.
The entire subject of the response of the marine ecosystem to increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 is in such an early stage of investigation is that it is not yet possible to achieve any level of certainty about what the future holds for the marine ecosystem.
September 6, 2021
1/I disagree with a few points
The product is the vaccine (mRNA, lipids, etc) its been in production for almost a year and the product used in EUA and approval is the same
2/The difference between the EUA and License Approval is the label and legal status regarding use. FDA ruled the EUA and licensed are interchangeable. The only thing not produced were the labels
3/More importantly is the liability waiver. The waiver comes from the PREP Act. The PREP Act gives a liability waiver to countermeasures (including vaccines) of all unapproved EUA or approved licensed product to prevent or treat COVID disease
4/ The CDC addition to the childhood schedule has no impact on the liability waiver at this time. Children (12-17) are covered by both the EUA (12-15) and License (16-18).Both are given the liability waiver under the PREP Act
5/If the PREP Act liability waiver was rescinded due to the Emergency being over, you would be correct and that the liability waiver would continue under NCVIA for age 12-18
6/ The biggest impact of CDC decision , which is independent of the PREP Acts status. is parents will be able to pursue compensation under the more favorable but still stingy Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
7/It may also allow schools to mandate the vaccine while its under EUA, although I think this is more questionable and could be challenged
September 11, 2021
I have been more or less awake since 9/11 when I was unlucky enough to have watched over 8 hrs of the coverage live from Taipei starting from just before the 2nd plane hit
Its amazing how quickly the local stations picked up the coverage starting minutes after the first plane(?) hit. Always made me wonder how prepared everyone was for this (kind of like COVID)
Nearing 50 and having spent 1/2 my adult life as an expat I was as brainwashed as anyone else. But as an Engineer I knew one thing for sure, those buildings did not collapse like that due to fire/structural failure.
Plus I have too much respect for military competence to believe DC airspace could be undefended almost 1 hour after the 1st plane hit. Tenet himself said in his biography that he knew it was an attack based on hearing about the 1st plane
That said, I was too busy to pursue my suspicions, and it was only after SARS and the start of the Iraq War/WMD PSYOP that I realized 9/11 was just the opening salvo in whatever was happening
I didn’t actually figure out SARS for awhile. Indeed I fell for it big time. Wearing my N95, using hand sanitizer, etc. I had to travel between Shanghai, Hong kong and Taipei with a trip to US during the worst of it
Fortunately our partner in Shanghai was high up in CCP so I could evade quarantine. Taipei was home quarantine but loosely enforced, my visit there was to be with my wife who could not join me in Hong Kong and Shanghai due to we had 3 dogs
The nail in the coffin of my naiveté was Condi Rice repeatedly saying nobody could have imagined planes hitting buildings. This was so clearly BS (Executive Decidion, Lone Gunemen, Bojinka Plot plus we would find out there were numerous military exercises).
After devouring the 9/11 Commission Report in disbelief as to how many unanswered questions there were I raid David Ray Griffins 9/11 Commission Omissions and Distortions book, and I was hooked
You Tube was just starting to have some good content and there were a number of blogs and books coming out so I would spend much of the free time as I had reading and watching
After the bird flu scare I figured out SARS was just an exercise, as was Bird Flu, gaging our response. By this time were were rolling out Total Information Awareness and Google was feeding them our data, with Social Media like Facebook in its early stages of development
At that time it was mostly blogs you could communicate on and moderation/censorship was kicking into high gear, especially on right wing blogs but soon also on left wing blogs (who also began censoring of Global Warming discussion)
The science and truth of COVID and 9/11 was settled. Anyone questioning them was/is a humanity hating right wing Climate Denier and/or unpatriotic terrorist sympathizing or anti-semitic (if you mentioned Israel) 9/11 Nutter
But the shocks weren’t over, in 2008 we had our Financial Shock, the intentional crash of the market intentionally brought about by driving up the price of oil to cause inflation to justify increasing interest rates which would implode the fragile sub-prime MBS market, much like the Twin Towers came down on 9/11
In 2009 we had another Viral Exercise, this one officially called a Pandemic after WHO changed the Pandemic definition.
Unlike the first 2 exercises this actually got a vaccine into the market (unsafe) for a virus which did not cause much harm except in public health departments imaginary statistics
What I discovered soon after that was that following/during the first 2 exercises support was generated for the WHO International Health Regulations which was agreed to in 2005 and became effective in 2007.
It bound nations who signed it to fund vaccines for any virus that WHO declared a Pandemic.
Following the Financial Shock and Pandemic trillions of dollars were spent to bail out financial markets and develop Vaccines. In 2011 the decade of Vaccines was declared
The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) was endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012 to achieve the Decade of Vaccines vision by delivering universal access to immunization.
I wont bore you with the many steps taking during this decade/century to prepare us for today. You can check this thread out if you want more details
By the time 2010 came around I was already retired and my father was dying of liver disease and I saw first hand the awfulness of the American Medical System first hand in Boston (but he had great insurance as a Vet, didn’t pay a dime despite a lotbof hospital/ICU stays)
I wont bore you with the details as to how I developed a healthy distrust of the profession at that time
I believe this distrust , or more accurately “Trust but Verify” , has served me well in my dealing with a cancer dx , and perhaps extended my fathers life a bit, and possibly saved my wifes life in convincing her of the dangers of “you know what”.
Over the next decade I completely abstained from MSM and my focus turned to history. I realized much of recent events don’t get known for years if not decades. I also realized that to understand the present, and anticipate the future, one must understand the past
Fortunately, there are many books available that open the light to the past. Some of them are or were available for free on archive.org, others you have to pay. Unfortunately, there are many rabbit holes and false leads, and figuring out whats real and whats not takes time
Lots of people have helped to figure out this world. David Ray Griffin, William Engdahl, James Corbett, Whitney Webb, RFK Jr, Del Big Tree, Rosa Koire, Anthony Sutton, G. Edward Griffin, Suzanne Humphrey, Peter Duesberg, Patrick Wood, David Livingstone, Michael Hudson, Carrol Quigley, Robert Stinnet, Michael Rupper, Ian Plimer, James Ennes, Scott Ritter, Charles Beard
Surprisingly, many of the most helpful are the elites and insiders themselves,
David Rockefeller, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates,Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, HG Wells, Michael Aquino
October 7, 2021
IVM works just as well at a fraction of the price. Sadly Taiwan missed an opportunity to use it in a trial during the recent outbreak (Who permits its use in a trial). Argentina just completed a large trial and it went very well
October 10, 2021
August 2021 Excess Deaths
California (population 39 million)
28% % Excess
12K excess deaths
9 k non-covid
3/1 non-covid/covid ratio
Florida (population 22 million)
82% Excess Deaths
16 k excess deaths
10k covid
6 k non-covid
0.6 non-covid/covid deaths
5 times higher non-covid/covid excess deaths
Are they counting COVID deaths different?
