As many struggle through the ridiculous and Deadly Evil COVID theater, an engineered Economic Crisis due to supply manipulations and inflation from collusion by the monopolistic price makers, not to mention the over hyped Ukraine -Russia War which was clearly provoked to facilitate the WEF Great Reset Agenda , its hard to step back and imagine the End Game (beyond depopulation and massive reduction in living standards) .
Excerpts from this excellent article from Alison McDowell may help. Suggest you read the whole thing
Social impact bonds and pay for success deals, are designed to be data-driven. It is the “impact metrics” that enable the world’s richest to profit off misery. The general idea is that social problems are assigned a cost, which creates an offset that is used to fund “evidence-based” “solutions.”
The premise is that if you “fix” a poor person before they become incarcerated, diabetic, underemployed, or mentally-ill, you reduce the cost to tax-payers, and the investor can take a slice of the cost differential as a return on investment.
Philanthropists, acting on behalf of finance and technology interests, fund academics at elite institutions to formulate “human capital” equations that justify this predatory enterprise
The World Economic Forum makes it very clear that through artificial intelligence, quantum computing, 6G, and synthetic biology the global elite intend to reengineer humanity to their own twisted ends.
The masses, useless eaters, shall be disposed of, but profitably through creative debt structuring. The next “big short” won’t be toxic bundled mortgages, but rather human capital futures comprised of poor toddlers, returning citizens, the disabled and the elderly.
The Commons Project, a partnership of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF), intends to control the masses using real-time health data that will dictate rights to access work, education, and. Digital vaccination records will, in effect, become slave passes
...the end game is to turn the entire world into a digital jail run on blockchain...They want to track the “useless eaters” like livestock, and monitor us in the panopticon of smart cities using phones ....and eventually wearable and implantable (chip) technologies.
In this brave new world of pandemic preparedness, health security finance, vaccine bonds, and Goldman Sachs’ lockdown indices, the central banks intend to lay claim to bodies and minds.
The plan is for re-skilling for Fourth Industrial Revolution industries be done through Income Sharing Agreements(ISAs) in which people sign contracts to have their future wages garnished to pay back “investors” in their training.
The global reskilling will be done under the banner of a Green New Deal, a faux-rebellion staged to profit corporate masters using the best behavioral engineering money can buy.
The human capital commodities markets run on data. For this reason we must agree to push education, medicine, therapy and other services into the cloud, so data analysts can gather the metrics in service of “pay for success.”
Picture life as a Pokémon-Go experience. Niantic and the Knight Foundation describe this as augmented cities. Now imagine a virtual fence, the kind you might use for a pet, adjusted in real time from a phone.
To this mix add digital welfare benefits that are conditional and activated only upon demonstrated completion of assigned “self-improvement” tasks.
Throw in low-cost mobile devices for digital wallets, stick QR codes in key locations, add drones and robot police dogs, slave patrols remade for mega-city asymmetrical warfare
In Australia they are already pitching the idea of “walk for the dole,” and they have remade their disability benefits as tokens on blockchain. They call it “programmable money.”
This “social improvement” plan has been in the works for years, set up by the “Giving Pledge” signers, “The Good Club.” The billionaires know what’s best for you, and are going to “help” whether you like it or not.
They cover the big game (Sidewalk Labs, smart city infrastructure) and the small game (the NEST unit that controls your home environment).
Eric Schmidt is working with Cuomo to “Reimagine New York,” including vaccine mandates. The “show me your papers” digital control mechanism works only as far as you can require continuous upgrades to that Gates Foundation-backed “software of life.”
Their intent is to manage us through our digital dust linked to our actions within smart environments. All of that dust feeds signals intelligence informing hedge fund artificial intelligence that will be betting for us and against us in the near future.
The human capital bond market program is running through the central banking system and is closely tied to the adoption of digital wallets designed to hold all sorts of tokenized assets including currencies, civil records, public benefits, and even rights and privileges.
Criminalized poverty will put families on pathways of compulsory self-improvement. E-carceration takes on a whole new meaning in this era of the Internet of Bodies that is being advanced by the WEF.
Very few realize that ESG investments aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are mostly about managing the poor as data. Goal 1 is poverty. Goal 2 is Hunger. Goal 3 is health. Goal 4 is education.
No one stops to consider that creating profitable markets in poverty management is no way to solve poverty (if its profitable they will want more poverty)
It is time to wake up to the reality that social entrepreneurship is about mining poverty for profit within a police state that is increasingly being run by artificial intelligence with drone surveillance.