OK , Florida has a bit more than 1/2 (~55%) the population of California but its an older population. That explains the higher COVID deaths per capita. But what is the reason for the higher non-Covid deaths per capita in Florida since I presume any Vaccine death in elderly is going to be called COVID
October 14, 2021
Unbelievable awful Booster Study
Despite the well known concern of myocarditis in young males only 59 males of all ages in study and only 5 African Americans (age/sex unknown)
You would think with such a small sample they would measure Troponin levels before and after the booster
Also, 18 of 171 who got the booster went on to test positive for COVID after the booster. Only 1 developed symptoms. Incredibly, they DID NOT report viral loads
Just more horse crap on top of horse crap
October 18,2021
Pfizer EMA back in January 2021 stated Pfizer used codon optimized sequence encoding the spike antigen
Also, please note that FDA issued its EUA based on Clinical Trials which used a different Process that are used in production. This is stated in Europes EMA which also granted EUA
Pg 32/33
October 29, 2021
Highwire show today. I am a big fan of the Highwire show and Del but have to disagree with the simplistic view that Faucis funding is responsible for a virus that changed the world.
First of all, its not a virus made in China that has changed the world. The virus causes an inconsequential disease for most people, especially if Doctors were permitted to treat patients properly. The virus value is it could be called novel and identified as unique via genomic sequencing and PCR testing
What changed the world was the the execution of globally coordinated lockdowns and mask/vax mandates by national/state governments for the purpose of Great Reset and BBB
As for the GOF done in WIV. Does anyone really think that if China wanted to create a bioweapon that they needed Faucis measly 3.5 million (actually thats what EHA got not WIV). Come on. Get real.
Also the discussion on GOF misses the point. After lifting the GOF pause, forbidden GOF funding was redefined. Only funding that would cause an expected GOF and enhance the PPP virulence was restricted
Approved funding was conditional on the EHA reporting an “unexpected GOF”. EHA did not do that. It was not that they did experiments that were not approved, but they did not report the results of those experiments in a timely fashion
Furthermore, everyone acts like NIAID is the only source of funding for WIV/EHA. USAID (CIA cut out) and Pentagon send more to EHA than NIAID.
And more GOF research is done in US and military bases in FSU than WIV. You should take a closer look at Ralph Baric at UNC who is a collaborator with WIV and Shi Zheng Li
I am no fan of Fauci. He is a monster. He will be gone soon. He did his job well. MIssion Accomplished. Now he will collect his reward from the Billionaires. He will be replaced by another Monster
People need to recognize this was not only a Fauci or Gates operation. Every institution in this country is backing the scam for the purpose of WEF’s Great Reset and BBB. The Global Public Private Partnerships are running the ship-Global to Local.
To win a War you must know your enemy. Clearly many do not. Both parties are controlled by the Global PPP, and are themselves partners. And China is one of the partners, Fake Wrestling aside
The Republicans have the softer rhetoric because of their base. But the infrastructure for the Scamdemic was completed during the Trump administration, and Trump pulled the trigger.
Trump supported and called for extending the first first lockdowns and bragged about how many lives he saved. Not to mention Operation Warp Speed and his vaccine promotion.
Biden of course has a base married to the religion of Scientism and trust in Technocrats. He has no need for stealth like Trump, so the end is going to come faster unless they are stopped. The Military is on board (top brass only)
Elections wont get you out of this mess. So leave the Hope-ium in the bottle
October 20, 2021
Almost 100K COVID deaths in August/September (18.1 % of total deaths)
January 2021- 28%
December 2020 - 26%
April 2020-20%
August-September 2021-18.1%
November 2020-17.5%
February 2021-17.0%
December 2020-Oct 2021
14.9% of deaths COVID
427K COVID deaths
2849k all cause
2384k expected deaths
38k non-COVID excess deaths
Expected COVID DEATHS if 12.6% of all deaths COVID = 359k
Excess COVID deaths 68 K
Total Excess deaths 106k
9.4% of deaths COVID (12.6%-april-nov)
283k COVID deaths
3023k all cause (2235k april-nov)
2598 k expected deaths
393k excess deaths
152k non COVID excess deaths
October 30, 2021
The gene that produces OAS1 recognizes bits of the SARScoV2 genome. In humans, the letter G at Rs10774671 in OAS1 can blunt severe COVID19
39% of the global population have G at Rs10774671. Results from the American, Asian and European continents are similar to those reported globally. Mexico is 31%. Interestingly, for the African continent, the distribution is inverse, with the G allele in 64%
This may very well be part of the reason Africa has fared very well with COVID
Of course as an Interferon Stimulated Gene you have to mount a immune response that produces INF-I to turn it on .
My understanding is Toll Line Receptors 7/8 of the innate immune system do that, but they are down regulated after vaccination. That seems likely to affect production of OAS1 thus muting the protective effect
October 29, 2021
Highwire show today. I am a big fan of the Highwire show and Del but have to disagree with the simplistic view that Faucis funding is responsible for a virus that changed the world.
First of all, its not a virus made in China that has changed the world. The virus causes an inconsequential disease for most people, especially if Doctors were permitted to treat patients properly. The virus value is it could be called novel and identified as unique via genomic sequencing and PCR testing
What changed the world was the the execution of globally coordinated lockdowns and mask/vax mandates by national/state governments for the purpose of Great Reset and BBB
As for the GOF done in WIV. Does anyone really think that if China wanted to create a bioweapon that they needed Faucis measly 3.5 million (actually thats what EHA got not WIV). Come on. Get real.
Also the discussion on GOF misses the point. After lifting the GOF pause, forbidden GOF funding was redefined. Only funding that would cause an expected GOF and enhance the PPP virulence was restricted
Approved funding was conditional on the EHA reporting an “unexpected GOF”. EHA did not do that. It was not that they did experiments that were not approved, but they did not report the results of those experiments in a timely fashion
Furthermore, everyone acts like NIAID is the only source of funding for WIV/EHA. USAID (CIA cut out) and Pentagon send more to EHA than NIAID.
And more GOF research is done in US and military bases in FSU than WIV. You should take a closer look at Ralph Baric at UNC who is a collaborator with WIV and Shi Zheng Li
I am no fan of Fauci. He is a monster. He will be gone soon. He did his job well. MIssion Accomplished. Now he will collect his reward from the Billionaires. He will be replaced by another Monster
People need to recognize this was not only a Fauci or Gates operation. Every institution in this country is backing the scam for the purpose of WEF’s Great Reset and BBB. The Global Public Private Partnerships are running the ship-Global to Local.
To win a War you must know your enemy. Clearly many do not. Both parties are controlled by the Global PPP, and are themselves partners. And China is one of the partners, Fake Wrestling aside
The Republicans have the softer rhetoric because of their base. But the infrastructure for the Scamdemic was completed during the Trump administration, and Trump pulled the trigger.
Trump supported and called for extending the first first lockdowns and bragged about how many lives he saved. Not to mention Operation Warp Speed and his vaccine promotion.
Biden of course has a base married to the religion of Scientism and trust in Technocrats. He has no need for stealth like Trump, so the end is going to come faster unless they are stopped. The Military is on board (top brass only)
Elections wont get you out of this mess. So leave the Hope-ium in the bottle
November 4, 2021
The Good News is OSHA isn’t mandating the vaccine. The Bad news is below
The full 490 pg standard here
OSHA-Although OSHA may well have the authority to impose a vaccination mandate, OSHA has decided against pursuing strict vaccination requirement and has instead crafted the ETS to strongly encourage vaccination.
OSHA-COVID-19 was not known to exist until January 2020, and since then nearly 745,000 people, many of them workers, have died from the disease in the U.S. alone.
ME-How many workers?
OSHA estimates that approximately 264,000 entities have employees who will be subject to the requirements of the ETS, including approximately 84.2 million employees.
ME: Once they get this rolling they will start on Small Businesses
OSHA has estimated that approximately 62.4% percent of adults aged 18-74 within the scope of this ETS are either fully vaccinated or received their first vaccine dose during the previous two weeks, leaving approximately 31.7 million unvaccinated
ME: Doesn’t seem worth the bother, for less than 10% of the population but oh Wait, CDC will be changing the definition of unvaccinated soon. Booster for all Baby.!
OSHA expects that the Vaccination and Testing ETS will result in approximately 23 million individuals becoming vaccinated..
ME: Hope the hospitals can handle those “rare” adverse events.
OSHA ......a recent study (Levi et al., September 29, 2021) found that, for the first dose, 4.9% needed administrative leave, with an average length of absence of 1.66 days. For the second dose, 19.79% needed leave and their average length of absence was 1.39 days.
ME: Anyone ever taken 0.39 days off. Keep in mind the smart ones get vaxxed on Friday or Saturday.
OSHA knows there are 12% of establishments that have 100+ employees and do not provide paid sick leave.
ME: The poor Companies are gonna have to pay up. How will they survive?
OSHA presumes that, if an employer makes available up to two days of paid sick leave per primary vaccination dose for side effects, the employer would be in compliance with this requirement.
ME: most will make them use their existing sick leave, if any is left
OSHA-When setting the cap, an employer would not be expected to account for the unlikely possibility of the vaccination resulting in a prolonged illness in the vaccinated employee (e.g., a severe allergic reaction).
ME: Of course not. At least make them send Flowers
OSHA-Unvaccinated workers are much more likely to contract and transmit COVID-19 in the workplace than vaccinated workers.
ME: How much more likely? Source?
OSHA-The agency estimates that 6.3 million weekly tests will need to be given due to this ETS
ME: Paid by the employee. Say 25 bucks a test (no idea) thats 150 million bucks a week or over 7 billion bucks that could be spent on food and gas
OSHA-Immediately remove from the workplace any employee who receives a positive COVID-19 test and keep the employee removed until the employee: (i) receives a negative result on a COVID-19 test(ii) meets the return to work criteria in CDC’s “Isolation Guidance”....
ME: So no pay for them. Maybe some have a night job with a smaller company, or can find another temporary job . Or they can drain their savings or max out their credit card
OSHA-when an employee has received a positive COVID-19 test, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19 the employer must not require that employee to undergo COVID-19 testing.... for 90 days following the date of their positive test or diagnosis.
ME-Vaccine immunity is forever but natural immunity only lasts 90 days. Gotcha
OSHA recognizes that there may be certain workers who may not be able to wear a face covering due to a disability or sincerely held religious belief and are entitled to an accommodation.
ME: Love to see how that works. Religious exemption for Masks? How about Medical Exemption (or is that under disability). Accommodation likely getting your office to an outside tent in Winter
OSHA-To enhance the effectiveness of any face covering required by this standard, this ETS imposes certain minimum design criteria, consistent with CDC recommendations.
OSHA- the agency is not requiring the use of face coverings by workers who are fully vaccinated because vaccination is sufficient to reduce the grave danger to themselves or others.
ME: Haven’t look at the recent data, have you.
OSHA-Vaccination is also sufficient to reduce the grave danger that fully vaccinated workers present to others given the reduced likelihood of transmission
ME: No data to back that up. Recent studies show viral load of vaxxed and unvaxxed the same
OSHA..... the risk of asymptomatic transmission is 42% lower than from symptomatic COVID-19 patients (Byambasuren et al., December 11, 2020).....
ME: Yay
OSHA-asymptomatic transmission may result in more transmissions than symptomatic cases because asymptomatic persons are less likely to be aware of their infection and can unknowingly continue to spread the disease to others
ME: But aren’t vaccinated more likely to have asymptomatic infections because it reduces symptoms. Yet they don’t need testing/masks
OSHA has determined that many employees in the U.S. who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 face grave danger from exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace.
ME: Go on
OSHA-This finding of grave danger is based on the severe health consequences associated with exposure to the virus along with evidence demonstrating the transmissibility of the virus in the workplace and the prevalence of infections in employee populations.
ME: Evidence? Bring it on.
OSHA-On judicial review of an ETS, OSHA is entitled to great deference on the determinations of grave danger and necessity required under section 6(c)(1). The agency is not required to support its conclusions “with anything approaching scientific certainty,
ME: Thats very fortunate for you guys.LOL
OSHA-Grave danger,” according to one court, refers to “the danger of incurable, permanent, or fatal consequences to workers, as opposed to easily curable and fleeting effects on their health”
ME: How about the jab? Have a look at VAERS and multiply by 10
OSHA-COVID-19 infections, which are formally referenced as ranging from “mild” to “critical,”but which can involve significant illness, hospital stays, ICU care, death, and long-term health complications for survivors.
ME: You can say the same with Flu but you did nothing
OSHA-Beyond this, however, “the determination of what constitutes a risk worthy of Agency action is a policy consideration that belongs, in the first instance, to the Agency”
ME: You are more powerful than God. Accountable to nobody. Come to think about it but the President ,Pfizer, Moderna, CDC and FDA are just as powerful
OSHA-In the context of ordinary 6(b) rulemaking, the Supreme Court has said that the OSH Act is not a “mathematical straitjacket,” nor does it require the agency to support its findings “with anything approaching scientific certainty,”
ME: something tells me the Supreme Court ain’t gonna help
OSHA-exclusion of vaccinated workers from this grave danger finding does not mean that vaccinated workers face no risk from exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
ME: Of course not
OSHA-The best available evidence clearly shows that vaccination provides great protection from infection and severe outcomes, but breakthrough infections do occur and vaccinated individuals can still transmit the virus to others.
OSHA-The New York Times reported on October 1, 2021, that of the approximately 100,000 individuals who died of COVID-19 since mid-June 2021, less than 3% had been identified by the CDC as vaccinated individuals (Boseman and Leatherby, October 1, 2021).
ME: LOL. NY Times. 3% not even believable . Something tells me there is a problem in the identification process. UK and Israeli data say something quite different
OSHA-In some cases, the level of risk to vaccinated workers may even rise to the level of a significant risk, the standard OSHA must meet for promulgation of a permanent standard under section 6(b)(5) of the OSH Act (29 U.S.C. 655(b)(5)).
ME-Heads Up Vaxxed Workers. Your next. Mandated Masks and Testing will soon be expanded and apply to you
October 31, 2021
Sanjay vs Rogan
I have heard of Joe Rogan but this is first time I watched his whole show. Always thought he was an unlimited hangout type if not Controlled Opposition.
After listening to the 3+ hour podcast its clear Joe Rogan has bought into COVID. Gets tested everyday. He and Sanjay were both given a rapid Antigen test and Antibody test and sells masks with his logo Made in China
Joe said he got infected during a tour to Florida playing in crowded venues. Didn’t know he was infected till he got home since he left his test kits at home. Lol
Sanjay said clotting 80 times as high with COVID as vax, and most of the clotting is with Adenovirus vaccines
Joe didn’t challenge him on that. My own research shows :
“The risk of CVT was 8 to 10 times higher in patients with a COVID-19 diagnosis than in vaccinees and 100 times greater than in the general population. Which means vaccination CVT is 8-10 times higher in those vaccinated than not vaccinated
“The research, conducted in the wake of numerous high-profile clotting cases linked to people who had received the AstraZeneca vaccine, found around 39 in one million people with COVID are diagnosed with CVT, compared with 0.4 per million people who had not contracted the disease.
CVT was also found to be more common among people who received either the Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca COVID vaccines – at a rate of between 4–5 per million
– meaning people with coronavirus are between 8–10 times more likely to develop the blood clots than those who have been vaccinated against it(it also means those vaxxed are 8 -10 times more likely to get clots than unvaxxed)”
Sanjay Tells story of guy who told him his Daughter died and before going on ventilator asked him to get vaccinated.
On Myocarditis Sanjay told some whoppers without being challenged much
Regarding 16-24 males he says the background incidence is 1500 per million in children . Thats about 1/600 about 8 times some of the more alarming estimates after vaccination (1/5000)
My research on background incidence shows
10 per 1 million in children
220 per million overall
CDC in one study says patients without COVID HAD 0.009% incidence of myocarditis. Thats
90 per million w/0 COVID
CDC says incidence of myocarditis 16 times higher with COVID. Thats
1460 per million
Sanjay says after vaccination myocarditis incidence is
0.8 per million 1st dose
5.8 per million. 2nd dose
He said thats in addition to background rate
Some estimates based on data suggest 1/5000 . Sanjay is on another planet I guess or using other data
Using 1/5000 thats 200/million young males who will get myocarditis after vax
This study reported the incidence at 162/million in boys aged 12-15
Thats 20 x the background rate for children and 2.2 x the background rate for all ages
But if kids only have a 5% annualized risk of COVID (only 8% of kids got infected over 18 months ), but 100% get vaxxed this year their risk of myocarditis is higher with vaccination
5% x 1440/million = 72/million myocarditis in children
100% x 200/million= 200/million myocarditis cased
Thats an extra 128/million myocarditis cases in children if all kids fully vaxxed
He says Myocarditis can be treated but does not mention heart muscle is permanently damaged
Sanjay we don’t know long term consequences of myocarditis but he is ok with the risk
When Joe pointed out kids were 4-6 times more likely to get myocarditis than be hospitalized with COVID . He said most of kids with COVID with myocarditis did not get hospitalized because they were treated as outpatients. Pretty sure you have to be hospitalized to be be dx with myocarditis and CDC said 95% of vaccine induced myocarditis cases required hospital care
He says 33% of people of all ages with COVID get long haul COVID. As questionable as that is he fails to point out that only 12% of people have got confirmed COVID (8% of kids)
Doesn’t mention treatment exists for long haul. Said he doesn’t know why it happens. Clearly not up on Dr Bruce Pattersons work
He then goes on to say 80% of adults have mild COVID and no problems. What happened to the 33% long haulers Sanjay?
Doesn’t know what virus does to body but knows it affects vascular disease. Doesn’t mention spike proteins affect on vascular system and the fact the vaccines produces trillions of spike protein
While admitting vaccinated persons can spread it if infected he says vaccinated persons far less likely to get infected
Seems unfamiliar with this UK data
He says vaxxed 8 times less likely to get infected than Unvaxxed. Viral load comes down faster. Admits it Wanes after 6-8 months. Not worried that everyone is not authorized to get booster, nor himself
Says 95% of hospitalized are unvaxxed. Says Israel has higher hospitalized rate of vaxxed he says is because they have higher vaxxed rate but absolute numbers are much lower
No mention of Project Salus data in US
Says he feels if he got infected it wouldn’t be a problem so not worried about not getting a booster.
Said a lot of spread (more than 50% ) by asymptomatic persons. But vaccinated persons more likely to be asymptomatic when infected
No evidence that I can find to support that
In talking about Mercks new therapeutic he is Skeptical about Merck because they are for profit company who is responsible for the data. Its very expensive. He fails to link Mercks new therapeutic to their trash talking of IVM (an off patent cheap drug they developed)
He also skirts the fact vaccine makers have same profit motive and also are responsible for the data
Joe went off on IVM being called horse paste/dewormer by MSM/FDA despite FDA approval for human use and 3.2 billion doses prescribed to humans and awarded Nobel Prize in 2015
Sanjay says virus burned through Uttar Pradesh population and given natural immunity as an explanation and not IVM use
Kory study was a meta-analysis he says and most of the studies were in lab and needed very high doses.He says need more studies.Says Kory referenced a study he said was flawed because it used other medicines like dexamethasone
Nobody questioned why we don’t already have a NIH sponsored study already done when Merck and Gilead were able to get their product studies done
This called for a much stronger rebuttal but Joe seemed unable to mount one
Says basically masks can be effective but not 100%. Surgical masks better for source control.
He uses KN95 for protection
No mention of safety or the psychological impact of mask wearing in kids. Joe was pretty weak here
Ajay says flu kills 60k per year. Joe does not ask what happened to it last year
Joe calling for more testing as a solution
Ajay Claims a lot of people reporting fake reports on VAERS w/o being challenged by Joe
Says Vaccine is 23x better at neutralizing antibodies than natural infection but Joe cant tell him that immunity is more than antibodies and that the vaccine antibodies are specific to the spike which is mutating most rapidly
AJ brought up that BS CDC Kentucky study comparing recent fully vaxxed with those who were infected naturally up to a year earlier, which has been discredited. Using it to claim reinfection is higher in natural immune than in recently vaxxed
He agreed naturally immune only need 1 shot
GOF. He is Suspicious no investigation. China blocking not cooperating. Says its Concerning. Where there is smoke there is fire .Hmmm
Sanjay called for international agency to investigate such matters (Globalists clap)
On Fauci denying GOF to Ron Paul.
Sanjay gave his reasoning. If you create a Novel virus from other viruses and didnt know it will make virus more dangerous then this is not GOF, even if thats what happened
November 17, 2021
Could viral interference with SARS-Cov-2 outcompeting influenza be responsible for lower flu cases
Will the return of flu signal the end of COVID pandemic?
Then I recall this study which suggests flu vaccination may cause increased coronavirus infections due to viral interference.
So, could flu vaccinations leave more of a door open to coronaviruses. And could corona virus be the best flu vaccine ever.?
I wish I was smart enough to figure that out. Gonna have to leave that to others
November 19, 2021
Confusion, isolation, anxiousness-discontent (CIA-D) leads
to Mass Formation= Mass Hypnosis leading to Mass Psychosis
The masses caught up in this web become radically intolerant to dissidents and radically tolerant to leaders mistakes or failure to deliver on promises
Facts are irrelevant to them so there is no way to reason with them.
If you want to imagine this visually, think of a scene from Walking Dead.
Coming as a mob after anyone who dares to maintain independent thought. While they may not eat you (assuming there is food on shelves they can afford), what is to come might be unpleasant
Fortunately I guess no more than 30% are so lost. Another 40% on the sidelines. They can go either way. I suspect many are police and military /intelligence (albeit at the lower levels, certainly not the Generals , Directors and City Police Chiefs). They have to be brought on board
Once they see they will be mostly replaced by AI controlled robots or be required to merge with machines and have chips in their brain, and the horrors in store for their kids, they may join the opposition to tyranny
Of course, if they don’t, its over.
November 19, 2021
Halfway into RFK jr book on Fauci
The first part goes over Fauci’s role in the COVID crisis. Unfortunately I fear in his efforts to Demonize Fauci the Scamdemic comes off as a Fauci Operation. I fear the entire point is to set up Fauci as the fall guy.
Certainly Fauci should fall, and hard, but lets not forget all the others. CEO’s, politicians (including Trump/Biden), Philanthropists, International Institutions, Academics, Media, Silicon Valley and US military and Intelligence Agencies. Nobody was fooled. The 80 yo Fauci was the man on stage playing his role. He was not the mastermind.
The next part discussed Faucis early career. Its quite good and shows many parallels to his handling of HIV/AIDS and SARS-CoV 2 /COVID
He then moved onto the touch HIV causing AIDS and Kochs Postulate/virus isolation rabbit hole. I know RFK did not write this section but someone on his team duped him into this. I fear this will discredit the whole book and those who are his biggest supporters
Same folks who push the falsehood that approved/licensed countermeasures lose their liability waiver under the PREP ACT
Just as a reminder, KOCHS postulate was developed in the late 1800’s before anyone knew what a virus was. It was developed for bacteria which are much larger and can grow in a brew of nutrients .
Viruses are nanoparticles not able to be filtered and can only grow in cells. KOCH Postulate has never been the standard protocol to identify new viruses and their diseases.
Thomas Rivers in 1934 developed a protocol for viruses . Advances in technology have made some of these unnecessary. We have genomic sequencing, proteomic analysis, serology, electron microscopy, epidemiology, etc
The one legitimate point in the chapter is that of causation. Does HIV cause AIDS on its own and does it do so for all people it infects?. Our immune system is designed to make sure no virus or bacteria can kill off everyone.
This has not been answered in a satisfactory manner.
Haven’t finished this chapter yet
Burroughs Wellcome holds the 1942 patent on the popper container and remained one of the largest manufacturers of poppers during the 1980s and ’90s. As early as 1977, a New York Daily News article described Burroughs Wellcome strategies for dodging criticism of widespread health injuries from its booming popper sales. As we shall presently see, Burroughs Wellcome and other popper manufacturers were the principal sources of advertising revenues to the gay press during that epoch, and they used that leverage to force censorship of any journalist attempting to link amyl nitrite to immune system collapse. If Duesberg and others are correct about that association, it means that Burroughs Wellcome was profiting from both causing the AIDS epidemic and then from poisoning a generation of gay men with the AZT “Cure.” Tony Fauci played traffic cop in this feedback loop. On the one hand, he was using his regulatory authority to promote AZT, and to kill its competition, effectively orchestrating Burroughs Wellcome’s monopoly control over AIDS treatment.
At the same time, he was suppressing the study of the toxicity of poppers and directing the blame for AIDS on the virus, thereby shielding Burroughs Wellcome from significant liability.
November 21, 2021
The vax does little to prevent infection or transmission after the first couple of months after being fully vaxxed.
Indeed data out of UK is showing the vaxxed over 30 yo have higher infection rates than unvaxxed
With over 70% of adults fully vaxxed COVID deaths are double in August-October compared to last year. CDC and FDA are engaging in massive fraud
As for your confusion about peoples reactions, its Mass Psychosis. The Americans people and most of the Western World is being subject to a massive Psychological Operations (aka Cognitive Warfare)
This might help you make sense of it
Its literally a coup run by military and intelligence agencies partnering with global corporations of the WEF to eliminate Democracy and Freedom and usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This will entail drastic reduction in living standards in the West and depopulation of the useless class (over 50’s and feeble minded).
They use Pandemics and Climate Change to terrorize us and justify their actions . Both are frauds on such a massive scale its beyond most peoples imaginations
Both parties are in on it, but Republicans pretend not to be to appease the right and give them hope it can be changed by an election so they stand down
Much of this was planned over the last 30 years during Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump.
BIDEN folks are in charge of the Operation to BUILD BACK BETTER. Before you can BBB you must demolish the Old Order
Visualize the WTC Towers collapsing. Thats what they are doing to America and Europe
The New Order will turn us into Serfs. We will own nothing but will be happy. So long as we follow orders and do as we are told.
It will be a Digital Gulag where many will spend most of their time in the metaverse while earning credit by submitting to biological experiments and other tasks. Everything we do and think will be monitored and regulated. This is the Elites Utopia
Sounds nuts. Sadly its an open conspiracy. They have been writing their plans for 30 years. Those sounding the alarm written off as conspiracy quacks. Even now, most walking around with Eyes Wide Shut
Oh well, maybe they leave us alone until after the holidays, but knowing these are demons, I doubt it
November 2021
Playwright and essayist C. J. Hopkins describes the global war on freedom and democracy:
During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is.
For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.
This is the crucial period for the totalitarian movement. It needs to negate the old ‘reality’ in order to implement the new one, and it cannot do that with reason and facts, so it has to do it with fear and brute force.
It needs to terrorize the majority of society into a state of mindless mass hysteria that can be turned against those resisting the new ‘reality.’
It is not a matter of persuading or convincing people to accept the new ‘reality.’ It’s more like how you drive a herd of sheep. You scare them enough to get them moving, then you steer them wherever you want them to go.
The sheep do not know or understand where they are going. They are simply reacting to a physical stimulus. Facts and reason have nothing to do with it.
November 30, 2021
The idea that the Reagan years were a Golden Age is a myth. Indeed, it marked the beginning of the end of Americas Golden Age leading us down the path to neoliberal fascism
1/Trumps mentor Roy Cohn was a well-known fixer for Ronald Reagan. Cohns law partner, Tom Bolan chaired Reagans transition team in 1980.
2/Reagan, like Cohn, had deep ties to the same organized-crime factions that were among Cohns clients and affiliates of the same Mafia figures close to Cohns own mentor, Lewis Rosenstiel . Not unlike Cohn, Reagans own mentor, Lew Wasserman, had close ties to the mob.
3/ 1981-In June , less than six months after Reagans inauguration, the United States approved a new offshore possibility, the international banking facility. The United States was another step closer to becoming a tax haven for money launderers
4/1982-Stock buybacks used to be illegal following the 1929 crash. They were considered stock manipulation, because mechanically it does support the share price. But President Regan rescinded the law i
5/1982, President Reagan would sign NSDD 77 which would launch the Special Planning Group led by Bush. Later investigations showed that federally coordinated "off the books" Iran-Contra smuggling operations began
6/ 1983. Congress passed the NED Act . The structure of the NED essentially functions as a private CIA political operations arm of an invisible, secret government beyond accountability and beyond the reach of the law.
7/1983-The bugged version of PROMIS was a result of collusion between Earl Brian, Reagans envoy to Iran, and Rafi Eitan, director of the Israeli intelligence agency Lekem and was distributed around the world by Robert Maxwell, father of Jeffrey Epsteins girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell.
8/ Beginning in 1982, as part of the highly classified Continuity of Government (COG) program, North used the PROMIS software to develop a secretive database known as Main Core to track millions of dissidents (ie those opposed to government policies)
9/ BCCI was a Mossad/CIA affiliated bank that was involved in numerous scandals of the 1980s, including financing the Reagan administration's Iran-Contra secret arms deals and serving as a CIA drug trafficking and money laundering conduit for Pakistani state
10/ Maxwell sold China PROMIS and access to Israel's secret backdoor. Eitan arranged for Robert Maxwell to sell the software to Los Alamos. FBI documents obtained under the FOIA show evidence linking the nuclear technology thefts from Los Alamos to a joint operation by Mossad and China.
11/ 1984-CIA Director and Cohn friend William Casey began an extensive PR campaign aimed at shoring up public support for Reagans Latin American policies, including support of the Contra paramilitaries. This domestic propaganda effort was technically illegal so they outsourced the job to the private sector
12/Cohn brought his close friend, the media mogul Rupert Murdoch, to the White House to help out. Murdoch, benefited greatly from his friendship with the administration, which allowed Murdoch to increase his U.S. media holdings and to create the Fox Broadcasting Corporation in 1987.
13/1984, the United States would bypass the Antilles irritant entirely and waive the 30 percent withholding tax under a new loophole. Foreign investors would pay no tax on their bond income. The worlds hot money would roll in to what was now the world’s largest tax haven
14/In February 1983, in a program called Project Democracy, the administration proposed the program be funneled through federal agencies. Congress, seeking a program that was independent and bipartisan, refused to approve the plan.
15/ 1984, a newly created, private, nongovernmental organization, or NGO, called the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) opened its doors in Washington.. Its mission was to doctor systemic US propaganda as a weapon to unseat regimes around the world who were not willing to cooperate with Washingtons overall agenda
16/ NED was implicated in the Iran-Contra affair. Oliver L. North called the operation Project Democracy in his computer messages. Norths operation was the endowments ³secret arm.³ Further stories appeared when an organization administering four endowment grants was linked to the Iran-Contra controversy.
17/ 1985-After Sen Tower arranged for Maxwell to meet with leadership of Sandia National Laboratories (formerly Los Alamos Z division),. Maxwell sold Sandia a copy of PROMIS software . Shortly after retirement Sen Tower relayed to Reagan Maxwells request for help in arming Iran as a means to trade for American hostages and received a a positive response."
18/1986-The National Vaccine Act eliminated vaccine makers liability, recognizing that drug companies no longer had any incentive to make vaccines safe”an order for HHS to study vaccine injuries, work to improve vaccine safety, and report to Congress on its progress every two years. It has not sent one safety report to Congress in over 30 years.
19/ 1986- passage of Reagan's Anti-Drug Abuse Act , after which incarceration for non-violent offenses dramatically increased as did the privatization of the Prison Industrial Complex
20/1985- A pedophile network was run as an affiliate of the Catholic charity Covenant House, which was founded and run by Father Ritter. His superior was Cardinal Spellman . Spellman was accused of pedophilia and ordained known pedophiles. Spellman was a close associate, client and friend of Roy Cohn and Tom Bolan
21/Ritter, like Spellman and other priests who served under Spellman, was accused of having sexual relationships with many of the underaged boys he had taken in
22/Ritters activities at Covenant House were exposed in 1989 by the New York Post. Governor of New York Mario Cuomo protected him by allowing him to resign from Covenant House in lieu of prosecution
23/Covenant House and Ritter himself were closely tied to Robert Macauley, Bush Sr.s roommate at Yale and a long-time friend of the Bush family.
24/Macauleys organization, the AmeriCares Foundation, which was later accused of funneling money to the Contras in Central America, was one of the main sources of funding of Covenant House. AmeriCares was also known to work directly with U.S. intelligence.
25/ George H.W. Bushs brother, Prescott, was also on the AmeriCares advisory board. He had been instrumental in founding the health-focused relief and development organization.
26/Covenant House was praised heavily by President Ronald Reagan, even earning a mention in his 1984 State of the Union address, which called Ritter one of the countrys unsung heroes.
27/From 1985 to 1989, Covenant Houses operating budget grew from $27 million to $90 million and its board came to include powerful individuals including top executives at IBM, Chase Manhattan Bank and Bear Stearns.
28/ 1987 Fauci appointed head of NIAID in 1984 and in charge of Federal AIDS funding promoted the use of AZT based on the published Fischl study which observed patients for only 4 months. It was financed by AZT manufacturer Wellcome (today GSK), and allegedly placed sicker patients in the placebo group. Despite its toxicity Fauci recommended it for asymptomatic patients
29/1987- Fairness Doctrine repealed by Ronald Reagans pro-broadcaster FCC, the doctrine can be traced back to the early days of broadcast regulation. Coincidentally his buddy Murdoch started up Fox News this year
30/ 1987-Stock markets raced upward during the first half. By late August, the DJIA had gained 44 percent in a matter of seven months, stoking concerns of an asset bubble. The federal government disclosed a larger-than-expected trade deficit and the dollar fell in value. On Friday October 16, the DJIA had lost 4.6 percent.
31/On Monday 10/19 the DJIA crashed at the opening bell and eventually finished down 508 points (22%). The Fed led by newly appointed chairman Alan Greenspan encouraged banks to continue to lend on their usual terms. Stock markets quickly recovered a majority of their Black Monday losses.
32/following the crash Reagan created the Presidents Plunge Protection Team by Executive Order which has been propping up markets ever since and creating larger and larger bubbled
Officially named the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets.
33/ 1988 , 3 July ,USS Vincennes guided missile cruiser launched a surface-to-air missile and shot down an Iranian Airbus A300B2-203 which was completing a passenger flight. All 290 people aboard died: 274 passengers (including 65 children)
34/ It should be noted that when the missile was launched the USS Vincennes was located in Iranian waters. The Pentagon stated that the Iran Air airliner was mistakenly identified as an Iranian Air Force F-14 fighter. Lol
35/In 1982, President Ronald Reagan signed Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act, which eliminated loan-to-value ratios and interest rate caps for S&Ls, and also allowed them to hold 30% of their assets in consumer loans and 40% in commercial loans. Setting the stage for the Savings & Loan crisis that peaked by 1989
36/ With reward uncoupled from risk, zombie thrifts began paying higher and higher rates to attract funds. S&Ls also began investing in riskier commercial real estate and even riskier junk bonds.
37/it would be taxpayers [through the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation(FSLIC)]—not the banks or S&Ls officials—who would be left holding the bag.
38/ By 1985, S&L assets had shot up by over 50%—far faster growth than banks. S&L growth was especially robust in Texas. Some state legislators allowed S&Ls to double down by allowing them to invest in speculative real estate. Still, more than a third of S&Ls were not profitable as of 1983.
39/Failing S&Ls were allowed to keep lending. By 1987 the FSLIC had become insolvent. Rather than allowing it and S&Ls to fail as they were destined to do, the federal government recapitalized the FSLIC. For a while longer, the S&Ls were allowed to continue to pile on risk.
40/The S&L crisis was arguably the most catastrophic collapse of the banking industry since the Great Depression. Across the United States, more than 1,000 S&Ls had failed by 1989, essentially ending what had been one of the most secure sources of home mortgages.
December 3, 2021
Respiratory viruses have always been seasonal for as long as data have been collected.
80% of COVID deaths are in over 65. Yet 83% over 65 are fully vaxxed and 96% have 1 dose.
Taking into account immunity from previous infection only 15% of over 65 have no immunity
Yet there are twice as many COVID deaths in from Aug-October compared to last year and excess deaths higher in August/September than November 2020 (october 2021 data not fully counted)
The numbers don't compute. 15% cant possibly be responsible for most of the deaths even if they are 5 x more likely to die from COVID than vaxxed (we were all unvaxxed last year)
For that to be true Delta would need to be 15 x more deadly to the unvaxxed than Alpha (and keep in mind up to 30% of the unvaxxed were previously infected (assuming 50% asymptomatic rate)
While studies show its 60% more transmissible there is little data to support the IFR is much higher in the unvaxxed
7 day avg cases-84,000 October 15 2021 vs 56,000 in 2020. Too bad CDC stopped counting breakthrough cases outside hospital in Vaxxed as it really would be nice to know to calculate the IFR of Delta in the unvaxxed
Highly vaccinated Israel said over the summer that Delta variant was infecting vaccinated people, representing by as many as 50% of new cases. But they're less severe.
So lets assume 1/2 of new cases are in the unvaxxed
Sep-17,000 non COVID EXCESS deaths
July 17,000
June 15,000
May 11,000
April 4,000
87,000 non-Covid Excess deaths
160,000 COVID deaths
Percent deaths above expected 118%
December 6, 2021
Deutsche Bank - estimated $320 million in loans on 3 properties: data from Trump's June 2017 financial disclosure form and estimate based on full loan amounts reported in the news /
1/Besides Deutsche Bank , a company named Ladder Capital Finance issued $282 million in loans to Trump on 4 properties. In Feb 2017 the Related Companies bought $80 million in Ladder stock. Stephen Ross, chairman & founder of Related Companies, has been a client of Rosemary Vrablic a senior banker at Deutsche Bank, who counts Trump and Jared Kushner as customers
2/Deutsche's Rosemary Vrablic arranged loans for Trump & prior to election, Deutsche funded $285 million for Jared Kushner to refinance loan on part of former NYT building bought from Lev Leviev whose company AFI is involved in Prevezon $ laundering case
3/Rosemary Vrablic started in banking in the mid 80’s with Israeli Bank Leumi where the Kushners were customers. Her boss at Deutsche Bank handled Epsteins account which he had brought over from JP morgan after they stopped doing business with Epstein
December 27, 2021
Ezekeil Emmanuel pushing a vaccine mandate.
Emmanuel is the fellow who argued that people should want to die at 75. He once wrote in the Times that he wanted every child in the country required legally to take a flu shot every year, he believes in health-care rationing, and he wants doctors forced to provide abortions.
He is also the fellow who urged that the country be shut down for 18 months at the beginning of the pandemic, and indeed, wanted complete mandatory lockdowns put in place last summer — so his mandate advocacy is of a piece.
Does anyone really think its because him and his ilk want to keep you safe and healthy so you live longer?
December 31, 2021
So I listened to a RFK Jr interview, someone I admire, where he is perpetuating the following myth:
As a result of Comirnaty being approved for BLA on 8/23 it has lost its liability exemption under the PREP Act and may be sued.
Because of this they dare not provide the labelled product in US but will only provide the EUA labelled product which still has a liability exemption under the Prep Act
The reason they are pushing so hard to get the Childrens vaccine approved is that once the children’s vax is approved and licensed they regain their liability exemption under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
The only problem with this theory is that it can be proven demonstrably false. The liability exemption provided under the PREP Act provides liability exemption for all indicated countermeasures, including both EUA and BLA products
Why after 4 months is he still perpetuating this falsehood?. Its a real head scratcher to me. I have reached out to his people several times to correct it to no avail and its being parroted my many who take his words as gospel
For those still skeptical read on. I will start with the basics
The Department of Health and Human Services invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) in early 2020.
The law affords broad protections to vaccine manufacturers and administrators in the event of a public health emergency.
As the Congressional Research Service explains, “covered persons are generally immune from legal liability (i.e., they cannot be sued for money damages in court) for losses relating to the administration or use of covered countermeasures against COVID-19.”
“The sole exception to PREP Act immunity is for death or serious physical injury caused by ‘willful misconduct.
The initial 2020 Department of Health and Human Services declaration invoking the PREP Act defined “Covered Countermeasures” .....as “any antiviral, any other drug, any biologic, any diagnostic, any other device, or any vaccine, used to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate COVID-19, or the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or a virus mutating therefrom..
Subsequent amendments have expanded that definition. For example, it also now applies to products that “limit the harm COVID-19 might otherwise cause.”
The liability protections pursuant to the public health emergency extend to both the vaccine under emergency use authorization and to the fully licensed Comirnaty.
While the companies are protected from liability,“individuals who die or suffer serious injuries directly caused by the administration of covered countermeasures may be eligible to receive compensation through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program,” or CICP
Again, FDA authorized and approved COVID-19 vaccines, including Comirnaty, are covered countermeasures under CICP.
Outside of a public health emergency, manufacturers of routine vaccines are also largely shielded from claims. That protection comes from the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986.
It also requires health care providers to report side effects that occur after immunization to the Vaccines Adverse Event Reporting System.
While the COVID-19 vaccines fall under CICP, at some point the COVID-19 vaccines are expected to be added to VICP
Once it’s no longer in emergency use and is approved /recommended for children, it should go into the VICP
There is bipartisan legislation in Congress to expedite the addition of new vaccines to VICP within 6 months, which normally can take upward of two years,.
Secretary of HHS may add vaccines to the Vaccine Injury Table that are (1) subject to the excise tax; and (2) recommended by the CDC for routine administration to children or pregnant women
After the Emergency is lifted Congress must first add the Comirnaty Vaccine to the Excise Tax list before HHS can add it to the Vaccine Injury Table , FDA must approve it for Children and CDC must recommend the approved vaccine for Children and Pregnant Woman
Much like they did when they added flu vaccines to VICP
So I rest my case. But this leads to the obvious question if I am right. Why push these vaccines on children where there is no clear benefit and an obvious risk, if not for something as important as maintaining a liability exemption?
Many people are not pursuing this important question as they are satisfied that the liability exemption myth explains it. People will do anything for money. Perhaps thats the reason for promoting this falsehood?. To keep people from exploring a more sinister agenda?
I cant read minds so I can’t say for sure why . Another of life’s great mysteries